package org.exoplatform.wcm.connector.collaboration; import; import; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jcr.Value; import javax.jcr.lock.LockException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import org.exoplatform.container.xml.PortalContainerInfo; import org.exoplatform.ecm.utils.text.Text; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; /** * Created by The eXo Platform SEA * Author : Ha Quang Tan * * Mar 23, 2011 */ @Path("/contents/editing/") public class InlineEditingService implements ResourceContainer{ private static final Log LOG = ExoLogger.getLogger(InlineEditingService.class.getName()); final static public String EXO_TITLE = "exo:title"; final static public String EXO_SUMMARY = "exo:summary"; final static public String EXO_TEXT = "exo:text"; final static public String EXO_RSS_ENABLE = "exo:rss-enable"; public final static String POST_EDIT_CONTENT_EVENT = "CmsService.event.postEdit"; private final String localeFile = "locale.portlet.i18n.WebUIDms"; /** * SERVICE: Edit title of document. * * @param newTitle the new title of document * @param repositoryName the repository name * @param workspaceName the workspace name * @param nodeUIID the UIID of node * @param siteName the site name * * @return the response */ @POST @Path("/title/") public Response editTitle(@FormParam("newValue") String newTitle, @QueryParam("repositoryName") String repositoryName, @QueryParam("workspaceName") String workspaceName, @QueryParam("nodeUIID") String nodeUIID, @QueryParam("siteName") String siteName, @QueryParam("language") String language){ return modifyProperty(EXO_TITLE, newTitle, repositoryName, workspaceName, nodeUIID, siteName, language); } /** * SERVICE: Edit summary of document. * * @param newSummary the new summary of document * @param repositoryName the repository name * @param workspaceName the workspace name * @param nodeUIID the UIID of node * @param siteName the site name * * @return the response */ @POST @Path("/summary/") public Response editSummary(@FormParam("newValue") String newSummary, @QueryParam("repositoryName") String repositoryName, @QueryParam("workspaceName") String workspaceName, @QueryParam("nodeUIID") String nodeUIID, @QueryParam("siteName") String siteName, @QueryParam("language") String language){ return modifyProperty(EXO_SUMMARY, newSummary, repositoryName, workspaceName, nodeUIID, siteName, language); } /** * SERVICE: Edit summary of document. * * @param newValue the new summary of document * @param repositoryName the repository name * @param workspaceName the workspace name * @param nodeUIID the UIID of node * @param siteName the site name * * @return the response */ @POST @Path("/text/") public Response editText( @FormParam("newValue") String newValue, @QueryParam("repositoryName") String repositoryName, @QueryParam("workspaceName") String workspaceName, @QueryParam("nodeUIID") String nodeUIID, @QueryParam("siteName") String siteName, @QueryParam("language") String language){ return modifyProperty(EXO_TEXT, newValue, repositoryName, workspaceName, nodeUIID, siteName, language); } /** * SERVICE: Edit value of any property * * @param propertyName * @param newValue * @param repositoryName the repository name * @param workspaceName the workspace name * @param nodeUIID the UIID of node * @param siteName the site name * @param language * @return the response */ @POST @Path("/property/") public Response editProperty( @QueryParam("propertyName") String propertyName, @FormParam("newValue") String newValue, @QueryParam("repositoryName") String repositoryName, @QueryParam("workspaceName") String workspaceName, @QueryParam("nodeUIID") String nodeUIID, @QueryParam("siteName") String siteName, @QueryParam("language") String language){ String decodedPropertyName = Text.unescapeIllegalJcrChars(propertyName); return modifyProperty(decodedPropertyName, newValue, repositoryName, workspaceName, nodeUIID, siteName, language); } /** * Edit generic property of document. * @param propertyName property that need to edit * @param newValue the new 'requested property' of document * @param repositoryName the repository name * @param workspaceName the workspace name * @param nodeUIID the UIID of node * @param siteName the site name * * @return the response */ public Response modifyProperty(String propertyName, String newValue, String repositoryName, String workspaceName, String nodeUIID,String siteName, String language){ ResourceBundle resourceBundle = null; String messageKey = ""; String message = ""; Document document = null; Element localeMsg = null; try { Locale locale = new Locale(language); ResourceBundleService resourceBundleService = WCMCoreUtils.getService(ResourceBundleService.class); resourceBundle = resourceBundleService.getResourceBundle(localeFile, locale); } catch(Exception ex) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error when perform create ResourceBundle: ", ex); } } try { document = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); } catch(Exception ex) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error when perform create Document object: ", ex); } } CacheControl cacheControl = new CacheControl(); cacheControl.setNoCache(true); cacheControl.setNoStore(true); try { SessionProvider sessionProvider = WCMCoreUtils.getUserSessionProvider(); RepositoryService