package org.drools.template.parser; /* * Copyright 2005 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import org.drools.StatefulSession; import org.drools.template.model.DRLOutput; /** * SheetListener for creating rules from a template * * @author <a href="">Steven Williams</a> */ public class TemplateDataListener implements DataListener { private int startRow = -1; private boolean tableFinished = false; private Row currentRow; private Column[] columns; private StatefulSession session; private TemplateContainer templateContainer; private int startCol; private Generator generator; // private WorkingMemoryFileLogger logger; public TemplateDataListener(final TemplateContainer tc) { this( 1, 1, tc ); } public TemplateDataListener(final int startRow, final int startCol, final String template) { this( startRow, startCol, new DefaultTemplateContainer( template ) ); } public TemplateDataListener(final int startRow, final int startCol, final InputStream templateStream) { this( startRow, startCol, new DefaultTemplateContainer( templateStream ) ); } public TemplateDataListener(final int startRow, final int startCol, final TemplateContainer tc) { this( startRow, startCol, tc, new DefaultTemplateRuleBase( tc ) ); } public TemplateDataListener(final int startRow, final int startCol, final TemplateContainer tc, final TemplateRuleBase rb) { this( startRow, startCol, tc, rb, new DefaultGenerator( tc.getTemplates() ) ); } public TemplateDataListener(final int startRow, final int startCol, final TemplateContainer tc, final TemplateRuleBase ruleBase, final Generator generator) { this.startRow = startRow - 1; this.startCol = startCol - 1; columns = tc.getColumns(); this.templateContainer = tc; session = ruleBase.newStatefulSession(); // logger = new WorkingMemoryFileLogger(session); // logger.setFileName("log/event"); this.generator = generator; session.setGlobal( "generator", generator ); assertColumns(); } private void assertColumns() { for ( int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++ ) { session.insert( columns[i] ); } } public void finishSheet() { if ( currentRow != null ) { session.insert( currentRow ); } session.fireAllRules(); // logger.writeToDisk(); session.dispose(); } public void newCell(int row, int column, String value, int mergedColStart) { if ( currentRow != null && column >= startCol && value != null && value.trim().length() > 0 ) { int columnIndex = column - startCol; if ( columnIndex < columns.length ) { Cell cell = currentRow.getCell( columnIndex ); cell.setValue( value ); cell.insert( session ); } } } public void newRow(int rowNumber, int columnCount) { if ( !tableFinished && rowNumber >= startRow ) { if ( currentRow != null && currentRow.isEmpty() ) { currentRow = null; tableFinished = true; } else { if ( currentRow != null ) session.insert( currentRow ); currentRow = new Row( rowNumber, columns ); } } } public void startSheet(String name) { } public String renderDRL() { DRLOutput out = new DRLOutput(); out.writeLine( templateContainer.getHeader() ); out.writeLine( generator.getDrl() ); // System.err.println(out.getDRL()); return out.getDRL(); } }