package; import java.util.List; import; /** * 序列hamming distance * @author xpqiu * */ public class HammingLoss implements Loss { private float calc(List l1, List l2) { int ne = 0; for(int i=0; i<l1.size(); i++) { if (!l1.get(i).equals(l2.get(i))) ne++; } return ne; } private float calc(int[] l1,int[] l2) { int ne = 0; for(int i=0; i<l1.length; i++) { if (l1[i] != l2[i]) ne++; } return ne; } private float calc(String[] l1,String[] l2) { int ne = 0; for(int i=0; i<l1.length; i++) { if (l2[i] == null || l1[i].compareTo(l2[i])!=0) ne++; } return ne; } /** * 计算Hamming距离,l1和l2必须是同类型的对象 * @param l1 对象1(支持整型数组、字符串数组、链表) * @param l2 对象2(支持整型数组、字符串数组、链表) * @return Hamming距离 */ @Override public float calc(Object l1, Object l2) { if (!l1.getClass().equals(l2.getClass())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Exception in HammingLoss: l1 and l2 have different types"); float ret = 0; if (l1 instanceof int[]) { ret = calc((int[])l1, (int[])l2); }else if (l1 instanceof String[]) { ret = calc((String[])l1, (String[])l2); }else if (l1 instanceof List) { ret = calc((List)l1, (List)l2); }else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(""); } return ret; } }