/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 eXo Platform SAS. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.exoplatform.ecm.jcr.model; public class Preference { public static final String SORT_BY_NODENAME = "Alphabetic" ; public static final String SORT_BY_NODETYPE= "Type" ; public static final String SORT_BY_NODESIZE= "Size" ; public static final String SORT_BY_CREATED_DATE= "CreatedDate" ; public static final String SORT_BY_DATE= "Date" ; public static final String SORT_BY_MODIFIED_DATE= "ModifiedDate" ; public static final String PROPERTY_SORT = "Property" ; public static final String SORT_BY_OWNER = "Owner"; public static final String SORT_BY_VERSIONABLE = "Versionable"; public static final String SORT_BY_AUDITING = "Auditing"; public static final String SHOW_OWNED_BY_USER_DOC = "OwnedByMe"; public static final String ENABLE_DRAG_AND_DROP = "EnableDragAndDrop"; public static final String SHOW_FAVOURITE_DOC = "Favourites"; public static final String SHOW_HIDDEN_DOC = "Hidden"; public static final String[] SORT_BY_SINGLEVALUE_PROPERTY = {"SingleValueProperty"}; public static final String SHOW_NON_DOCUMENTTYPE = "showNonDocumentType" ; public static final String ASCENDING_ORDER = "Ascending" ; public static final String DESCENDING_ORDER = "Descending" ; public static final String SQL_QUERY = "SQL"; public static final String XPATH_QUERY = "XPATH"; public static final String BLUE_DOWN_ARROW = "Down" ; public static final String BLUE_UP_ARROW = "Up" ; public static final String NODES_PER_PAGE = "nbPerPage"; public static final String PREFERENCE_ORDER_BY = "preferenceOrderBy"; public static final String PREFERENCE_SORT_BY = "preferenceSortBy"; public static final String PREFERENCE_QUERY_TYPE = "preferenceQueryType"; public static final String PREFERENCE_ENABLESTRUCTURE = "enableStructure"; public static final String PREFERENCE_SHOWSIDEBAR = "showSideBar"; public static final String PREFERENCE_SHOWREFDOCUMENTS = "showRefDocuments"; public static final String PREFERENCE_SHOW_ITEMS_BY_USER = "showItemsByUserInTimeline"; public static final String PREFERENCE_SHOW_HIDDEN_NODE = "isShowHiddenNode"; private String sortType = SORT_BY_NODENAME ; private String order = ASCENDING_ORDER ; private String allowCreateFoder = "" ; private boolean jcrEnable = false; private boolean showSideBar = false ; private boolean isShowNonDocumentType = false ; private boolean isShowPreferenceDocuments = false ; private boolean isShowHiddenNode = false ; private boolean isShowOwnedByUserDoc = true; private boolean isEnableDragAndDrop = true; private boolean isShowFavouriteDoc = true; private boolean isShowHiddenDoc = true; private boolean isShowTrashDoc = true; private boolean isShowItemsByUser = true; private String queryType = "SQL"; private int nodesPerPage = 20; public boolean isJcrEnable() { return jcrEnable ; } public void setJcrEnable(boolean b) { jcrEnable = b ; } public String getSortType() { return sortType ; } public void setSortType(String s) { sortType = s ; } public String getOrder() { return order ; } public void setOrder(String s) { order = s ; } public boolean isShowSideBar() { return showSideBar ; } public void setShowSideBar(boolean b) { showSideBar = b ; } public boolean isShowNonDocumentType() { return isShowNonDocumentType ; } public void setShowNonDocumentType( boolean b) { isShowNonDocumentType = b ; } public boolean isShowPreferenceDocuments() { return isShowPreferenceDocuments ; } public void setShowPreferenceDocuments(boolean b) { isShowPreferenceDocuments = b ; } public boolean isShowHiddenNode() { return isShowHiddenNode ; } public void setShowHiddenNode(boolean b) { isShowHiddenNode = b ; } public boolean isShowOwnedByUserDoc() { return isShowOwnedByUserDoc; } public void setShowOwnedByUserDoc(boolean b) { isShowOwnedByUserDoc = b; } public boolean isEnableDragAndDrop() { return isEnableDragAndDrop; } public void setEnableDragAndDrop(boolean b) { isEnableDragAndDrop = b; } public boolean isShowFavouriteDoc() { return isShowFavouriteDoc; } public void setShowFavouriteDoc(boolean b) { isShowFavouriteDoc = b; } public boolean isShowHiddenDoc() { return isShowHiddenDoc; } public void setShowHiddenDoc(boolean b) { isShowHiddenDoc = b; } public boolean isShowItemsByUser() { return isShowItemsByUser; } public void setShowItemsByUser(boolean b) { this.isShowItemsByUser = b; } public String getAllowCreateFoder() { return allowCreateFoder ; } public void setAllowCreateFoder(String s) { allowCreateFoder = s ; } public int getNodesPerPage(){return nodesPerPage ; } public void setNodesPerPage(int number) { this.nodesPerPage = number ; } public String getQueryType(){return queryType; } public void setQueryType(String query) { this.queryType = query; } }