package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import; import org.appwork.utils.Regex; import org.appwork.utils.encoding.Base64; public class HTTPProxyHTTPConnectionImpl extends HTTPConnectionImpl { private int httpPort; private String httpHost; private StringBuilder proxyRequest; private InetSocketAddress proxyInetSocketAddress = null; private boolean preferConnectMethod = true; public HTTPProxyHTTPConnectionImpl(final URL url, final HTTPProxy p) { super(url, p); this.preferConnectMethod = p.isConnectMethodPrefered(); } /* * SSL over HTTP Proxy, see * */ @Override public void connect() throws IOException { if (this.isConnected()) { return;/* oder fehler */ } try { if (this.proxy == null || !this.proxy.getType().equals(HTTPProxy.TYPE.HTTP)) { throw new IOException("HTTPProxyHTTPConnection: invalid HTTP Proxy!"); } if (this.proxy.getPass() != null && this.proxy.getPass().length() > 0 || this.proxy.getUser() != null && this.proxy.getUser().length() > 0) { /* add proxy auth in case username/pw are set */ final String user = this.proxy.getUser() == null ? "" : this.proxy.getUser(); final String pass = this.proxy.getPass() == null ? "" : this.proxy.getPass(); this.requestProperties.put("Proxy-Authorization", "Basic " + new String(Base64.encodeToByte((user + ":" + pass).getBytes(), false))); } final InetAddress hosts[] = this.resolvHostIP(this.proxy.getHost()); IOException ee = null; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (final InetAddress host : hosts) { this.httpSocket = new Socket(); this.httpSocket.setSoTimeout(this.readTimeout); try { /* create and connect to socks5 proxy */ startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.httpSocket.connect(this.proxyInetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(host, this.proxy.getPort()), this.connectTimeout); /* connection is okay */ ee = null; break; } catch (final IOException e) { /* connection failed, try next available ip */ this.proxyInetSocketAddress = null; try { this.httpSocket.close(); } catch (final Throwable e2) { } ee = e; } } if (ee != null) { throw new ProxyConnectException(ee, this.proxy); } this.requestTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; if (this.httpURL.getProtocol().startsWith("https") || this.isConnectMethodPrefered()) { /* ssl via CONNECT method or because we prefer CONNECT */ /* build CONNECT request */ this.proxyRequest = new StringBuilder(); this.proxyRequest.append("CONNECT "); this.proxyRequest.append(this.httpURL.getHost() + ":" + (this.httpURL.getPort() != -1 ? this.httpURL.getPort() : this.httpURL.getDefaultPort())); this.proxyRequest.append(" HTTP/1.1\r\n"); if (this.requestProperties.get("User-Agent") != null) { this.proxyRequest.append("User-Agent: " + this.requestProperties.get("User-Agent") + "\r\n"); } if (this.requestProperties.get("Host") != null) { /* use existing host header */ this.proxyRequest.append("Host: " + this.requestProperties.get("Host") + "\r\n"); } else { /* add host from url as fallback */ this.proxyRequest.append("Host: " + this.httpURL.getHost() + "\r\n"); } if (this.requestProperties.get("Proxy-Authorization") != null) { this.proxyRequest.append("Proxy-Authorization: " + this.requestProperties.get("Proxy-Authorization") + "\r\n"); } this.proxyRequest.append("\r\n"); /* send CONNECT to proxy */ this.httpSocket.getOutputStream().write(this.proxyRequest.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")); this.httpSocket.getOutputStream().flush(); /* parse CONNECT response */ ByteBuffer header = HTTPConnectionUtils.readheader(this.httpSocket.getInputStream(), true); byte[] bytes = new byte[header.limit()]; header.get(bytes); final String proxyResponseStatus = new String(bytes, "ISO-8859-1").trim(); this.proxyRequest.append(proxyResponseStatus + "\r\n"); String proxyCode = null; if (proxyResponseStatus.startsWith("HTTP")) { /* parse response code */ proxyCode = new Regex(proxyResponseStatus, "HTTP.