/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.directory.studio.ldifeditor.editor.actions; import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.exception.LdapInvalidDnException; import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.name.Dn; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.common.BrowserCommonConstants; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.common.wizards.AttributeWizard; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.IBrowserConnection; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.IEntry; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.impl.DummyConnection; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.impl.DummyEntry; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.schema.Schema; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.utils.ModelConverter; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.utils.Utils; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifeditor.editor.LdifEditor; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.LdifPart; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.container.LdifChangeAddRecord; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.container.LdifChangeModifyRecord; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.container.LdifContainer; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.container.LdifContentRecord; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.container.LdifModSpec; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.lines.LdifAttrValLine; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.lines.LdifModSpecSepLine; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.lines.LdifModSpecTypeLine; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.lines.LdifValueLineBase; import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog; import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardDialog; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; public class EditLdifAttributeAction extends AbstractLdifAction { public EditLdifAttributeAction( LdifEditor editor ) { super( Messages.getString( "EditLdifAttributeAction.EditAttributeDescription" ), editor ); //$NON-NLS-1$ super.setActionDefinitionId( BrowserCommonConstants.ACTION_ID_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION ); } public void update() { LdifContainer[] containers = getSelectedLdifContainers(); LdifModSpec modSpec = getSelectedLdifModSpec(); LdifPart[] parts = getSelectedLdifParts(); super .setEnabled( parts.length == 1 && ( parts[0] instanceof LdifAttrValLine || modSpec != null ) && containers.length == 1 && ( containers[0] instanceof LdifContentRecord || containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeAddRecord || containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeModifyRecord ) ); } protected void doRun() { LdifContainer[] containers = getSelectedLdifContainers(); LdifModSpec modSpec = getSelectedLdifModSpec(); LdifPart[] parts = getSelectedLdifParts(); if ( parts.length == 1 && ( parts[0] instanceof LdifAttrValLine || parts[0] instanceof LdifModSpecTypeLine ) && containers.length == 1 && ( containers[0] instanceof LdifContentRecord || containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeAddRecord || containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeModifyRecord ) ) { try { LdifValueLineBase line = ( LdifValueLineBase ) parts[0]; String attributeDescription = null; String oldValue = null; if ( modSpec != null && line instanceof LdifModSpecTypeLine ) { LdifModSpecTypeLine oldLine = ( LdifModSpecTypeLine ) line; attributeDescription = oldLine.getUnfoldedAttributeDescription(); oldValue = null; } else { LdifAttrValLine oldLine = ( LdifAttrValLine ) line; attributeDescription = oldLine.getUnfoldedAttributeDescription(); oldValue = oldLine.getValueAsString(); } Schema schema = editor.getConnection() != null ? editor.getConnection().getSchema() : Schema.DEFAULT_SCHEMA; IBrowserConnection dummyConnection = new DummyConnection( schema ); IEntry dummyEntry = null; if ( containers[0] instanceof LdifContentRecord ) { dummyEntry = ModelConverter.ldifContentRecordToEntry( ( LdifContentRecord ) containers[0], dummyConnection ); } else if ( containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeAddRecord ) { dummyEntry = ModelConverter.ldifChangeAddRecordToEntry( ( LdifChangeAddRecord ) containers[0], dummyConnection ); } else if ( containers[0] instanceof LdifChangeModifyRecord ) { dummyEntry = new DummyEntry( new Dn(), dummyConnection ); } AttributeWizard wizard = new AttributeWizard( Messages .getString( "EditLdifAttributeAction.EditAttributeDescription" ), true, false, //$NON-NLS-1$ attributeDescription, dummyEntry ); WizardDialog dialog = new WizardDialog( Display.getDefault().getActiveShell(), wizard ); dialog.setBlockOnOpen( true ); dialog.create(); if ( dialog.open() == Dialog.OK ) { String newAttributeDescription = wizard.getAttributeDescription(); if ( newAttributeDescription != null ) { IDocument document = editor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument( editor.getEditorInput() ); if ( modSpec != null ) { LdifModSpecTypeLine oldTypeLine = modSpec.getModSpecType(); LdifModSpecTypeLine newTypeLine = null; if ( oldTypeLine.isAdd() ) { newTypeLine = LdifModSpecTypeLine.createAdd( newAttributeDescription ); } else if ( oldTypeLine.isDelete() ) { newTypeLine = LdifModSpecTypeLine.createDelete( newAttributeDescription ); } else if ( oldTypeLine.isReplace() ) { newTypeLine = LdifModSpecTypeLine.createReplace( newAttributeDescription ); } LdifAttrValLine[] oldAttrValLines = modSpec.getAttrVals(); LdifAttrValLine[] newAttrValLines = new LdifAttrValLine[oldAttrValLines.length]; for ( int i = 0; i < oldAttrValLines.length; i++ ) { LdifAttrValLine oldAttrValLine = oldAttrValLines[i]; newAttrValLines[i] = LdifAttrValLine.create( newAttributeDescription, oldAttrValLine .getValueAsString() ); } LdifModSpecSepLine newSepLine = LdifModSpecSepLine.create(); String text = newTypeLine.toFormattedString( Utils.getLdifFormatParameters() ); for ( int j = 0; j < newAttrValLines.length; j++ ) { text += newAttrValLines[j].toFormattedString( Utils.getLdifFormatParameters() ); } text += newSepLine.toFormattedString( Utils.getLdifFormatParameters() ); try { document.replace( modSpec.getOffset(), modSpec.getLength(), text ); } catch ( BadLocationException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { // LdifContentRecord || // LdifChangeAddRecord LdifAttrValLine newLine = LdifAttrValLine.create( newAttributeDescription, oldValue ); try { document.replace( line.getOffset(), line.getLength(), newLine.toFormattedString( Utils .getLdifFormatParameters() ) ); } catch ( BadLocationException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // ... } } catch ( LdapInvalidDnException e ) { } } } }