package com.novoda.downloadmanager.lib; import; import com.novoda.downloadmanager.notifications.NotificationVisibility; import java.util.List; public class DownloadBatch { public static final DownloadBatch DELETED = new DownloadBatch(-1, null, null, -1, -1L, -1L); private final long batchId; private final BatchInfo info; private final List<FileDownloadInfo> downloads; private final int status; private final long totalSizeBytes; private final long currentSizeBytes; public DownloadBatch(long batchId, BatchInfo info, List<FileDownloadInfo> downloads, int status, long totalSizeBytes, long currentSizeBytes) { this.batchId = batchId; = info; this.downloads = downloads; this.status = status; this.totalSizeBytes = totalSizeBytes; this.currentSizeBytes = currentSizeBytes; } public long getBatchId() { return batchId; } public long getTotalSize() { return totalSizeBytes; } public long getCurrentSize() { return currentSizeBytes; } public BatchInfo getInfo() { return info; } public List<FileDownloadInfo> getDownloads() { return downloads; } public int getStatus() { return status; } public boolean isQueuedForWifi() { return this.status == DownloadStatus.QUEUED_FOR_WIFI; } public boolean isRunning() { return this.status == DownloadStatus.RUNNING; } public boolean isError() { return DownloadStatus.isError(status); } public boolean isCancelled() { return DownloadStatus.isCancelled(status); } public boolean isSuccess() { return DownloadStatus.isSuccess(status); } public boolean isDeleted() { return this == DELETED; } /** * Return time when this download will be ready for its next action, in * milliseconds after given time. * * @return If {@code 0}, download is ready to proceed immediately. If * {@link Long#MAX_VALUE}, then download has no future actions. */ public long nextActionMillis(long now, long nextRetryTimeMillis) { for (FileDownloadInfo info : downloads) { long individualRetryTimeMillis = getNextActionMillisFor(now, info); nextRetryTimeMillis = Math.min(individualRetryTimeMillis, nextRetryTimeMillis); } return nextRetryTimeMillis; } private long getNextActionMillisFor(long now, FileDownloadInfo info) { if (DownloadStatus.isCompleted(status)) { return Long.MAX_VALUE; } if (status != DownloadStatus.WAITING_TO_RETRY) { return 0; } long when = info.restartTime(now); if (when <= now) { return 0; } return when - now; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } DownloadBatch that = (DownloadBatch) o; return batchId == that.batchId; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) (batchId ^ (batchId >>> 32)); } public boolean prune(DownloadDeleter downloadDeleter) { boolean isDeleted = false; for (FileDownloadInfo info : downloads) { if (info.isDeleted()) { downloadDeleter.deleteFileAndDatabaseRow(info); isDeleted = true; } else if (DownloadStatus.isCancelled(info.getStatus()) || DownloadStatus.isError(info.getStatus())) { downloadDeleter.deleteFileAndMediaReference(info); isDeleted = true; } } return isDeleted; } public boolean isActive() { return status == DownloadStatus.SUBMITTED || status == DownloadStatus.RUNNING; } public boolean scanCompletedMediaIfReady(DownloadScanner downloadScanner) { for (FileDownloadInfo info : downloads) { if (info.startScanIfReady(downloadScanner)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean shouldShowActiveItem() { int visibility = info.getVisibility(); return visibility == NotificationVisibility.ONLY_WHEN_ACTIVE || visibility == NotificationVisibility.ACTIVE_OR_COMPLETE; } public boolean shouldShowCompletedItem() { int visibility = info.getVisibility(); return visibility == NotificationVisibility.ONLY_WHEN_COMPLETE || visibility == NotificationVisibility.ACTIVE_OR_COMPLETE; } public String getBigPictureUrl() { return info.getBigPictureUrl(); } public String getDescription() { return info.getDescription(); } public String getTitle() { return info.getTitle(); } public long getFirstDownloadBatchId() { return downloads.get(0).getId(); } public Statistics getLiveStatistics(LongSparseArray<Long> downloadSpeed) { long currentBytes = 0; long totalBytes = 0; long totalBytesPerSecond = 0; for (FileDownloadInfo info : downloads) { if (info.hasTotalBytes()) { currentBytes += info.getCurrentBytes(); totalBytes += info.getTotalBytes(); Long bytesPerSecond = downloadSpeed.get(info.getId()); if (bytesPerSecond != null) { totalBytesPerSecond += bytesPerSecond; } } } return new Statistics(currentBytes, totalBytes, totalBytesPerSecond); } public static class Statistics { private final long currentBytes; private final long totalBytes; private final long totalBytesPerSecond; public Statistics(long currentBytes, long totalBytes, long totalBytesPerSecond) { this.currentBytes = currentBytes; this.totalBytes = totalBytes; this.totalBytesPerSecond = totalBytesPerSecond; } public int getPercentComplete() { if (totalBytes > 0) { return (int) ((currentBytes * 100) / totalBytes); } else { return 0; } } public long getTimeRemaining() { if (totalBytesPerSecond > 0) { return ((totalBytes - currentBytes) * 1000) / totalBytesPerSecond; } else { return 0; } } } }