/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.utils; import java.beans.XMLDecoder; import java.beans.XMLEncoder; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.name.Ava; import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.name.Dn; import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.name.Rdn; import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.schema.AttributeType; import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.url.LdapUrl; import org.apache.directory.api.util.Strings; import org.apache.directory.studio.connection.core.ConnectionParameter.EncryptionMethod; import org.apache.directory.studio.connection.core.StudioControl; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.BrowserCoreConstants; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.BrowserCorePlugin; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.IAttribute; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.IBrowserConnection; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.IBrowserConnection.ModifyMode; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.IBrowserConnection.ModifyOrder; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.IEntry; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.ISearch; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.IValue; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.schema.Schema; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldapbrowser.core.model.schema.SchemaUtils; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.LdifFormatParameters; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.LdifUtils; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.LdifFile; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.container.LdifChangeModifyRecord; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.container.LdifModSpec; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.lines.LdifAttrValLine; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.lines.LdifChangeTypeLine; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.lines.LdifControlLine; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.lines.LdifDnLine; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.lines.LdifModSpecSepLine; import org.apache.directory.studio.ldifparser.model.lines.LdifSepLine; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences; public class Utils { /** * Transforms the given Dn into a normalized String, usable by the schema cache. * The following transformations are performed: * <ul> * <li>The attribute type is replaced by the OID * <li>The attribute value is trimmed and lowercased * </ul> * Example: the surname=Bar will be transformed to * * * * @param dn the Dn * @param schema the schema * * @return the oid string */ public static String getNormalizedOidString( Dn dn, Schema schema ) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Iterator<Rdn> it = dn.getRdns().iterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { Rdn rdn = it.next(); sb.append( getOidString( rdn, schema ) ); if ( it.hasNext() ) { sb.append( ',' ); } } return sb.toString(); } private static String getOidString( Rdn rdn, Schema schema ) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Iterator<Ava> it = rdn.iterator(); while ( it.hasNext() ) { Ava ava = it.next(); sb.append( getOidString( ava, schema ) ); if ( it.hasNext() ) { sb.append( '+' ); } } return sb.toString(); } private static String getOidString( Ava ava, Schema schema ) { String oid = schema != null ? schema.getAttributeTypeDescription( ava.getNormType() ).getOid() : ava .getNormType(); return Strings.toLowerCase( Strings.trim( oid ) ) + "=" + Strings.trim( ava.getValue().getString() ).toLowerCase(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } public static String arrayToString( String[] array ) { if ( array == null || array.length == 0 ) { return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( array[0] ); for ( int i = 1; i < array.length; i++ ) { sb.append( ", " ); //$NON-NLS-1$ sb.append( array[i] ); } return sb.toString(); } } public static