*? (\\d+)").getMatch(0); } if (!"200".equals(proxyCode)) { /* something went wrong */ try { this.httpSocket.close(); } catch (final Throwable nothing) { } if ("407".equals(proxyCode)) { /* auth invalid/missing */ throw new ProxyAuthException(this.proxy); } throw new ProxyConnectException(this.proxy); } /* read rest of CONNECT headers */ /* * Again, the response follows the HTTP/1.0 protocol, so the * response line starts with the protocol version specifier, and * the response line is followed by zero or more response * headers, followed by an empty line. The line separator is CR * LF pair, or a single LF. */ while (true) { /* * read line by line until we reach the single empty line as * seperator */ header = HTTPConnectionUtils.readheader(this.httpSocket.getInputStream(), true); if (header.limit() <= 2) { /* empty line, <=2, as it may contains \r and/or \n */ break; } bytes = new byte[header.limit()]; header.get(bytes); final String temp = new String(bytes, "UTF-8").trim(); this.proxyRequest.append(temp + "\r\n"); } this.httpPort = this.httpURL.getPort(); this.httpHost = this.httpURL.getHost(); if (this.httpPort == -1) { this.httpPort = this.httpURL.getDefaultPort(); } if (this.httpURL.getProtocol().startsWith("https")) { SSLSocket sslSocket = null; try { final SSLSocketFactory socketFactory = TrustALLSSLFactory.getSSLFactoryTrustALL(); sslSocket = (SSLSocket) socketFactory.createSocket(this.httpSocket, this.httpHost, this.httpPort, true); sslSocket.startHandshake(); } catch (final SSLHandshakeException e) { try { sslSocket.close(); } catch (final Throwable e3) { } try { this.httpSocket.close(); } catch (final Throwable e2) { } throw new IOException("HTTPProxyHTTPConnection: " + e.toString()); } this.httpSocket = sslSocket; } /* httpPath needs to be like normal http request, eg /index.html */ this.httpPath = new org.appwork.utils.Regex(this.httpURL.toString(), "https?://.*?(/.+)").getMatch(0); if (this.httpPath == null) { this.httpPath = "/"; } } else { /* direct connect via proxy */ /* * httpPath needs to include complete path here, eg * */ this.proxyRequest = new StringBuilder("DIRECT\r\n"); this.httpPath = this.httpURL.toString(); } /* now send Request */ this.sendRequest(); } catch (final IOException e) { try { this.disconnect(); } catch (final Throwable e2) { } if (e instanceof HTTPProxyException) { throw e; } throw new ProxyConnectException(e, this.proxy); } } @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { this.connect(); this.connectInputStream(); if (this.getResponseCode() == 407) { /* auth invalid/missing */ throw new ProxyAuthException(this.proxy); } if (this.getResponseCode() == 504) { throw new ConnectException(this.getResponseCode() + " " + this.getResponseMessage()); } return super.getInputStream(); } @Override protected String getRequestInfo() { if (this.proxyRequest != null) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("-->HTTPProxy:").append(this.proxy.getHost() + ":" + this.proxy.getPort()).append("\r\n"); if (this.proxyInetSocketAddress != null && this.proxyInetSocketAddress.getAddress() != null) { sb.append("-->HTTPProxyIP:").append(this.proxyInetSocketAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress()).append("\r\n"); } sb.append("----------------CONNECTRequest(HTTP)------------\r\n"); sb.append(this.proxyRequest.toString()); sb.append("------------------------------------------------\r\n"); sb.append(super.getRequestInfo()); return sb.toString(); } return super.getRequestInfo(); } public boolean isConnectMethodPrefered() { return this.preferConnectMethod; } public void setPreferConnectMethod(final boolean preferConnectMethod) { this.preferConnectMethod = preferConnectMethod; } }