package com.fsck.k9.activity; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentSender; import android.content.Loader; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import; import timber.log.Timber; import com.fsck.k9.Account; import com.fsck.k9.K9; import com.fsck.k9.Preferences; import com.fsck.k9.controller.MessagingController; import com.fsck.k9.controller.MessagingListener; import com.fsck.k9.controller.SimpleMessagingListener; import com.fsck.k9.helper.RetainFragment; import com.fsck.k9.mail.Flag; import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.LocalMessage; import com.fsck.k9.mailstore.MessageViewInfo; import com.fsck.k9.ui.crypto.MessageCryptoAnnotations; import com.fsck.k9.ui.crypto.MessageCryptoCallback; import com.fsck.k9.ui.crypto.MessageCryptoHelper; import com.fsck.k9.ui.message.LocalMessageExtractorLoader; import com.fsck.k9.ui.message.LocalMessageLoader; import org.openintents.openpgp.OpenPgpDecryptionResult; /** This class is responsible for loading a message start to finish, and * retaining or reloading the loading state on configuration changes. * * In particular, it takes care of the following: * - load raw message data from the database, using LocalMessageLoader * - download partial message content if it is missing using MessagingController * - apply crypto operations if applicable, using MessageCryptoHelper * - extract MessageViewInfo from the message and crypto data using DecodeMessageLoader * - download complete message content for partially downloaded messages if requested * * No state is retained in this object itself. Instead, state is stored in the * message loaders and the MessageCryptoHelper which is stored in a * RetainFragment. The public interface is intended for use by an Activity or * Fragment, which should construct a new instance of this class in onCreate, * then call asyncStartOrResumeLoadingMessage to start or resume loading the * message, receiving callbacks when it is loaded. * * When the Activity or Fragment is ultimately destroyed, it should call * onDestroy, which stops loading and deletes all state kept in loaders and * fragments by this object. If it is only destroyed for a configuration * change, it should call onDestroyChangingConfigurations, which cancels any * further callbacks from this object but retains the loading state to resume * from at the next call to asyncStartOrResumeLoadingMessage. * * If the message is already loaded, a call to asyncStartOrResumeLoadingMessage * will typically load by starting the decode message loader, retrieving the * already cached LocalMessage. This message will be passed to the retained * CryptoMessageHelper instance, returning the already cached * MessageCryptoAnnotations. These two objects will be checked against the * retained DecodeMessageLoader, returning the final result. At each * intermediate step, the input of the respective loaders will be checked for * consistency, reloading if there is a mismatch. * */ public class MessageLoaderHelper { private static final int LOCAL_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID = 1; private static final int DECODE_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID = 2; // injected state - all of this may be cleared to avoid data leakage! private Context context; private FragmentManager fragmentManager; private LoaderManager loaderManager; @Nullable // make this explicitly nullable, make sure to cancel/ignore any operation if this is null private MessageLoaderCallbacks callback; // transient state private MessageReference messageReference; private Account account; private LocalMessage localMessage; private MessageCryptoAnnotations messageCryptoAnnotations; private OpenPgpDecryptionResult cachedDecryptionResult; private MessageCryptoHelper messageCryptoHelper; public MessageLoaderHelper(Context context, LoaderManager loaderManager, FragmentManager fragmentManager, @NonNull MessageLoaderCallbacks callback) { this.context = context; this.loaderManager = loaderManager; this.fragmentManager = fragmentManager; this.callback = callback; } // public interface @UiThread public void asyncStartOrResumeLoadingMessage(MessageReference messageReference, Parcelable cachedDecryptionResult) { this.messageReference = messageReference; this.account = Preferences.getPreferences(context).getAccount(messageReference.getAccountUuid()); if (cachedDecryptionResult != null) { if (cachedDecryptionResult instanceof OpenPgpDecryptionResult) { this.cachedDecryptionResult = (OpenPgpDecryptionResult) cachedDecryptionResult; } else { Timber.e("Got decryption result of unknown type - ignoring"); } } startOrResumeLocalMessageLoader(); } @UiThread public void asyncReloadMessage() { startOrResumeLocalMessageLoader(); } @UiThread public void asyncRestartMessageCryptoProcessing() { cancelAndClearCryptoOperation(); cancelAndClearDecodeLoader(); if (K9.isOpenPgpProviderConfigured()) { startOrResumeCryptoOperation(); } else { startOrResumeDecodeMessage(); } } /** Cancels all loading processes, prevents future callbacks, and destroys all loading state. */ @UiThread public void onDestroy() { if (messageCryptoHelper != null) { messageCryptoHelper.cancelIfRunning(); } callback = null; context = null; fragmentManager = null; loaderManager = null; } /** Prevents future callbacks, but retains loading state to pick up from in a call to * asyncStartOrResumeLoadingMessage in a new instance of this class. */ @UiThread public void onDestroyChangingConfigurations() { cancelAndClearDecodeLoader(); if (messageCryptoHelper != null) { messageCryptoHelper.detachCallback(); } callback = null; context = null; fragmentManager = null; loaderManager = null; } @UiThread public void downloadCompleteMessage() { startDownloadingMessageBody(true); } @UiThread public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { messageCryptoHelper.