repositoryService = WCMCoreUtils.getService(RepositoryService.class); ManageableRepository manageableRepository = repositoryService.getCurrentRepository(); Session session = sessionProvider.getSession(workspaceName, manageableRepository); try { localeMsg = document.createElement("bundle"); Node node = session.getNodeByUUID(nodeUIID); node = (Node)session.getItem(node.getPath()); if(canSetProperty(node)) { if (!sameValue(newValue, node, propertyName)) { if (newValue.length() > 0) { newValue = Text.unescapeIllegalJcrChars(newValue.trim()); PortalContainerInfo containerInfo = WCMCoreUtils.getService(PortalContainerInfo.class); String containerName = containerInfo.getContainerName(); ListenerService listenerService = WCMCoreUtils.getService(ListenerService.class, containerName); if (propertyName.equals(EXO_TITLE)) { if (!node.hasProperty(EXO_TITLE)) node.addMixin(EXO_RSS_ENABLE); } if (!propertyName.contains("/")) { if (node.hasProperty(propertyName) && node.getProperty(propertyName).getDefinition().isMultiple()) { Value[] currentValue = node.getProperty(propertyName).getValues(); if (currentValue==null) currentValue = new Value[1]; currentValue[0] = session.getValueFactory().createValue(newValue); node.setProperty(propertyName, currentValue); }else { node.setProperty(propertyName, newValue); } } else { int iSlash = propertyName.lastIndexOf("/"); String subnodePath = propertyName.substring(0, iSlash); String subnodeProperty = propertyName.substring(iSlash+1); Node subnode = node.getNode(subnodePath); if (subnode.hasProperty(subnodeProperty) && subnode.getProperty(subnodeProperty).getDefinition().isMultiple()) { Value[] currentValue = subnode.getProperty(subnodeProperty).getValues(); if (currentValue==null) currentValue = new Value[1]; currentValue[0] = session.getValueFactory().createValue(newValue); subnode.setProperty(subnodeProperty, currentValue); } else { subnode.setProperty(subnodeProperty, newValue); } } ConversationState conversationState = ConversationState.getCurrent(); conversationState.setAttribute("siteName", siteName); listenerService.broadcast(POST_EDIT_CONTENT_EVENT, null, node);; } } } else { messageKey = "AccessDeniedException.msg"; message = resourceBundle.getString(messageKey); localeMsg.setAttribute("message", message); document.appendChild(localeMsg); return Response.ok(new DOMSource(document), MediaType.TEXT_XML).cacheControl(cacheControl).build(); } } catch (AccessDeniedException ace) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("AccessDeniedException: ", ace); } messageKey = "AccessDeniedException.msg"; message = resourceBundle.getString(messageKey); localeMsg.setAttribute("message", message); document.appendChild(localeMsg); return Response.ok(new DOMSource(document), MediaType.TEXT_XML).cacheControl(cacheControl).build(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fie) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("FileNotFoundException: ", fie); } messageKey = "ItemNotFoundException.msg"; message = resourceBundle.getString(messageKey); localeMsg.setAttribute("message", message); document.appendChild(localeMsg); return Response.ok(new DOMSource(document), MediaType.TEXT_XML).cacheControl(cacheControl).build(); } catch (LockException lockex) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("LockException", lockex); } messageKey = "LockException.msg"; message = resourceBundle.getString(messageKey); localeMsg.setAttribute("message", message); document.appendChild(localeMsg); return Response.ok(new DOMSource(document), MediaType.TEXT_XML).cacheControl(cacheControl).build(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) { LOG.error("Error when perform edit title: ", e); } messageKey = "UIPresentation.label.Exception"; message = resourceBundle.getString(messageKey); localeMsg.setAttribute("message", message); document.appendChild(localeMsg); return Response.ok(new DOMSource(document), MediaType.TEXT_XML).cacheControl(cacheControl).build(); } localeMsg.setAttribute("message", "OK"); document.appendChild(localeMsg); return Response.ok(new DOMSource(document), MediaType.TEXT_XML).cacheControl(cacheControl).build(); } /** * Compare new value with current value property * * @param newValue the new value of property * @param node the document node * * @return the result of compare * * @throws Exception the exception */ private boolean sameValue(String newValue, Node node, String propertyName) throws Exception { if (!node.hasProperty(propertyName)) return (newValue == null || newValue.length() == 0); if (node.getProperty(propertyName).getDefinition().isMultiple()){ try { return node.getProperty(propertyName).getValues()[0].getString().equals(newValue); }catch (Exception e) { return false; } } return node.getProperty(propertyName).getString().equals(newValue); } /** * Can set property. * * @param node the node * @return true, if successful * @throws RepositoryException the repository exception */ public static boolean canSetProperty(Node node) throws RepositoryException { return checkPermission(node,PermissionType.SET_PROPERTY); } private static boolean checkPermission(Node node,String permissionType) throws RepositoryException { try { ((ExtendedNode)node).checkPermission(permissionType); return true; } catch(AccessControlException e) { return false; } } }