boolean equals( byte[] data1, byte[] data2 ) { if ( data1 == data2 ) return true; if ( data1 == null || data2 == null ) return false; if ( data1.length != data2.length ) return false; for ( int i = 0; i < data1.length; i++ ) { if ( data1[i] != data2[i] ) return false; } return true; } public static String getShortenedString( String value, int length ) { if ( value == null ) return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ if ( value.length() > length ) { value = value.substring( 0, length ) + "..."; //$NON-NLS-1$ } return value; } public static String serialize( Object o ) { ClassLoader ccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( Utils.class.getClassLoader() ); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XMLEncoder encoder = new XMLEncoder( baos ); encoder.writeObject( o ); encoder.close(); String s = LdifUtils.utf8decode( baos.toByteArray() ); return s; } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( ccl ); } } public static Object deserialize( String s ) { ClassLoader ccl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( Utils.class.getClassLoader() ); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream( LdifUtils.utf8encode( s ) ); XMLDecoder decoder = new XMLDecoder( bais ); Object o = decoder.readObject(); decoder.close(); return o; } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( ccl ); } } public static String getNonNullString( Object o ) { return o == null ? "-" : o.toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } public static String formatBytes( long bytes ) { String size = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ if ( bytes > 1024 * 1024 ) size += ( bytes / 1024 / 1024 ) + " " + Messages.Utils_MegaBytes + " (" + bytes + " " + Messages.Utils_Bytes + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ //$NON-NLS-6$ else if ( bytes > 1024 ) size += ( bytes / 1024 ) + " " + Messages.Utils_KiloBytes + " (" + bytes + " " + Messages.Utils_Bytes + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ //$NON-NLS-6$ else if ( bytes > 1 ) size += bytes + " " + Messages.Utils_Bytes; //$NON-NLS-1$ else size += bytes + " " + Messages.Utils_Byte; //$NON-NLS-1$ return size; } public static boolean containsIgnoreCase( Collection<String> c, String s ) { if ( c == null || s == null ) { return false; } for ( String string : c ) { if ( string.equalsIgnoreCase( s ) ) { return true; } } return false; } public static LdifFormatParameters getLdifFormatParameters() { Preferences store = BrowserCorePlugin.getDefault().getPluginPreferences(); boolean spaceAfterColon = store.getBoolean( BrowserCoreConstants.PREFERENCE_LDIF_SPACE_AFTER_COLON ); int lineWidth = store.getInt( BrowserCoreConstants.PREFERENCE_LDIF_LINE_WIDTH ); String lineSeparator = store.getString( BrowserCoreConstants.PREFERENCE_LDIF_LINE_SEPARATOR ); LdifFormatParameters ldifFormatParameters = new LdifFormatParameters( spaceAfterColon, lineWidth, lineSeparator ); return ldifFormatParameters; } /** * Transforms an IBrowserConnection to an LdapURL. The following parameters are * used to create the LDAP URL: * <ul> * <li>scheme * <li>host * <li>port * </ul> * * @param entry the entry * @return the LDAP URL */ public static LdapUrl getLdapURL( IBrowserConnection browserConnection ) { LdapUrl url = new LdapUrl(); if ( browserConnection.getConnection() != null ) { if ( browserConnection.getConnection().getEncryptionMethod() == EncryptionMethod.LDAPS ) { url.setScheme( LdapUrl.LDAPS_SCHEME ); } else { url.setScheme( LdapUrl.LDAP_SCHEME ); } url.setHost( browserConnection.getConnection().getHost() ); url.setPort( browserConnection.getConnection().getPort() ); } return url; } /** * Transforms an IEntry to an LdapURL. The following parameters are * used to create the LDAP URL: * <ul> * <li>scheme * <li>host * <li>port * <li>dn * </ul> * * @param entry the entry * @return the LDAP URL */ public static LdapUrl getLdapURL( IEntry entry ) { LdapUrl url = getLdapURL( entry.getBrowserConnection() ); url.setDn( entry.getDn() ); return url; } /** * Transforms an ISearch to an LdapURL. The