package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.fsck.k9.mail.K9MailLib; import com.fsck.k9.mail.filter.FixedLengthInputStream; import com.fsck.k9.mail.filter.PeekableInputStream; import timber.log.Timber; import static com.fsck.k9.mail.K9MailLib.DEBUG_PROTOCOL_IMAP; class ImapResponseParser { private PeekableInputStream inputStream; private ImapResponse response; private Exception exception; public ImapResponseParser(PeekableInputStream in) { this.inputStream = in; } public ImapResponse readResponse() throws IOException { return readResponse(null); } /** * Reads the next response available on the stream and returns an {@code ImapResponse} object that represents it. */ public ImapResponse readResponse(ImapResponseCallback callback) throws IOException { try { int peek = inputStream.peek(); if (peek == '+') { readContinuationRequest(callback); } else if (peek == '*') { readUntaggedResponse(callback); } else { readTaggedResponse(callback); } if (exception != null) { throw new ImapResponseParserException("readResponse(): Exception in callback method", exception); } return response; } finally { response = null; exception = null; } } private void readContinuationRequest(ImapResponseCallback callback) throws IOException { parseCommandContinuationRequest(); response = ImapResponse.newContinuationRequest(callback); skipIfSpace(); String rest = readStringUntilEndOfLine(); response.add(rest); } private void readUntaggedResponse(ImapResponseCallback callback) throws IOException { parseUntaggedResponse(); response = ImapResponse.newUntaggedResponse(callback); readTokens(response); } private void readTaggedResponse(ImapResponseCallback callback) throws IOException { String tag = parseTaggedResponse(); response = ImapResponse.newTaggedResponse(callback, tag); readTokens(response); } List<ImapResponse> readStatusResponse(String tag, String commandToLog, String logId, UntaggedHandler untaggedHandler) throws IOException, NegativeImapResponseException { List<ImapResponse> responses = new ArrayList<ImapResponse>(); ImapResponse response; do { response = readResponse(); if (K9MailLib.isDebug() && DEBUG_PROTOCOL_IMAP) { Timber.v("%s<<<%s", logId, response); } if (response.getTag() != null && !response.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase(tag)) { Timber.w("After sending tag %s, got tag response from previous command %s for %s", tag, response, logId); Iterator<ImapResponse> responseIterator = responses.iterator(); while (responseIterator.hasNext()) { ImapResponse delResponse =; if (delResponse.getTag() != null || delResponse.size() < 2 || ( !equalsIgnoreCase(delResponse.get(1), Responses.EXISTS) && !equalsIgnoreCase(delResponse.get(1), Responses.EXPUNGE))) { responseIterator.remove(); } } response = null; continue; } if (response.getTag() == null && untaggedHandler != null) { untaggedHandler.handleAsyncUntaggedResponse(response); } responses.add(response); } while (response == null || response.getTag() == null); if (response.size() < 1 || !equalsIgnoreCase(response.get(0), Responses.OK)) { String message = "Command: " + commandToLog + "; response: " + response.toString(); throw new NegativeImapResponseException(message, responses); } return responses; } private void readTokens(ImapResponse response) throws IOException { response.clear(); Object firstToken = readToken(response); checkTokenIsString(firstToken); String symbol = (String) firstToken; response.add(symbol); if (isStatusResponse(symbol)) { parseResponseText(response); } else if (equalsIgnoreCase(symbol, Responses.LIST) || equalsIgnoreCase(symbol, Responses.LSUB)) { parseListResponse(response); } else { Object token; while ((token = readToken(response)) != null) { if (!(token instanceof ImapList)) { response.add(token); } } } } /** * Parse {@code resp-text} tokens * <p> * Responses "OK", "PREAUTH", "BYE", "NO", "BAD", and continuation request responses can * contain {@code resp-text} tokens. We parse the {@code resp-text-code} part as tokens and * read the rest as sequence of characters to avoid the parser interpreting things like * "{123}" as start of a literal. * </p> * <p>Example:</p> * <p> * {@code * OK [UIDVALIDITY 3857529045] UIDs valid} * </p> * <p> * See RFC 3501, Section 9 Formal Syntax (resp-text) * </p> * * @param parent * The {@link ImapResponse} instance that holds the parsed tokens of the response. * * @throws IOException * If there's a network error. * * @see #isStatusResponse(String) */ private void parseResponseText(ImapResponse parent) throws IOException { skipIfSpace(); int next = inputStream.peek(); if (next == '[') { parseList(parent, '[', ']'); skipIfSpace(); } String rest = readStringUntilEndOfLine(); if (rest != null && !rest.isEmpty()) { // The rest is free-form text. parent.add(rest); } } private void parseListResponse(ImapResponse response) throws IOException { expect(' '); parseList(response, '(', ')'); expect(' '); String delimiter = parseQuotedOrNil(); response.add(delimiter); expect(' '); String name = parseString(); response.add(name); expect('\r'); expect('\n'); } private void skipIfSpace() throws IOException { if (inputStream.peek() == ' ') { expect(' '); } } /** * Reads the next token of the response. The token can be one of: String - * for NIL, QUOTED, NUMBER, ATOM. Object - for LITERAL. * ImapList - for PARENTHESIZED LIST. Can contain any of the above * elements including List. * * @return The next token in the response or null if there are no more * tokens. */ private Object readToken(ImapResponse response) throws IOException { while (true) { Object token = parseToken(response); if (token == null || !