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } // load from database private void startOrResumeLocalMessageLoader() { LocalMessageLoader loader = (LocalMessageLoader) loaderManager.<LocalMessage>getLoader(LOCAL_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID); boolean isLoaderStale = (loader == null) || !loader.isCreatedFor(messageReference); if (isLoaderStale) { Timber.d("Creating new local message loader"); cancelAndClearCryptoOperation(); cancelAndClearDecodeLoader(); loaderManager.restartLoader(LOCAL_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID, null, localMessageLoaderCallback); } else { Timber.d("Reusing local message loader"); loaderManager.initLoader(LOCAL_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID, null, localMessageLoaderCallback); } } @UiThread private void onLoadMessageFromDatabaseFinished() { if (callback == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected call when callback is already detached"); } callback.onMessageDataLoadFinished(localMessage); boolean messageIncomplete = !localMessage.isSet(Flag.X_DOWNLOADED_FULL) && !localMessage.isSet(Flag.X_DOWNLOADED_PARTIAL); if (messageIncomplete) { startDownloadingMessageBody(false); return; } if (K9.isOpenPgpProviderConfigured()) { startOrResumeCryptoOperation(); return; } startOrResumeDecodeMessage(); } private void onLoadMessageFromDatabaseFailed() { if (callback == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected call when callback is already detached"); } callback.onMessageDataLoadFailed(); } private void cancelAndClearLocalMessageLoader() { loaderManager.destroyLoader(LOCAL_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID); } private LoaderCallbacks<LocalMessage> localMessageLoaderCallback = new LoaderCallbacks<LocalMessage>() { @Override public Loader<LocalMessage> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) { if (id != LOCAL_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID) { throw new IllegalStateException("loader id must be message loader id"); } return new LocalMessageLoader(context, MessagingController.getInstance(context), account, messageReference); } @Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader<LocalMessage> loader, LocalMessage message) { if (loader.getId() != LOCAL_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID) { throw new IllegalStateException("loader id must be message loader id"); } localMessage = message; if (message == null) { onLoadMessageFromDatabaseFailed(); } else { onLoadMessageFromDatabaseFinished(); } } @Override public void onLoaderReset(Loader<LocalMessage> loader) { if (loader.getId() != LOCAL_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID) { throw new IllegalStateException("loader id must be message loader id"); } // Do nothing } }; // process with crypto helper private void startOrResumeCryptoOperation() { RetainFragment<MessageCryptoHelper> retainCryptoHelperFragment = getMessageCryptoHelperRetainFragment(true); if (retainCryptoHelperFragment.hasData()) { messageCryptoHelper = retainCryptoHelperFragment.getData(); } if (messageCryptoHelper == null || messageCryptoHelper.isConfiguredForOutdatedCryptoProvider()) { messageCryptoHelper = new MessageCryptoHelper(context); retainCryptoHelperFragment.setData(messageCryptoHelper); } messageCryptoHelper.asyncStartOrResumeProcessingMessage( localMessage, messageCryptoCallback, cachedDecryptionResult); } private void cancelAndClearCryptoOperation() { RetainFragment<MessageCryptoHelper> retainCryptoHelperFragment = getMessageCryptoHelperRetainFragment(false); if (retainCryptoHelperFragment != null) { if (retainCryptoHelperFragment.hasData()) { messageCryptoHelper = retainCryptoHelperFragment.getData(); messageCryptoHelper.cancelIfRunning(); messageCryptoHelper = null; } retainCryptoHelperFragment.clearAndRemove(fragmentManager); } } private RetainFragment<MessageCryptoHelper> getMessageCryptoHelperRetainFragment(boolean createIfNotExists) { if (createIfNotExists) { return RetainFragment.findOrCreate(fragmentManager, "crypto_helper_" + messageReference.hashCode()); } else { return RetainFragment.findOrNull(fragmentManager, "crypto_helper_" + messageReference.hashCode()); } } private MessageCryptoCallback messageCryptoCallback = new MessageCryptoCallback() { @Override public void onCryptoHelperProgress(int current, int max) { if (callback == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected