package com.fsck.k9.message; import com.fsck.k9.Account.QuoteStyle; import com.fsck.k9.mail.internet.TextBody; import com.fsck.k9.message.quote.InsertableHtmlContent; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.experimental.theories.DataPoints; import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theories; import org.junit.experimental.theories.Theory; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.instanceOf; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; //TODO: Get rid of 'Theories' and write simple tests @Ignore @RunWith(Theories.class) public class TextBodyBuilderTest { @DataPoints public static boolean[] BOOLEANS = { true, false }; @DataPoints public static QuoteStyle[] QUOTESTYLES = { QuoteStyle.PREFIX, QuoteStyle.HEADER }; @Theory public void testBuildTextPlain(boolean includeQuotedText, QuoteStyle quoteStyle, boolean isReplyAfterQuote, boolean isSignatureUse, boolean isSignatureBeforeQuotedText, boolean isDraft) { String expectedText; int expectedMessageLength; int expectedMessagePosition; // 1.quoted text // 2.message content // 3.signature if (quoteStyle == QuoteStyle.PREFIX && isReplyAfterQuote) { String expectedQuotedText = ""; if (isDraft || includeQuotedText) { expectedQuotedText = "quoted text" + "\r\n"; } expectedText = expectedQuotedText; expectedText += "message content"; if (!isDraft && isSignatureUse) { expectedText += "\r\n" + "signature"; } expectedMessageLength = "message content".length(); expectedMessagePosition = expectedQuotedText.length(); } // 1.message content // 2.signature // 3.quoted text else if (isSignatureBeforeQuotedText) { expectedText = "message content"; if (!isDraft && isSignatureUse) { expectedText += "\r\n" + "signature"; } if (isDraft || includeQuotedText) { expectedText += "\r\n\r\nquoted text"; } expectedMessageLength = "message content".length(); expectedMessagePosition = 0; } // 1.message content // 2.quoted text // 3.signature else { expectedText = "message content"; if (isDraft || includeQuotedText) { expectedText += "\r\n\r\nquoted text"; } if (!isDraft && isSignatureUse) { expectedText += "\r\n" + "signature"; } expectedMessageLength = "message content".length(); expectedMessagePosition = 0; } String quotedText = "quoted text"; String messageText = "message content"; String signatureText = "signature"; TestingTextBodyBuilder textBodyBuilder = new TestingTextBodyBuilder( includeQuotedText, isDraft, quoteStyle, isReplyAfterQuote, isSignatureBeforeQuotedText, isSignatureUse, messageText, signatureText ); textBodyBuilder.setQuotedText(quotedText); TextBody textBody = textBodyBuilder.buildTextPlain(); assertThat(textBody, instanceOf(TextBody.class)); assertThat(textBody.getRawText(), is(expectedText)); assertThat(textBody.getComposedMessageLength(), is(expectedMessageLength)); assertThat(textBody.getComposedMessageOffset(), is(expectedMessagePosition)); assertThat(textBody.getRawText().substring(expectedMessagePosition, expectedMessagePosition + expectedMessageLength), is("message content")); } /** * generate expected HtmlContent debug string * * @param expectedText * @param quotedContent * @param footerInsertionPoint * @param isBefore * @param userContent * @param compiledResult * @return expected string * * @see InsertableHtmlContent#toDebugString() */ public String makeExpectedHtmlContent(String expectedText, String quotedContent, int footerInsertionPoint, boolean isBefore, String userContent, String compiledResult) { String expectedHtmlContent = "InsertableHtmlContent{" + "headerInsertionPoint=0," + " footerInsertionPoint=" + footerInsertionPoint + "," + " insertionLocation=" + (isBefore ? "BEFORE_QUOTE" : "AFTER_QUOTE") + "," + " quotedContent=" + quotedContent + "," + " userContent=" + userContent + "," + " compiledResult=" + compiledResult + "}"; return expectedHtmlContent; } @Theory public void testBuildTextHtml(boolean includeQuotedText, QuoteStyle quoteStyle, boolean isReplyAfterQuote, boolean isSignatureUse, boolean isSignatureBeforeQuotedText, boolean isDraft) { String expectedText; int expectedMessageLength; int expectedMessagePosition = 0; String expectedHtmlContent; String expectedPrefix = ""; if (includeQuotedText && quoteStyle == QuoteStyle.PREFIX && isReplyAfterQuote && !isDraft) { expectedPrefix = "<br clear=\"all\">"; } String