package; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; public class Unit { public enum Zone { UNKNOWN, LANE_BOTTOM_DIRE, JUNGLE_RADIANT, LANE_SHOP_DIRE, ROSHAN_PIT, VOID_DIRE, BASE_RADIANT, SECRET_SHOP_DIRE, LANE_TOP_RADIANT, LANE_TOP_DIRE, LANE_MID_RADIANT, LANE_MID_DIRE, SECRET_SHOP_RADIANT, LANE_SHOP_RADIANT, JUNGLE_DIRE, BASE_DIRE, VOID_RADIANT, RIVER, LANE_BOTTOM_RADIANT; private static Zone fromString( String n ) { switch (n) { case "bottomlane dire": return LANE_BOTTOM_DIRE; case "jungle radiant": return JUNGLE_RADIANT; case "laneshop dire": return LANE_SHOP_DIRE; case "pit dire": return ROSHAN_PIT; case "void dire": return VOID_DIRE; case "base1 radiant": return BASE_RADIANT; case "secretshop dire": return SECRET_SHOP_DIRE; case "toplane radiant": return LANE_TOP_RADIANT; case "toplane dire": return LANE_TOP_DIRE; case "midlane radiant": return LANE_MID_RADIANT; case "midlane dire": return LANE_MID_DIRE; case "secretshop radiant": return SECRET_SHOP_RADIANT; case "laneshop radiant": return LANE_SHOP_RADIANT; case "jungle dire": return JUNGLE_DIRE; case "base2 dire": return BASE_DIRE; case "void radiant": return VOID_RADIANT; case "river": return RIVER; case "bottomlane radiant": return LANE_BOTTOM_RADIANT; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "zone label doesn't match" ); } } } private final TreeMap<Long, Integer> x; private final TreeMap<Long, Integer> y; private final TreeMap<Long, Zone> zones; private final String name; private static Zone[][] ZONE_DICTIONARY = new Zone[124][124]; static { for (final Zone[] a : ZONE_DICTIONARY) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { a[i] = Zone.UNKNOWN; } } try { final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( Unit.class.getResourceAsStream( "Zones.csv" ) ) ); String line = null; int counter = 0; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (counter == 0) { counter++; continue; } final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( line, "," ); final int x = Integer.parseInt( tokenizer.nextToken() ); final int y = Integer.parseInt( tokenizer.nextToken() ); final String zonelabel = tokenizer.nextToken(); ZONE_DICTIONARY[x][y] = Zone.fromString( zonelabel ); counter++; } in.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Error parsing the master zone data. File Missing?" ); } } public Unit( String name ) { x = new TreeMap<Long, Integer>(); x.put( 0l, 0 ); y = new TreeMap<Long, Integer>(); y.put( 0l, 0 ); zones = new TreeMap<Long, Unit.Zone>(); zones.put( 0l, Zone.UNKNOWN ); = name; } public void addX( long tick, int x ) { this.x.put( tick, x ); if (!y.containsKey( tick )) { y.put( tick, y.floorEntry( tick ).getValue() ); } updateZone( tick ); } public void addY( long tick, int y ) { this.y.put( tick, y ); if (!x.containsKey( tick )) { x.put( tick, x.floorEntry( tick ).getValue() ); } updateZone( tick ); } public String getName() { return name; } public Map<Long, Integer> getX() { return x; } public int getX( long ms ) { if (!x.containsKey( ms )) { return x.floorEntry( ms ).getValue(); } else { return x.get( ms ); } } public Map<Long, Integer> getY() { return y; } public int getY( long ms ) { if (!y.containsKey( ms )) { return y.floorEntry( ms ).getValue(); } else { return y.get( ms ); } } public Zone getZone( long ms ) { if (!zones.containsKey( ms )) { return zones.floorEntry( ms ).getValue(); } else { return zones.get( ms ); } } public Map<Long, Zone> getZones() { return zones; } private void updateZone( long ms ) { // int x = getX( ms ); // int y = getY( ms ); // final Zone z; // if (x < 64 || y < 68) { // z = Zone.UNKNOWN; // } // else { // //Translate the coordinate to match it up with the label data // x -= 64; // y -= 68; // // z = ZONE_DICTIONARY[x][y]; // } // zones.put( ms, z ); } }