/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.directory.studio.schemaeditor.view; import java.util.List; import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.schema.AttributeType; import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.schema.ObjectClass; import org.apache.directory.studio.schemaeditor.Activator; import org.apache.directory.studio.schemaeditor.PluginConstants; import org.apache.directory.studio.schemaeditor.model.Schema; import org.apache.directory.studio.schemaeditor.model.schemachecker.SchemaChecker; import org.apache.directory.studio.schemaeditor.view.wrappers.AttributeTypeWrapper; import org.apache.directory.studio.schemaeditor.view.wrappers.Folder; import org.apache.directory.studio.schemaeditor.view.wrappers.ObjectClassWrapper; import org.apache.directory.studio.schemaeditor.view.wrappers.SchemaWrapper; import org.apache.directory.studio.schemaeditor.view.wrappers.TreeNode; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IDecoration; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILightweightLabelDecorator; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelProvider; /** * This class is the Schemas Editor Schema Checker Label Decorator. * It displays specific icons overlays for attribute types and object classes * based on their state in the schema checker. * * @author <a href="mailto:dev@directory.apache.org">Apache Directory Project</a> */ public class SchemaEditorSchemaCheckerLabelDecorator extends LabelProvider implements ILightweightLabelDecorator { /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void decorate( Object element, IDecoration decoration ) { SchemaChecker schemaChecker = Activator.getDefault().getSchemaChecker(); ElementState state = ElementState.NONE; if ( element instanceof AttributeTypeWrapper ) { AttributeType at = ( ( AttributeTypeWrapper ) element ).getAttributeType(); if ( schemaChecker.hasErrors( at ) ) { decorateState( ElementState.ERROR, decoration ); return; } if ( schemaChecker.hasWarnings( at ) ) { state = ElementState.WARNING; } } else if ( element instanceof ObjectClassWrapper ) { ObjectClass oc = ( ( ObjectClassWrapper ) element ).getObjectClass(); if ( schemaChecker.hasErrors( oc ) ) { decorateState( ElementState.ERROR, decoration ); return; } if ( schemaChecker.hasWarnings( oc ) ) { state = ElementState.WARNING; } } else if ( element instanceof SchemaWrapper ) { Schema schema = ( ( SchemaWrapper ) element ).getSchema(); for ( AttributeType at : schema.getAttributeTypes() ) { if ( schemaChecker.hasErrors( at ) ) { decorateState( ElementState.ERROR, decoration ); return; } if ( schemaChecker.hasWarnings( at ) ) { state = ElementState.WARNING; } } for ( ObjectClass oc : schema.getObjectClasses() ) { if ( schemaChecker.hasErrors( oc ) ) { decorateState( ElementState.ERROR, decoration ); return; } if ( schemaChecker.hasWarnings( oc ) ) { state = ElementState.WARNING; } } } else if ( element instanceof Folder ) { Folder folder = ( Folder ) element; if ( childrenHasErrors( folder.getChildren(), schemaChecker ) ) { decorateState( ElementState.ERROR, decoration ); return; } if ( childrenHasWarnings( folder.getChildren(), schemaChecker ) ) { state = ElementState.WARNING; } } decorateState( state, decoration ); } /** * Decorates the element from the value of its state. * * @param state * the state * @param decoration * the decoration */ private void decorateState( ElementState state, IDecoration decoration ) { switch ( state ) { case WARNING: decoration.addOverlay( Activator.getDefault().getImageDescriptor( PluginConstants.IMG_OVERLAY_WARNING ), IDecoration.BOTTOM_LEFT ); break; case ERROR: decoration.addOverlay( Activator.getDefault().getImageDescriptor( PluginConstants.IMG_OVERLAY_ERROR ), IDecoration.BOTTOM_LEFT ); break; default: break; } } /** * Verifies if the given children list contains elements that have warnings. * * @param children * the children list * @param schemaChecker * the schemaChecker * @return * true if the given children list contains elements that have warnings */ public boolean childrenHasWarnings( List<TreeNode> children, SchemaChecker schemaChecker ) { if ( children != null ) { for ( TreeNode child : children ) { if ( child instanceof AttributeTypeWrapper ) { AttributeType at = ( ( AttributeTypeWrapper ) child ).getAttributeType(); if ( schemaChecker.hasWarnings( at ) ) { return true; } else { if ( childrenHasWarnings( child.getChildren(), schemaChecker ) ) { return true; } } } else if ( child instanceof ObjectClassWrapper ) { ObjectClass oc = ( ( ObjectClassWrapper ) child ).getObjectClass(); if ( schemaChecker.hasWarnings( oc ) ) { return true; } else { if ( childrenHasWarnings( child.getChildren(), schemaChecker ) ) { return true; } } } } } return false; } /** * Verifies if the given children list contains elements that have warnings. * * @param children * the children list * @param schemaChecker * the schemaChecker * @return * true if the given children list contains elements that have warnings */ public boolean childrenHasErrors( List<TreeNode> children, SchemaChecker schemaChecker ) { if ( children != null ) { for ( TreeNode child : children ) { if ( child instanceof AttributeTypeWrapper ) { AttributeType at = ( ( AttributeTypeWrapper ) child ).getAttributeType(); if ( schemaChecker.hasErrors( at ) ) { return true; } else { if ( childrenHasErrors( child.getChildren(), schemaChecker ) ) { return true; } } } else if ( child instanceof ObjectClassWrapper ) { ObjectClass oc = ( ( ObjectClassWrapper ) child ).getObjectClass(); if ( schemaChecker.hasErrors( oc ) ) { return true; } else { if ( childrenHasErrors( child.getChildren(), schemaChecker ) ) { return true; } } } } } return false; } /** * This enum defines the state of an element. * * @author <a href="mailto:dev@directory.apache.org">Apache Directory Project</a> */ private enum ElementState { NONE, WARNING, ERROR; } }