package com.novoda.downloadmanager.lib; /** * Lists the states that the download manager can set on a download * to notify applications of the download progress. * The codes follow the HTTP families:<br> * 1xx: informational<br> * 2xx: success<br> * 3xx: redirects (not used by the download manager)<br> * 4xx: client errors<br> * 5xx: server errors */ public final class DownloadStatus { /** * This download is marked as paused and will be effectively paused in the near future */ public static final int PAUSING = 186; /** * This download cannot proceed because the client does not allow it yet */ public static final int QUEUED_DUE_CLIENT_RESTRICTIONS = 187; /** * This download has been marked for deletion and it will be deleted in the future */ public static final int DELETING = 188; /** * This download has been submitted to the download executor but not yet started */ public static final int SUBMITTED = 189; /** * This download hasn't stated yet */ public static final int PENDING = 190; /** * This download has started */ public static final int RUNNING = 192; /** * This download has been paused by the owning app. */ public static final int PAUSED_BY_APP = 193; /** * This download encountered some network error and is waiting before retrying the request. */ public static final int WAITING_TO_RETRY = 194; /** * This download is waiting for network connectivity to proceed. */ public static final int WAITING_FOR_NETWORK = 195; /** * This download exceeded a size limit for mobile networks and is waiting for a Wi-Fi * connection to proceed. */ public static final int QUEUED_FOR_WIFI = 196; /** * This download couldn't be completed due to insufficient storage * space. Typically, this is because the SD card is full. */ public static final int INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ERROR = 198; /** * This download couldn't be completed because no external storage * device was found. Typically, this is because the SD card is not * mounted. */ public static final int DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 199; /** * This download has successfully completed. * Warning: there might be other status values that indicate success * in the future. * Use isSucccess() to capture the entire category. */ public static final int SUCCESS = 200; /** * This request couldn't be parsed. This is also used when processing * requests with unknown/unsupported URI schemes. */ public static final int BAD_REQUEST = 400; /** * This download can't be performed because the content type cannot be * handled. */ public static final int NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406; /** * This download cannot be performed because the length cannot be * determined accurately. This is the code for the HTTP error "Length * Required", which is typically used when making requests that require * a content length but don't have one, and it is also used in the * client when a response is received whose length cannot be determined * accurately (therefore making it impossible to know when a download * completes). */ public static final int LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411; /** * This download was interrupted and cannot be resumed. * This is the code for the HTTP error "Precondition Failed", and it is * also used in situations where the client doesn't have an ETag at all. */ public static final int PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412; /** * The lowest-valued error status that is not an actual HTTP status code. */ public static final int MIN_ARTIFICIAL_ERROR_STATUS = 488; /** * The requested destination file already exists. */ public static final int FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR = 488; /** * Some possibly transient error occurred, but we can't resume the download. */ public static final int CANNOT_RESUME = 489; /** * This download was canceled */ public static final int CANCELED = 490; /** * This download has completed with an error. * Warning: there will be other status values that indicate errors in * the future. Use isStatusError() to capture the entire category. */ public static final int UNKNOWN_ERROR = 491; /** * This download couldn't be completed because of a storage issue. * Typically, that's because the filesystem is missing or full. * Use the more specific {@link #INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ERROR} * and {@link #DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR} when appropriate. */ public static final int FILE_ERROR = 492; /** * This download couldn't be completed because of an HTTP * redirect response that the download manager couldn't * handle. */ public static final int UNHANDLED_REDIRECT = 493; /** * This download couldn't be completed because of an * unspecified unhandled HTTP code. */ public static final int UNHANDLED_HTTP_CODE = 494; /** * This download couldn't be completed because of an * error receiving or processing data at the HTTP level. */ public static final int HTTP_DATA_ERROR = 495; /** * This download couldn't be completed because of an * HttpException while setting up the request. */ public static final int HTTP_EXCEPTION = 496; /** * This download couldn't be completed because there were * too many redirects. */ public static final int TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS = 497; /** * This download couldn't be completed because another download in the batch failed. */ public static final int BATCH_FAILED = 498; /** * Returns whether the status is informational (i.e. 1xx). */ public static boolean isInformational(int status) { return (status >= 100 && status < 200); } /** * Returns whether the status is a success (i.e. 2xx). */ public static boolean isSuccess(int status) { return (status >= 200 && status < 300); } /** * Returns whether the status is an error (i.e. 4xx or 5xx). */ public static boolean isError(int status) { return (status >= 400 && status < 600); } /** * Returns whether the status is a client error (i.e. 4xx). */ public static boolean isClientError(int status) { return (status >= 400 && status < 500); } /** * Returns whether the status is a server error (i.e. 5xx). */ public static boolean isServerError(int status) { return (status >= 500 && status < 600); } /** * this method determines if a notification should be displayed for a * given {@link DownloadContract.Downloads#COLUMN_IS_VISIBLE_IN_DOWNLOADS_UI} value * * @param visibility the value of {@link DownloadContract.Downloads#COLUMN_IS_VISIBLE_IN_DOWNLOADS_UI}. * @return true if the notification should be displayed. false otherwise. */ public static boolean isNotificationToBeDisplayed(int visibility) { return visibility == || visibility ==; } /** * Returns whether the download has completed (either with success or error). */ public static boolean isCompleted(int status) { return isSuccess(status) || isFailure(status); } /** * Returns whether the download has failed */ public static boolean isFailure(int status) { return isError(status) && !isCancelled(status); } /** * Returns whether the download has been cancelled. */ public static boolean isCancelled(int status) { return status == CANCELED; } public static boolean isSubmitted(int status) { return status == SUBMITTED; } public static boolean isRunning(int status) { return status == RUNNING; } public static boolean isDeleting(int status) { return status == DELETING; } public static boolean isPausedByApp(int status) { return status == PAUSED_BY_APP; } /** * Returns whether the download did not start due to insufficient space */ public static boolean isInsufficientSpace(int finalStatus) { return finalStatus == INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ERROR; } static String statusToString(int status) { switch (status) { case PENDING: return "PENDING"; case RUNNING: return "RUNNING"; case PAUSED_BY_APP: return "PAUSED_BY_APP"; case WAITING_TO_RETRY: return "WAITING_TO_RETRY"; case WAITING_FOR_NETWORK: return "WAITING_FOR_NETWORK"; case QUEUED_FOR_WIFI: return "QUEUED_FOR_WIFI"; case INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ERROR: return "INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ERROR"; case DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR: return "DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR"; case SUCCESS: return "SUCCESS"; case BAD_REQUEST: return "BAD_REQUEST"; case NOT_ACCEPTABLE: return "NOT_ACCEPTABLE"; case LENGTH_REQUIRED: return "LENGTH_REQUIRED"; case PRECONDITION_FAILED: return "PRECONDITION_FAILED"; case FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR: return "FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR"; case CANNOT_RESUME: return "CANNOT_RESUME"; case CANCELED: return "CANCELED"; case UNKNOWN_ERROR: return "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; case FILE_ERROR: return "FILE_ERROR"; case UNHANDLED_REDIRECT: return "UNHANDLED_REDIRECT"; case UNHANDLED_HTTP_CODE: return "UNHANDLED_HTTP_CODE"; case HTTP_DATA_ERROR: return "HTTP_DATA_ERROR"; case HTTP_EXCEPTION: return "HTTP_EXCEPTION"; case TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS: return "TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"; default: return Integer.toString(status); } } private DownloadStatus() { // non-instantiable class } }