package com.frostwire.torrent; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SystemTime; final class Debug { public static void printStackTrace(Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } public static String getNestedExceptionMessage(Throwable e) { String last_message = ""; while (e != null) { String this_message; if (e instanceof UnknownHostException) { this_message = "Unknown host " + e.getMessage(); } else if (e instanceof FileNotFoundException) { this_message = "File not found: " + e.getMessage(); } else { this_message = e.getMessage(); } // if no exception message then pick up class name. if we have a deliberate // zero length string then we assume that the exception can be ignored for // logging purposes as it is just delegating if (this_message == null) { this_message = e.getClass().getName(); int pos = this_message.lastIndexOf("."); this_message = this_message.substring(pos + 1).trim(); } if (this_message.length() > 0 && last_message.indexOf(this_message) == -1) { last_message += (last_message.length() == 0 ? "" : ", ") + this_message; } e = e.getCause(); } return (last_message); } public static void out(final Throwable _exception) { out("", _exception); } /** * Prints out the given debug message to System.out, * prefixed by the calling class name, method and * line number, appending the stacktrace of the given exception. */ public static void out(final String _debug_msg, final Throwable _exception) { if ((_exception instanceof ConnectException) && _exception.getMessage().startsWith("No route to host")) { return; } if ((_exception instanceof UnknownHostException)) { return; } String header = "DEBUG::"; header = header + new Date(SystemTime.getCurrentTime()).toString() + "::"; String className; String methodName; int lineNumber; String trace_trace_tail = null; try { throw new Exception(); } catch (Exception e) { StackTraceElement[] st = e.getStackTrace(); StackTraceElement first_line = st[2]; className = first_line.getClassName() + "::"; methodName = first_line.getMethodName() + "::"; lineNumber = first_line.getLineNumber(); trace_trace_tail = getCompressedStackTrace(e, 3, 200, false); } System.err.println(header + className + (methodName) + lineNumber + ":"); if (_debug_msg.length() > 0) { System.err.println(" " + _debug_msg); } if (trace_trace_tail != null) { System.err.println(" " + trace_trace_tail); } if (_exception != null) { _exception.printStackTrace(); } } public static void out(String _debug_message) { out(_debug_message, null); } public static String getNestedExceptionMessageAndStack(Throwable e) { return (getNestedExceptionMessage(e) + ", " + getCompressedStackTrace(e, 0)); } private static String getCompressedStackTrace(Throwable t, int frames_to_skip) { return getCompressedStackTrace(t, frames_to_skip, 200); } public static String getCompressedStackTrace(Throwable t, int frames_to_skip, int iMaxLines) { return getCompressedStackTrace(t, frames_to_skip, iMaxLines, true); } public static String getCompressedStackTrace(Throwable t, int frames_to_skip, int iMaxLines, boolean showErrString) { StringBuffer sbStackTrace = new StringBuffer(showErrString ? (t.toString() + "; ") : ""); StackTraceElement[] st = t.getStackTrace(); if (iMaxLines < 0) { iMaxLines = st.length + iMaxLines; if (iMaxLines < 0) { iMaxLines = 1; } } int iMax = Math.min(st.length, iMaxLines + frames_to_skip); for (int i = frames_to_skip; i < iMax; i++) { if (i > frames_to_skip) { sbStackTrace.append(", "); } String classname = st[i].getClassName(); String cnShort = classname.substring(classname.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); sbStackTrace.append(cnShort); sbStackTrace.append("::"); sbStackTrace.append(st[i].getMethodName()); sbStackTrace.append("::"); sbStackTrace.append(st[i].getLineNumber()); } Throwable cause = t.getCause(); if (cause != null) { sbStackTrace.append("\n\tCaused By: "); sbStackTrace.append(getCompressedStackTrace(cause, 0)); } return sbStackTrace.toString(); } }