package is2.parser; import*; import*; import; import; import is2.util.DB; import is2.util.OptionsSuper; import is2.util.ParserEvaluator; import*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; public class Parser implements Tool, Retrainable { // output evaluation info private static final boolean MAX_INFO = true; public static int THREADS = 4; public Long2IntInterface l2i; public ParametersFloat params; public Pipe pipe; public OptionsSuper options; // keep some of the parsing information for later evaluation public Instances is; DataFES d2; public Parse d = null; private long startTime; public static PrintStream out = System.out; /** * Initialize the parser * * @param options */ public Parser(OptionsSuper options) { this.options = options; pipe = new Pipe(options); params = new ParametersFloat(0); // load the model try { readModel(options, pipe, params); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @param modelFileName The file name of the parsing model */ public Parser(String modelFileName) { this(new Options(new String[]{"-model", modelFileName})); } /** * */ public Parser() { } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { out.print("Started: " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "\n"); OptionsSuper options = new Options(args); Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); THREADS = runtime.availableProcessors(); if (options.cores < THREADS && options.cores > 0) { THREADS = options.cores; } DB.println("Found " + runtime.availableProcessors() + " cores use " + THREADS); if (options.train) { Parser p = new Parser(); p.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); p.options = options; p.l2i = new Long2Int(options.hsize); p.pipe = new Pipe(options); Instances is = new Instances(); Extractor.initFeatures(); p.pipe.extractor = new Extractor[THREADS]; DB.println("hsize " + options.hsize); DB.println("Use " + (options.featureCreation == OptionsSuper.MULTIPLICATIVE ? "multiplication" : "shift") + "-based feature creation function"); for (int t = 0; t < THREADS; t++) { p.pipe.extractor[t] = new Extractor(p.l2i, options.stack, options.featureCreation); } DB.println("Stacking " + options.stack); p.pipe.createInstances(options.trainfile, is); p.params = new ParametersFloat(p.l2i.size()); p.train(options, p.pipe, p.params, is,; out.print("Saving model..."); p.writeModell(options, p.params, null,; out.println("done."); out.println("Training Time: " + CalculateTime(p.startTime, System.currentTimeMillis())); } if (options.test) { Parser p = new Parser(); p.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); p.options = options; p.pipe = new Pipe(options); p.params = new ParametersFloat(0); // total should be zero and the parameters are later read // load the model p.readModel(options, p.pipe, p.params); DB.println("label only? " + options.label); p.out(options, p.pipe, p.params, !MAX_INFO, options.label); out.println("\nParsing Time: " + CalculateTime(p.startTime, System.currentTimeMillis())); } if (options.eval) { out.println("EVALUATION PERFORMANCE:"); ParserEvaluator.evaluate(options.goldfile, options.outfile); } out.println("Finished: " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); Decoder.executerService.shutdown(); Pipe.executerService.shutdown(); out.println("end."); } /** * Read the models and mapping * * @param options * @param pipe * @param params * @throws IOException */ public final void readModel(OptionsSuper options, Pipe pipe, Parameters params) throws IOException { DB.println("Reading data started"); // prepare zipped reader ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(options.modelName))); zis.getNextEntry(); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(zis)); try {; } catch(Exception ex) { throw new; } = new Cluster(dis);; this.l2i = new Long2Int(params.size()); DB.println("parsing -- li size " + l2i.size()); pipe.extractor = new Extractor[THREADS]; boolean stack = dis.readBoolean(); options.featureCreation = dis.readInt(); for (int t = 0; t < THREADS; t++) { pipe.extractor[t] = new Extractor(l2i, stack, options.featureCreation); } DB.println("Stacking " + stack); Extractor.initFeatures(); Extractor.initStat(options.featureCreation); for (int t = 0; t < THREADS; t++) { pipe.extractor[t].init(); }; options.decodeProjective = dis.readBoolean(); Extractor.maxForm = dis.readInt(); boolean foundInfo = false; try { String info; int icnt = dis.