expectedPostfix = ""; if (!isDraft && includeQuotedText) { expectedPostfix = "<br><br>"; } // 1.quoted text // 2.message content // 3.signature if (quoteStyle == QuoteStyle.PREFIX && isReplyAfterQuote) { expectedText = expectedPrefix + "<html>message content"; if (!isDraft && isSignatureUse) { expectedText += "\r\n" + "signature"; } expectedText += "</html>"; expectedMessageLength = expectedText.length(); String quotedContent = "quoted text"; if (isDraft || includeQuotedText) { expectedHtmlContent = makeExpectedHtmlContent(expectedText, quotedContent, 0, false, expectedText, expectedText + quotedContent); expectedText += quotedContent; } else { expectedHtmlContent = makeExpectedHtmlContent(expectedText, quotedContent, 0, true, "", quotedContent); // expectedText += quotedContent; } } // 1.message content // 2.signature // 3.quoted text else if (isSignatureBeforeQuotedText) { expectedText = expectedPrefix + "<html>message content"; if (!isDraft && isSignatureUse) { expectedText += "\r\n" + "signature"; } expectedText += "</html>"; expectedText += expectedPostfix; expectedMessageLength = expectedText.length(); String quotedContent = "quoted text"; if (isDraft || includeQuotedText) { expectedHtmlContent = makeExpectedHtmlContent(expectedText, quotedContent, 0, true, expectedText, expectedText + quotedContent); expectedText += quotedContent; } else { expectedHtmlContent = makeExpectedHtmlContent(expectedText, quotedContent, 0, true, "", quotedContent); // expectedText += quotedContent; } } // 1.message content // 2.quoted text // 3.signature else { String expectedSignature = ""; expectedText = expectedPrefix + "<html>message content"; if (!isDraft && isSignatureUse) { if (!includeQuotedText) { expectedText += "\r\n" + "signature"; } else { expectedSignature = "<html>\r\nsignature</html>"; } } expectedText += "</html>"; expectedText += expectedPostfix; expectedMessageLength = expectedText.length(); String quotedContent = "quoted text"; if (isDraft || includeQuotedText) { expectedHtmlContent = makeExpectedHtmlContent(expectedText, expectedSignature + quotedContent, expectedSignature.length(), true, expectedText, expectedText + expectedSignature + quotedContent); expectedText += expectedSignature + quotedContent; } else { expectedHtmlContent = makeExpectedHtmlContent(expectedText, quotedContent, 0, true, "", quotedContent); // expectedText += quotedContent; } } InsertableHtmlContent insertableHtmlContent = new InsertableHtmlContent(); String quotedText = "quoted text"; insertableHtmlContent.setQuotedContent(new StringBuilder(quotedText)); String messageText = "message content"; String signatureText = "signature"; TestingTextBodyBuilder textBodyBuilder = new TestingTextBodyBuilder( includeQuotedText, isDraft, quoteStyle, isReplyAfterQuote, isSignatureBeforeQuotedText, isSignatureUse, messageText, signatureText ); textBodyBuilder.setQuotedTextHtml(insertableHtmlContent); TextBody textBody = textBodyBuilder.buildTextHtml(); assertThat(textBody, instanceOf(TextBody.class)); assertThat(textBody.getRawText(), is(expectedText)); assertThat(textBody.getComposedMessageLength(), is(expectedMessageLength)); assertThat(textBody.getComposedMessageOffset(), is(expectedMessagePosition)); assertThat(insertableHtmlContent.toDebugString(), is(expectedHtmlContent)); } static class TestingTextBodyBuilder extends TextBodyBuilder { public TestingTextBodyBuilder(boolean includeQuotedText, boolean isDraft, QuoteStyle quoteStyle, boolean replyAfterQuote, boolean signatureBeforeQuotedText, boolean useSignature, String messageText, String signatureText) { super(messageText); includeQuotedText = (isDraft || includeQuotedText); if (includeQuotedText) { this.setIncludeQuotedText(true); this.setReplyAfterQuote(quoteStyle == QuoteStyle.PREFIX && replyAfterQuote); } else { this.setIncludeQuotedText(false); } this.setInsertSeparator(!isDraft); useSignature = (!isDraft && useSignature); if (useSignature) { this.setAppendSignature(true); this.setSignature(signatureText); this.setSignatureBeforeQuotedText(signatureBeforeQuotedText); } else { this.setAppendSignature(false); } } // HtmlConverter depends on Android. // So we use dummy method for tests. @Override protected String textToHtmlFragment(String text) { return "<html>" + text + "</html>"; } } }