package com.novoda.downloadmanager.lib; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; /** * This class may be used to filter download manager queries. */ public class Query { @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE) @IntDef({ORDER_ASCENDING, ORDER_DESCENDING}) public @interface Order { } /** * Constant for use with {@link #orderBy} */ public static final int ORDER_ASCENDING = 1; /** * Constant for use with {@link #orderBy} */ public static final int ORDER_DESCENDING = 2; private static final String ORDER_BY_LIVENESS = String.format(Locale.US, "CASE %1$s " + "WHEN %2$d THEN 1 " + "WHEN %3$d THEN 2 " + "WHEN %4$d THEN 3 " + "WHEN %5$d THEN 4 " + "WHEN %6$d THEN 5 " + "ELSE 6 " + "END, _id ASC", DownloadContract.Downloads.COLUMN_STATUS, DownloadStatus.RUNNING, DownloadStatus.PENDING, DownloadStatus.PAUSED_BY_APP, DownloadStatus.BATCH_FAILED, DownloadStatus.SUCCESS ); private long[] downloadIds = null; private long[] batchIds = null; private Integer statusFlags = null; private boolean onlyIncludeVisibleInDownloadsUi = false; private String[] filterNotificiationExtras; private String[] filterExtraData; private String orderString = DownloadContract.Downloads.COLUMN_LAST_MODIFICATION + " DESC"; /** * Include only the downloads with the given IDs. * * @return this object */ public Query setFilterById(long... downloadIds) { this.downloadIds = downloadIds; return this; } /** * Include only the downloads with the given batch IDs. * * @return this object */ public Query setFilterByBatchId(long... batchIds) { this.batchIds = batchIds; return this; } /** * Include only the downloads with the given notification extras. * * @return this object */ public Query setFilterByNotificationExtras(String... extras) { filterNotificiationExtras = extras; return this; } /** * Include only the downloads with the given extra data. * * @return this object */ public Query setFilterByExtraData(String... extraData) { filterExtraData = extraData; return this; } /** * Include only downloads with status matching any the given status flags. * * @param flags any combination of the STATUS_* bit flags * @return this object */ public Query setFilterByStatus(int flags) { statusFlags = flags; return this; } /** * Controls whether this query includes downloads not visible in the system's Downloads UI. * * @param value if true, this query will only include downloads that should be displayed in * the system's Downloads UI; if false (the default), this query will include * both visible and invisible downloads. * @return this object */ public Query setOnlyIncludeVisibleInDownloadsUi(boolean value) { onlyIncludeVisibleInDownloadsUi = value; return this; } /** * Change the sort order of the returned Cursor. * * @param column one of the COLUMN_* constants; currently, only * {DownloadManager.COLUMN_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP} and {DownloadManager.COLUMN_TOTAL_SIZE_BYTES} are * supported. * @param direction either {@link #ORDER_ASCENDING} or {@link #ORDER_DESCENDING} * @return this object */ public Query orderBy(String column, @Order int direction) { if (direction != ORDER_ASCENDING && direction != ORDER_DESCENDING) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid direction: " + direction); } String resolvedOrderColumn; switch (column) { case DownloadManager.COLUMN_LAST_MODIFIED_TIMESTAMP: resolvedOrderColumn = DownloadContract.Downloads.COLUMN_LAST_MODIFICATION; break; case DownloadManager.COLUMN_TOTAL_SIZE_BYTES: resolvedOrderColumn = DownloadContract.Downloads.COLUMN_TOTAL_BYTES; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot order by " + column); } String orderDirection = (direction == ORDER_ASCENDING ? "ASC" : "DESC"); orderString = resolvedOrderColumn + " " + orderDirection; return this; } /** * Sorts downloads according to the 'liveness' of the download, i.e. in the order: * Downloading, queued, other, paused, failed, completed * * @return this {@link Query} */ public Query orderByLiveness() { orderString = ORDER_BY_LIVENESS; return this; } /** * Run this query using the given ContentResolver. * * @param projection the projection to pass to ContentResolver.query() * @return the Cursor returned by ContentResolver.query() */ Cursor runQuery(ContentResolver