package org.exoplatform.wcm.webui.selector.content; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.portlet.PortletPreferences; import org.exoplatform.ecm.webui.selector.UISelectable; import org.exoplatform.portal.webui.util.Util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.exoplatform.wcm.webui.Utils; import org.exoplatform.wcm.webui.viewer.UIContentViewer; import org.exoplatform.web.application.ApplicationMessage; import org.exoplatform.webui.application.WebuiRequestContext; import org.exoplatform.webui.application.portlet.PortletRequestContext; import org.exoplatform.webui.config.annotation.ComponentConfig; import org.exoplatform.webui.config.annotation.EventConfig; import org.exoplatform.webui.core.UIApplication; import org.exoplatform.webui.core.UIGrid; import org.exoplatform.webui.event.Event; import org.exoplatform.webui.event.EventListener; /** * Author : TAN DUNG DANG * * Feb 10, 2009 */ @ComponentConfig( events = { @EventConfig(listeners = UIContentSearchResult.SelectActionListener.class), @EventConfig(listeners = UIContentSearchResult.ViewActionListener.class) } ) public class UIContentSearchResult extends UIGrid { /** The Constant TITLE. */ public static final String TITLE = "title"; /** The Constant NODE_EXPECT. */ public static final String NODE_EXPECT = "excerpt"; /** The Constant SCORE. */ public static final String SCORE = "score"; /** The Constant CREATE_DATE. */ public static final String CREATE_DATE = "CreateDate"; /** The Constant PUBLICATION_STATE. */ public static final String PUBLICATION_STATE = "publicationstate"; /** The Constant NODE_PATH. */ public static final String NODE_PATH = "path"; /** The Actions. */ public String[] Actions = {"Select", "View"}; /** The BEA n_ fields. */ public String[] BEAN_FIELDS = {TITLE, SCORE, PUBLICATION_STATE}; /** * Instantiates a new uIWCM search result. * * @throws Exception the exception */ public UIContentSearchResult() throws Exception { configure(NODE_PATH, BEAN_FIELDS, Actions); getUIPageIterator().setId("UIWCMSearchResultPaginator"); } /** * Gets the date format. * * @return the date format */ public DateFormat getDateFormat() { Locale locale = Util.getPortalRequestContext().getLocale(); DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, DateFormat.SHORT, locale); return dateFormat; } /** * Update grid. * * @param pageList the paginated result * * @throws Exception the exception */ public void updateGrid(AbstractPageList<ResultNode> pageList) throws Exception { getUIPageIterator().setPageList(pageList); } /** * Gets the title node. * * @param node the node * * @return the title node * * @throws Exception the exception */ public String getTitleNode(Node node) throws Exception { return node.hasProperty("exo:title") ? node.getProperty("exo:title").getValue().getString() : node.getName(); } /** * Gets the creates the date. * * @param node the node * * @return the creates the date * * @throws Exception the exception */ public Date getCreateDate(Node node) throws Exception { if(node.hasProperty("exo:dateCreated")) { Calendar cal = node.getProperty("exo:dateCreated").getValue().getDate(); return cal.getTime(); } return null; } /** * Gets the expect. * * @param expect the expect * * @return the expect */ public String getExpect(String expect) { expect = expect.replaceAll("<[^>]*/?>", ""); return expect; } /** * Gets the current state. * * @param node the node * * @return the current state * * @throws Exception the exception */ public String getCurrentState(Node node) throws Exception { PublicationService pubService = getApplicationComponent(PublicationService.class); return pubService.getCurrentState(node); } /** * Gets the session. * * @return the session * * @throws Exception the exception */ public Session getSession() throws Exception { RepositoryService repoService = getApplicationComponent(RepositoryService.class); ManageableRepository maRepository = repoService.getCurrentRepository(); PortletRequestContext pContext = (PortletRequestContext) WebuiRequestContext.getCurrentInstance(); PortletPreferences prefs = pContext.getRequest().getPreferences(); String workspace = prefs.getValue("workspace", null); if(workspace == null) { WCMConfigurationService wcmConfService = getApplicationComponent(WCMConfigurationService.class); NodeLocation nodeLocation = wcmConfService.getLivePortalsLocation(); workspace = nodeLocation.getWorkspace(); } Session session = WCMCoreUtils.getUserSessionProvider().getSession(workspace, maRepository); return session; } /** * Gets the workspace name. * @param node the node * @return name of workspace * @throws Exception the exception */ public String getWorkspaceName(Node node) throws Exception { return node.getSession().getWorkspace().getName(); } public String getRepository() throws Exception { RepositoryService repoService = getApplicationComponent(RepositoryService.class); ManageableRepository maRepository = repoService.getCurrentRepository(); return maRepository.getConfiguration().getName(); } /** * The listener interface for receiving selectAction events. * The class that is interested in processing a selectAction * event implements this interface, and the object created * with that class is registered with a component using the * component's <code>addSelectActionListener</code> method. When * the selectAction event occurs, that object's appropriate * method is invoked. */ public static class SelectActionListener extends EventListener<UIContentSearchResult> { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.exoplatform.webui.event.EventListener#execute(org.exoplatform.webui.event.Event) */ public void execute(Event<UIContentSearchResult> event) throws Exception { UIContentSearchResult contentSearchResult = event.getSource(); UIContentSelector contentSelector = contentSearchResult.getAncestorOfType(UIContentSelector.class); UIContentBrowsePanel contentBrowsePanel = contentSelector.getChild(UIContentBrowsePanel.class); ((UISelectable) (contentBrowsePanel.getSourceComponent())).doSelect(contentBrowsePanel.getReturnFieldName(), event.getRequestContext() .getRequestParameter(OBJECTID)); } } /** * The listener interface for receiving viewAction events. * The class that is interested in processing a viewAction * event implements this interface, and the object created * with that class is registered with a component using the * component's <code>addViewActionListener</code> method. When * the viewAction event occurs, that object's appropriate * method is invoked. */ public static class ViewActionListener extends EventListener<UIContentSearchResult> { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.exoplatform.webui.event.EventListener#execute(org.exoplatform.webui.event.Event) */ public void execute(Event<UIContentSearchResult> event) throws Exception { UIContentSearchResult contentSearchResult = event.getSource(); UIApplication uiApp = contentSearchResult.getAncestorOfType(UIApplication.class); String expression = event.getRequestContext().getRequestParameter(OBJECTID); NodeLocation nodeLocation = NodeLocation.getNodeLocationByExpression(expression); String repository = nodeLocation.getRepository(); String workspace = nodeLocation.getWorkspace(); String webcontentPath = nodeLocation.getPath(); Node originalNode = Utils.getViewableNodeByComposer(repository, workspace, webcontentPath, WCMComposer.BASE_VERSION); Node viewNode = Utils.getViewableNodeByComposer(repository, workspace, webcontentPath); TemplateService templateService = WCMCoreUtils.getService(TemplateService.class); String nodeType = originalNode.getPrimaryNodeType().getName(); if (templateService.isManagedNodeType(nodeType)) { UIContentSelector contentSelector = contentSearchResult.getAncestorOfType(UIContentSelector.class); UIContentViewer contentResultViewer = contentSelector.getChild(UIContentViewer.class); if (contentResultViewer == null) contentResultViewer = contentSelector.addChild(UIContentViewer.class, null, null); contentResultViewer.setNode(viewNode); contentResultViewer.setOriginalNode(originalNode); event.getRequestContext().addUIComponentToUpdateByAjax(contentSelector); contentSelector.setSelectedTab(contentResultViewer.getId()); } else { uiApp.addMessage(new ApplicationMessage("UIContentSearchResult.msg.template-not-support", null, ApplicationMessage.WARNING)); } } } }