(token.equals(")") || token.equals("]"))) { return token; } } } private Object parseToken(ImapList parent) throws IOException { while (true) { int ch = inputStream.peek(); if (ch == '(') { return parseList(parent, '(', ')'); } else if (ch == '[') { return parseList(parent, '[', ']'); } else if (ch == ')') { expect(')'); return ")"; } else if (ch == ']') { expect(']'); return "]"; } else if (ch == '"') { return parseQuoted(); } else if (ch == '{') { return parseLiteral(); } else if (ch == ' ') { expect(' '); } else if (ch == '\r') { expect('\r'); expect('\n'); return null; } else if (ch == '\n') { expect('\n'); return null; } else if (ch == '\t') { expect('\t'); } else { return parseBareString(true); } } } private String parseString() throws IOException { int ch = inputStream.peek(); if (ch == '"') { return parseQuoted(); } else if (ch == '{') { return (String) parseLiteral(); } else { return parseBareString(false); } } private boolean parseCommandContinuationRequest() throws IOException { expect('+'); return true; } private void parseUntaggedResponse() throws IOException { expect('*'); expect(' '); } private String parseTaggedResponse() throws IOException { return readStringUntil(' '); } private ImapList parseList(ImapList parent, char start, char end) throws IOException { expect(start); ImapList list = new ImapList(); parent.add(list); String endString = String.valueOf(end); Object token; while (true) { token = parseToken(list); if (token == null) { return null; } else if (token.equals(endString)) { break; } else if (!(token instanceof ImapList)) { list.add(token); } } return list; } private String parseBareString(boolean allowBrackets) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int ch; while (true) { ch = inputStream.peek(); if (ch == -1) { throw new IOException("parseBareString(): end of stream reached"); } if (ch == '(' || ch == ')' || (allowBrackets && (ch == '[' || ch == ']')) || ch == '{' || ch == ' ' || ch == '"' || (ch >= 0x00 && ch <= 0x1f) || ch == 0x7f) { if (sb.length() == 0) { throw new IOException(String.format("parseBareString(): (%04x %c)", ch, ch)); } return sb.toString(); } else { sb.append((char); } } } /** * A "{" has been read. Read the rest of the size string, the space and then notify the callback with an * {@code InputStream}. */ private Object parseLiteral() throws IOException { expect('{'); int size = Integer.parseInt(readStringUntil('}')); expect('\r'); expect('\n'); if (size == 0) { return ""; } if (response.getCallback() != null) { FixedLengthInputStream fixed = new FixedLengthInputStream(inputStream, size); Exception callbackException = null; Object result = null; try { result = response.getCallback().foundLiteral(response, fixed); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { callbackException = e; } boolean someDataWasRead = fixed.available() != size; if (someDataWasRead) { if (result == null && callbackException == null) { throw new AssertionError("Callback consumed some data but returned no result"); } fixed.skipRemaining(); } if (callbackException != null) { if (exception == null) { exception = callbackException; } return "EXCEPTION"; } if (result != null) { return result; } } byte[] data = new byte[size]; int read = 0; while (read != size) { int count =, read, size - read); if (count == -1) { throw new IOException("parseLiteral(): end of stream reached"); } read += count; } return new String(data, "US-ASCII"); } private String parseQuoted() throws IOException { expect('"'); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int ch; boolean escape = false; while ((ch = != -1) { if (!escape && ch == '\\') { // Found the escape character escape = true; } else if (!escape && ch == '"') { return sb.toString(); } else { sb.append((char) ch); escape = false; } } throw new IOException("parseQuoted(): end of stream reached"); } private String parseQuotedOrNil() throws IOException { int peek = inputStream.peek(); if (peek == '"') { return parseQuoted(); } else { parseNil(); return null; } } private void parseNil() throws IOException { expect('N'); expect('I'); expect('L'); } private String readStringUntil(char end) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int ch; while ((ch = != -1) { if (ch == end) { return sb.toString(); } else { sb.append((char) ch); } } throw new IOException("readStringUntil(): end of stream reached"); } private String readStringUntilEndOfLine() throws IOException { String rest = readStringUntil('\r'); expect('\n'); return rest; } private void expect(char expected) throws IOException { int readByte =; if (readByte != expected) { throw new IOException(String.format("Expected %04x (%c) but got %04x (%c)", (int) expected, expected, readByte, (char) readByte)); } } private boolean isStatusResponse(String symbol) { return symbol.equalsIgnoreCase(Responses.OK) || symbol.equalsIgnoreCase(Responses.NO) || symbol.equalsIgnoreCase(Responses.BAD) || symbol.equalsIgnoreCase(Responses.PREAUTH) || symbol.equalsIgnoreCase(Responses.BYE); } static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(Object token, String symbol) { if (token == null || !(token instanceof String)) { return false; } return symbol.equalsIgnoreCase((String) token); } private void checkTokenIsString(Object token) throws IOException { if (!(token instanceof String)) { throw new IOException("Unexpected non-string token: " + token.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - " + token); } } }