following search parameters are * used to create the LDAP URL: * <ul> * <li>scheme * <li>host * <li>port * <li>search base * <li>returning attributes * <li>scope * <li>filter * </ul> * * @param search the search * @return the LDAP URL */ public static LdapUrl getLdapURL( ISearch search ) { LdapUrl url = getLdapURL( search.getBrowserConnection() ); url.setDn( search.getSearchBase() ); if ( search.getReturningAttributes() != null ) { url.setAttributes( Arrays.asList( search.getReturningAttributes() ) ); } url.setScope( search.getScope().getScope() ); url.setFilter( search.getFilter() ); return url; } /** * Computes the difference between the old and the new entry * and returns an LDIF that could be applied to the old entry * to get new entry. * * @param oldEntry the old entry * @param newEntry the new entry * @return the change modify record or null if there is no difference * between the two entries */ public static LdifFile computeDiff( IEntry oldEntry, IEntry newEntry ) { // get connection parameters ModifyMode modifyMode = oldEntry.getBrowserConnection().getModifyMode(); ModifyMode modifyModeNoEMR = oldEntry.getBrowserConnection().getModifyModeNoEMR(); ModifyOrder modifyAddDeleteOrder = oldEntry.getBrowserConnection().getModifyAddDeleteOrder(); // get all attribute descriptions Set<String> attributeDescriptions = new HashSet<String>(); for ( IAttribute oldAttr : oldEntry.getAttributes() ) { attributeDescriptions.add( oldAttr.getDescription() ); } for ( IAttribute newAttr : newEntry.getAttributes() ) { attributeDescriptions.add( newAttr.getDescription() ); } // prepare the LDIF record containing the modifications LdifChangeModifyRecord record = new LdifChangeModifyRecord( LdifDnLine.create( newEntry.getDn().getName() ) ); if ( newEntry.isReferral() ) { record.addControl( LdifControlLine.create( StudioControl.MANAGEDSAIT_CONTROL.getOid(), StudioControl.MANAGEDSAIT_CONTROL.isCritical(), StudioControl.MANAGEDSAIT_CONTROL.getControlValue() ) ); } record.setChangeType( LdifChangeTypeLine.createModify() ); // check all the attributes for ( String attributeDescription : attributeDescriptions ) { // get attribute type schema information Schema schema = oldEntry.getBrowserConnection().getSchema(); AttributeType atd = schema.getAttributeTypeDescription( attributeDescription ); boolean hasEMR = SchemaUtils.getEqualityMatchingRuleNameOrNumericOidTransitive( atd, schema ) != null; boolean isReplaceForced = ( hasEMR && modifyMode == ModifyMode.REPLACE ) || ( !hasEMR && modifyModeNoEMR == ModifyMode.REPLACE ); boolean isAddDelForced = ( hasEMR && modifyMode == ModifyMode.ADD_DELETE ) || ( !hasEMR && modifyModeNoEMR == ModifyMode.ADD_DELETE ); boolean isOrderedValue = atd.getExtensions().containsKey( "X-ORDERED" ) //$NON-NLS-1$ && atd.getExtensions().get( "X-ORDERED" ).contains( "VALUES" ); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ // get old an new values for comparison IAttribute oldAttribute = oldEntry.getAttribute( attributeDescription ); Set<String> oldValues = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, LdifAttrValLine> oldAttrValLines = new LinkedHashMap<String, LdifAttrValLine>(); if ( oldAttribute != null ) { for ( IValue value : oldAttribute.getValues() ) { LdifAttrValLine attrValLine = computeDiffCreateAttrValLine( value ); oldValues.add( attrValLine.getUnfoldedValue() ); oldAttrValLines.put( attrValLine.getUnfoldedValue(), attrValLine ); } } IAttribute newAttribute = newEntry.getAttribute( attributeDescription ); Set<String> newValues = new HashSet<String>(); Map<String, LdifAttrValLine> newAttrValLines = new LinkedHashMap<String, LdifAttrValLine>(); if ( newAttribute != null ) { for ( IValue value : newAttribute.getValues() ) { LdifAttrValLine attrValLine = computeDiffCreateAttrValLine( value ); newValues.add( attrValLine.getUnfoldedValue() ); newAttrValLines.put( attrValLine.getUnfoldedValue(), attrValLine ); } } // check what to do if ( oldAttribute != null && newAttribute == null ) { // attribute only exists in the old entry: delete all values LdifModSpec modSpec; if ( isReplaceForced ) { // replace (empty value list) modSpec = LdifModSpec.createReplace( attributeDescription ); } else // addDelForced or default { // delete all modSpec = LdifModSpec.createDelete( attributeDescription ); } modSpec.finish( LdifModSpecSepLine.create() ); record.addModSpec( modSpec ); } else if ( oldAttribute == null && newAttribute != null ) { // attribute only exists in the new entry: add all values LdifModSpec modSpec; if ( isReplaceForced ) { // replace (all values) modSpec = LdifModSpec.createReplace( attributeDescription ); } else // addDelForced or default { // add (all new values) modSpec = LdifModSpec.createAdd( attributeDescription ); } for ( IValue value : newAttribute.getValues() ) { modSpec.addAttrVal( computeDiffCreateAttrValLine( value ) ); } modSpec.finish( LdifModSpecSepLine.create() ); record.addModSpec( modSpec ); } else if ( oldAttribute != null && newAttribute != null && !oldValues.equals( newValues ) ) { // attribute exists in both entries, check modifications if ( isReplaceForced ) { // replace (all new values) LdifModSpec modSpec = LdifModSpec.createReplace( attributeDescription ); for ( IValue value : newAttribute.getValues() ) { modSpec.addAttrVal( computeDiffCreateAttrValLine( value ) ); } modSpec.finish( LdifModSpecSepLine.create() ); record.addModSpec( modSpec ); } else { // compute diff List<LdifAttrValLine> toDel = new ArrayList<LdifAttrValLine>(); List<LdifAttrValLine> toAdd = new ArrayList<LdifAttrValLine>(); for ( Map.Entry<String, LdifAttrValLine> entry : oldAttrValLines.entrySet() ) { if ( !newValues.contains( entry.getKey() ) ) { toDel.add( entry.getValue() ); } } for ( Map.Entry<String, LdifAttrValLine> entry : newAttrValLines.entrySet() ) { if ( !oldValues.contains( entry.getKey() ) ) { toAdd.add( entry.getValue() ); } } /* * we use add/del in the following cases: * - add/del is forced in the connection configuration * - only values to add * - only values to delete * - the sum of adds and deletes is smaller or equal than the number of replaces * * we use replace in the following cases: * - the number of replaces is smaller to the sum of adds and deletes * - for attributes with X-ORDERED 'VALUES' */ if ( isAddDelForced || ( toAdd.size() + toDel.size() <= newAttrValLines.size() && !isOrderedValue ) || ( !toDel.isEmpty() && toAdd.isEmpty() ) || ( !toAdd.isEmpty() && toDel.isEmpty() ) ) { // add/del del/add LdifModSpec addModSpec = LdifModSpec.createAdd( attributeDescription ); for ( LdifAttrValLine attrValLine : toAdd ) { addModSpec.addAttrVal( attrValLine ); } addModSpec.finish( LdifModSpecSepLine.create() ); LdifModSpec delModSpec = LdifModSpec.createDelete( attributeDescription ); for ( LdifAttrValLine attrValLine : toDel ) { delModSpec.addAttrVal( attrValLine ); } delModSpec.finish( LdifModSpecSepLine.create() ); if ( modifyAddDeleteOrder == ModifyOrder.DELETE_FIRST ) { if ( delModSpec.getAttrVals().length > 0 ) { record.addModSpec( delModSpec ); } if ( addModSpec.getAttrVals().length > 0 ) { record.addModSpec( addModSpec ); } } else { if ( addModSpec.getAttrVals().length > 0 ) { record.addModSpec( addModSpec ); } if ( delModSpec.getAttrVals().length > 0 ) { record.addModSpec( delModSpec ); } } } else { // replace (all new values) LdifModSpec modSpec = LdifModSpec.createReplace( attributeDescription ); for ( LdifAttrValLine attrValLine : newAttrValLines.values() ) { modSpec.addAttrVal( attrValLine ); } modSpec.finish( LdifModSpecSepLine.create() ); record.addModSpec( modSpec ); } } } } record.finish( LdifSepLine.create() ); LdifFile model = new LdifFile(); if ( record.isValid() && record.getModSpecs().length > 0 ) { model.addContainer( record ); } return model.getRecords().length > 0 ? model : null; } private static LdifAttrValLine computeDiffCreateAttrValLine( IValue value ) { IAttribute attribute = value.getAttribute(); if ( attribute.isBinary() ) { return LdifAttrValLine.create( attribute.getDescription(), value.getBinaryValue() ); } else { return LdifAttrValLine.create( attribute.getDescription(), value.getStringValue() ); } } }