package de.lighti.parsing; import java.util.logging.Logger; import de.lighti.DefaultGameEventListener; import de.lighti.model.AppState; import de.lighti.model.Entity; import de.lighti.model.Statics; import; public class ItemTracker extends DefaultGameEventListener { private final AppState appState; private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger( ItemTracker.class.getName() ); public ItemTracker( AppState state ) { super(); appState = state; } @Override public void entityCreated( long tickMs, Entity e ) { if (e.getEntityClass().getName().startsWith( "CDOTA_Item" )) { final String key = (String) e.getProperty( "DT_BaseEntity.m_iName" ).getValue(); if (!key.isEmpty() && !key.startsWith( "item" ) && key != Statics.UNKNOWN_ITEM) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( key + ": an item that doesn't start with \"item\" is probably not an item" ); } appState.addItem( tickMs, e.getId(), (String) e.getProperty( "DT_BaseEntity.m_iName" ).getValue() ); } } @Override public void entityRemoved( long tickMs, Entity removed ) { super.entityRemoved( tickMs, removed ); appState.removeItem( tickMs, removed.getId() ); } @Override public <T> void entityUpdated( long tickMs, Entity e, String name, T oldValue ) { final Dota2Item item = appState.getItem( tickMs, e.getId() ); if (item != Dota2Item.UNKNOWN_ITEM) { if (name.equals( "DT_BaseEntity.m_iName" )) { item.setKey( (String) e.getProperty( "DT_BaseEntity.m_iName" ).getValue() ); } else if (name.equals( "DT_DOTABaseAbility.m_fCooldown" )) { float cooldownEnd = (float) e.getProperty( "DT_DOTABaseAbility.m_fCooldown" ).getValue(); final float cooldown = (float) e.getProperty( "DT_DOTABaseAbility.m_flCooldownLength" ).getValue(); if (cooldown > 0) { //TODO find out why cooldownEnd may be 0 here if (cooldownEnd - cooldown < 0) { LOGGER.warning( "Item usage timestamp invalid for item " + item + ". Assuming tick " + tickMs ); cooldownEnd = tickMs + cooldown; } //Cooldown stamps are in seconds. Don't forget to multiply by 1000 item.addUsage( (long) ((cooldownEnd - cooldown) * 1000l) ); } } } } }