call when callback is already detached"); } callback.setLoadingProgress(current, max); } @Override public void onCryptoOperationsFinished(MessageCryptoAnnotations annotations) { if (callback == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected call when callback is already detached"); } messageCryptoAnnotations = annotations; startOrResumeDecodeMessage(); } @Override public void startPendingIntentForCryptoHelper(IntentSender si, int requestCode, Intent fillIntent, int flagsMask, int flagValues, int extraFlags) { if (callback == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected call when callback is already detached"); } callback.startIntentSenderForMessageLoaderHelper(si, requestCode, fillIntent, flagsMask, flagValues, extraFlags); } }; // decode message private void startOrResumeDecodeMessage() { LocalMessageExtractorLoader loader = (LocalMessageExtractorLoader) loaderManager.<MessageViewInfo>getLoader(DECODE_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID); boolean isLoaderStale = (loader == null) || !loader.isCreatedFor(localMessage, messageCryptoAnnotations); if (isLoaderStale) { Timber.d("Creating new decode message loader"); loaderManager.restartLoader(DECODE_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID, null, decodeMessageLoaderCallback); } else { Timber.d("Reusing decode message loader"); loaderManager.initLoader(DECODE_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID, null, decodeMessageLoaderCallback); } } private void onDecodeMessageFinished(MessageViewInfo messageViewInfo) { if (callback == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected call when callback is already detached"); } if (messageViewInfo == null) { messageViewInfo = createErrorStateMessageViewInfo(); callback.onMessageViewInfoLoadFailed(messageViewInfo); return; } callback.onMessageViewInfoLoadFinished(messageViewInfo); } @NonNull private MessageViewInfo createErrorStateMessageViewInfo() { boolean isMessageIncomplete = !localMessage.isSet(Flag.X_DOWNLOADED_FULL); return MessageViewInfo.createWithErrorState(localMessage, isMessageIncomplete); } private void cancelAndClearDecodeLoader() { loaderManager.destroyLoader(DECODE_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID); } private LoaderCallbacks<MessageViewInfo> decodeMessageLoaderCallback = new LoaderCallbacks<MessageViewInfo>() { @Override public Loader<MessageViewInfo> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) { if (id != DECODE_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID) { throw new IllegalStateException("loader id must be message decoder id"); } return new LocalMessageExtractorLoader(context, localMessage, messageCryptoAnnotations); } @Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader<MessageViewInfo> loader, MessageViewInfo messageViewInfo) { if (loader.getId() != DECODE_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID) { throw new IllegalStateException("loader id must be message decoder id"); } onDecodeMessageFinished(messageViewInfo); } @Override public void onLoaderReset(Loader<MessageViewInfo> loader) { if (loader.getId() != DECODE_MESSAGE_LOADER_ID) { throw new IllegalStateException("loader id must be message decoder id"); } // Do nothing } }; // download missing body private void startDownloadingMessageBody(boolean downloadComplete) { if (downloadComplete) { MessagingController.getInstance(context).loadMessageRemote( account, messageReference.getFolderName(), messageReference.getUid(), downloadMessageListener); } else { MessagingController.getInstance(context).loadMessageRemotePartial( account, messageReference.getFolderName(), messageReference.getUid(), downloadMessageListener); } } private void onMessageDownloadFinished() { if (callback == null) { return; } cancelAndClearLocalMessageLoader(); cancelAndClearDecodeLoader(); cancelAndClearCryptoOperation(); startOrResumeLocalMessageLoader(); } private void onDownloadMessageFailed(final Throwable t) { if (callback == null) { return; } if (t instanceof IllegalArgumentException) { callback.onDownloadErrorMessageNotFound(); } else { callback.onDownloadErrorNetworkError(); } } MessagingListener downloadMessageListener = new SimpleMessagingListener() { @Override public void loadMessageRemoteFinished(Account account, String folder, String uid) { if (!messageReference.equals(account.getUuid(), folder, uid)) { return; } onMessageDownloadFinished(); } @Override public void loadMessageRemoteFailed(Account account, String folder, String uid, final Throwable t) { onDownloadMessageFailed(t); } }; // callback interface public interface MessageLoaderCallbacks { void onMessageDataLoadFinished(LocalMessage message); void onMessageDataLoadFailed(); void onMessageViewInfoLoadFinished(MessageViewInfo messageViewInfo); void onMessageViewInfoLoadFailed(MessageViewInfo messageViewInfo); void setLoadingProgress(int current, int max); void startIntentSenderForMessageLoaderHelper(IntentSender si, int requestCode, Intent fillIntent, int flagsMask, int flagValues, int extraFlags); void onDownloadErrorMessageNotFound(); void onDownloadErrorNetworkError(); } }