resolver, String[] projection, Uri baseUri) { List<String> selectionParts = new ArrayList<>(); String[] selectionArgs = getIdsAsStringArray(downloadIds); filterByDownloadIds(selectionParts); filterByBatchIds(selectionParts); filterByNotificationExtras(selectionParts); filterByExtraData(selectionParts); filterByStatus(selectionParts); if (onlyIncludeVisibleInDownloadsUi) { selectionParts.add(DownloadContract.Downloads.COLUMN_IS_VISIBLE_IN_DOWNLOADS_UI + " != '0'"); } // only return rows which are not marked 'deleted = 1' selectionParts.add(DownloadContract.Downloads.COLUMN_DELETED + " != '1'"); String selection = joinStrings(" AND ", selectionParts); return resolver.query(baseUri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, orderString); } private String[] getIdsAsStringArray(long[] ids) { if (ids == null) { return null; } return longArrayToStringArray(ids); } private void filterByDownloadIds(List<String> selectionParts) { if (downloadIds == null) { return; } selectionParts.add(DownloadManager.getWhereClauseFor(downloadIds, DownloadContract.Downloads._ID)); } private void filterByBatchIds(List<String> selectionParts) { if (batchIds == null || batchIds.length == 0) { return; } selectionParts.add(getWhereClauseForBatchIds(batchIds)); } /** * Get a SQL WHERE clause to select a bunch of IDs. */ private String getWhereClauseForBatchIds(long[] ids) { String[] idStrings = longArrayToStringArray(ids); return DownloadContract.Downloads.COLUMN_BATCH_ID + " IN (" + joinStrings(",", Arrays.asList(idStrings)) + ")"; } private void filterByNotificationExtras(List<String> selectionParts) { if (filterNotificiationExtras == null || filterNotificiationExtras.length == 0) { return; } List<String> parts = new ArrayList<>(); for (String filterExtra : filterNotificiationExtras) { parts.add(notificationExtrasClause(filterExtra)); } selectionParts.add("(" + joinStrings(" OR ", parts) + ")"); } private void filterByExtraData(List<String> selectionParts) { if (filterExtraData == null) { return; } List<String> parts = new ArrayList<>(); for (String filterExtra : filterExtraData) { parts.add(extraDataClause(filterExtra)); } selectionParts.add(joinStrings(" OR ", parts)); } private void filterByStatus(List<String> selectionParts) { if (statusFlags == null) { return; } List<String> parts = new ArrayList<>(); if ((statusFlags & DownloadManager.STATUS_PENDING) != 0) { parts.add(statusClause("=", DownloadStatus.PENDING)); } if ((statusFlags & DownloadManager.STATUS_RUNNING) != 0) { parts.add(statusClause("=", DownloadStatus.RUNNING)); } if ((statusFlags & DownloadManager.STATUS_PAUSED) != 0) { parts.add(statusClause("=", DownloadStatus.PAUSED_BY_APP)); parts.add(statusClause("=", DownloadStatus.WAITING_TO_RETRY)); parts.add(statusClause("=", DownloadStatus.WAITING_FOR_NETWORK)); parts.add(statusClause("=", DownloadStatus.QUEUED_FOR_WIFI)); } if ((statusFlags & DownloadManager.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) != 0) { parts.add(statusClause("=", DownloadStatus.SUCCESS)); } if ((statusFlags & DownloadManager.STATUS_DELETING) != 0) { parts.add(statusClause("=", DownloadStatus.DELETING)); } if ((statusFlags & DownloadManager.STATUS_FAILED) != 0) { parts.add("(" + statusClause(">=", 400) + " AND " + statusClause("<", 600) + ")"); } selectionParts.add(joinStrings(" OR ", parts)); } // copied from AOSP for testability private static String joinStrings(String joiner, Iterable<String> parts) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (String part : parts) { if (!first) { builder.append(joiner); } builder.append(part); first = false; } return builder.toString(); } private static String[] longArrayToStringArray(long[] longs) { String[] strings = new String[longs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < longs.length; i++) { strings[i] = Long.toString(longs[i]); } return strings; } private String notificationExtrasClause(String extra) { return DownloadContract.Downloads.COLUMN_NOTIFICATION_EXTRAS + " = '" + extra + "'"; } private String extraDataClause(String extra) { return DownloadContract.Downloads.COLUMN_EXTRA_DATA + " = '" + extra + "'"; } private String statusClause(String operator, int value) { return DownloadContract.Downloads.COLUMN_STATUS + operator + "'" + value + "'"; } }