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < icnt; i++) { info = dis.readUTF(); out.println(info); } } catch (Exception e) { if (!foundInfo) { out.println("no info about training"); } } dis.close(); DB.println("Reading data finnished"); Decoder.NON_PROJECTIVITY_THRESHOLD = (float) options.decodeTH; Extractor.initStat(options.featureCreation); } /** * Do the training * * @param instanceLengths * @param options * @param pipe * @param params * @param is * @param cluster * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ public void train(OptionsSuper options, Pipe pipe, ParametersFloat params, Instances is, Cluster cluster) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { DB.println("\nTraining Information "); DB.println("-------------------- "); Decoder.NON_PROJECTIVITY_THRESHOLD = (float) options.decodeTH; if (options.decodeProjective) { out.println("Decoding: " + (options.decodeProjective ? "projective" : "non-projective")); } else { out.println(Decoder.getInfo()); } int numInstances = is.size(); int maxLenInstances = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) { if (maxLenInstances < is.length(i)) { maxLenInstances = is.length(i); } } DataFES data = new DataFES(maxLenInstances,; int iter = 0; float error; float f1; FV pred = new FV(); FV act = new FV(); double upd = (double) (numInstances * options.numIters) + 1; for (; iter < options.numIters; iter++) { out.print("Iteration " + iter + ": "); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long last = System.currentTimeMillis(); error = 0; f1 = 0; for (int n = 0; n < numInstances; n++) { upd--; if (is.labels[n].length > options.maxLen) { continue; } String info = " - Decotder Time: " + ((Decoder.timeDecotder) / 1000000F) + " - Rearrange Time: " + ((Decoder.timeRearrange) / 1000000F) + " - Extract Time: " + ((Pipe.timeExtract) / 1000000F); if ((n + 1) % 500 == 0) { PipeGen.outValueErr(n + 1, error, f1 / n, last, upd, info); } short pos[] = is.pposs[n]; data = pipe.fillVector((F2SF) params.getFV(), is, n, data, cluster); Parse d = Decoder.decode(pos, data, options.decodeProjective, Decoder.TRAINING); double e = pipe.errors(is, n, d); if (d.f1 > 0) { f1 += d.f1; } if (e <= 0) { continue; } pred.clear(); pipe.extractor[0].encodeCat(is, n, pos, is.forms[n], is.plemmas[n], d.heads, d.labels, is.feats[n],, pred); error += e; params.getFV(); act.clear(); pipe.extractor[0].encodeCat(is, n, pos, is.forms[n], is.plemmas[n], is.heads[n], is.labels[n], is.feats[n],, act); params.update(act, pred, is, n, d, upd, e); } String info = " - Decotder Time: " + ((Decoder.timeDecotder) / 1000000F) + " - Rearrange Time: " + ((Decoder.timeRearrange) / 1000000F) + " - Extract Time: " + ((Pipe.timeExtract) / 1000000F); PipeGen.outValueErr(numInstances, error, f1 / numInstances, last, upd, info); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); out.println("\n\t\tNon-Zero Count: " + params.countNZ() + " - Time: " + CalculateTime(start, end) + " (" + (end - start) + " ms)"); ParametersFloat pf = params.average2((iter + 1) * is.size()); try { if (options.testfile != null && options.goldfile != null) { out(options, pipe, pf, !MAX_INFO, false); ParserEvaluator.evaluate(options.goldfile, options.outfile); // writeModell(options, pf, ""+(iter+1),; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (error == 0) { DB.println("stopped because learned all lessons"); break; } Decoder.timeDecotder = 0; Decoder.timeRearrange = 0; Pipe.timeExtract = 0; } if (options.average) { params.average(iter * is.size()); } } /** * Do the parsing job * * @param options * @param pipe * @param params * @throws IOException */ private void out(OptionsSuper options, Pipe pipe, ParametersFloat params, boolean maxInfo, boolean labelOnly) throws Exception { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); CONLLReader depReader = null; CONLLWriter depWriter = null; if (options.formatTask == 4) { depReader = new CONLLReader04(options.testfile); depWriter = new CONLLWriter06(options.outfile); } else if (options.formatTask == 6) { depReader = new CONLLReader06(options.testfile); depWriter = new CONLLWriter06(options.outfile); } else if (options.formatTask == 8) { depReader = new CONLLReader08(options.testfile); depWriter = new CONLLWriter09(options.outfile); } else if (options.formatTask == 9) { depReader = new CONLLReader09(options.testfile); depWriter = new CONLLWriter09(options.outfile); } Extractor.initFeatures(); int cnt = 0; int del = 0; long last = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (maxInfo) { out.println("\nParsing Information "); } if (maxInfo) { out.println("------------------- "); } if (maxInfo && !options.decodeProjective) { out.println("" + Decoder.getInfo()); } // if (!maxInfo) out.println(); String[] types = new String[]; for (Entry<String, Integer> e : { types[e.getValue()] = e.getKey(); } out.print("Processing Sentence: "); while (true) { Instances ins = new Instances(); ins.init(1, new MFO(), options.formatTask); SentenceData09 instance = pipe.nextInstance(ins, depReader); if (instance == null) { break; } cnt++; SentenceData09 i09 = this.parse(instance, params, labelOnly, options); depWriter.write(i09); del = PipeGen.outValue(cnt, del, last); } //pipe.close(); depWriter.finishWriting(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); // DB.println("errors "+error); if (maxInfo) { out.println("Used time " + (end - start)); } if (maxInfo) { out.println("forms count " + Instances.m_count + " unkown " + Instances.m_unkown); } } /** * Parse a single sentence * * @param instance * @param params * @param labelOnly * @param options * @return */ public SentenceData09 parse(SentenceData09 instance, ParametersFloat params, boolean labelOnly, OptionsSuper options) throws IOException { String[] types = new String[]; for (Entry<String, Integer> e : MFO.getFeatureSet().get(PipeGen.REL).entrySet()) { types[e.getValue()] = e.getKey(); } is = new Instances(); is.init(1, new MFO(), options.formatTask); new CONLLReader09().insert(is, instance); // use for the training ppos SentenceData09 i09 = new SentenceData09(instance); i09.createSemantic(instance); if (labelOnly) { F2SF f2s = params.getFV(); // repair pheads is.pheads[0] = is.heads[0]; for (int l = 0; l < is.pheads[0].length; l++) { if (is.pheads[0][l] < 0) { is.pheads[0][l] = 0; } } short[] labels = pipe.extractor[0].searchLabel(is, 0, is.pposs[0], is.forms[0], is.plemmas[0], is.pheads[0], is.plabels[0], is.feats[0],, f2s); for (int j = 0; j < instance.forms.length - 1; j++) { i09.plabels[j] = types[labels[j + 1]]; i09.pheads[j] = is.pheads[0][j + 1]; } return i09; } if (options.maxLength > instance.length() && options.minLength <= instance.length()) { try { d2 = pipe.fillVector(params.getFV(), is, 0, null,;//cnt-1 d = Decoder.decode(is.pposs[0], d2, options.decodeProjective, !Decoder.TRAINING); //cnt-1 } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (int j = 0; j < instance.forms.length - 1; j++) { i09.plabels[j] = types[d.labels[j + 1]]; i09.pheads[j] = d.heads[j + 1]; } } return i09; } /* * (non-Javadoc) @see */ @Override public SentenceData09 apply(SentenceData09 snt09) { SentenceData09 outData = null; try { outData = parse(snt09, this.params, false, options); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Decoder.executerService.shutdown(); Pipe.executerService.shutdown(); return outData; } /** * Get the edge scores of the last parse. * * @return the scores */ public float[] getInfo() { float[] scores = new float[is.length(0)]; Extractor.encode3(is.pposs[0], d.heads, d.labels, d2, scores); return scores; } /** * Write the parsing model * * @param options * @param params * @param extension * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ private void writeModell(OptionsSuper options, ParametersFloat params, String extension, Cluster cs) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String name = extension == null ? options.modelName : options.modelName + extension; // out.println("Writting model: "+name); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(name))); zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("data")); DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(zos)); MFO.writeData(dos); cs.write(dos); params.write(dos); dos.writeBoolean(options.stack); dos.writeInt(options.featureCreation); Edges.write(dos); dos.writeBoolean(options.decodeProjective); dos.writeInt(Extractor.maxForm); dos.writeInt(5); // Info count dos.writeUTF("Used parser " + Parser.class.toString()); dos.writeUTF("Creation date " + (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss")).format(new Date())); dos.writeUTF("Training data " + options.trainfile); dos.writeUTF("Iterations " + options.numIters + " Used sentences " + options.count); dos.writeUTF("Cluster " + options.clusterFile); dos.flush(); dos.close(); } @Override public boolean retrain(SentenceData09 sentence, float upd, int iterations) { = params.parameters; boolean done = false; for (int k = 0; k < iterations; k++) { try { // create the data structure DataFES data = new DataFES(sentence.length(),; Instances ins = new Instances(); ins.m_encoder =; ins.init(1,, options.formatTask); new CONLLReader09().insert(ins, sentence); // String list[] = ((MFO)is.m_encoder).reverse(((MFO)is.m_encoder).getFeatureSet().get(Pipe.POS)); // for(String s :list) { // out.println(s+" "); // } // for(int i=0;i<is.length(0);i++) { // out.printf("%d\t %d\t %d \n",i,is.forms[0][i],is.pposs[0][i] ); // out.printf("%s\t form:%s pos:%s\n",i,sentence.forms[i],sentence.ppos[i]); // } SentenceData09 i09 = new SentenceData09(sentence); i09.createSemantic(sentence); // create the weights data = pipe.fillVector((F2SF) params.getFV(), ins, 0, data,; short[] pos = ins.pposs[0]; // parse the sentence Parse d = Decoder.decode(pos, data, options.decodeProjective, Decoder.TRAINING); // training successful? double e = pipe.errors(ins, 0, d); // out.println("errors "+e); if (e == 0) { done = true; break; } // update the weight vector FV pred = new FV(); pipe.extractor[0].encodeCat(ins, 0, pos, ins.forms[0], ins.plemmas[0], d.heads, d.labels, ins.feats[0],, pred); params.getFV(); FV act = new FV(); pipe.extractor[0].encodeCat(ins, 0, pos, ins.forms[0], ins.plemmas[0], ins.heads[0], ins.labels[0], ins.feats[0],, act); params.update(act, pred, ins, 0, d, upd, e); if (upd > 0) { upd--; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Decoder.executerService.shutdown(); Pipe.executerService.shutdown(); return done; } @Override public boolean retrain(SentenceData09 sentence, float upd, int iterations, boolean print) { return retrain(sentence, upd, iterations); } public static String CalculateTime(long startTime, long endTime) { int a = 1000000; long time = (endTime-startTime)/1000; int hour = (int)(time / 3600); String hh = String.valueOf(hour); if (hh.length() == 1) hh = "0" + hh; time = time % 3600; int min = (int)(time / 60); String mm = String.valueOf(min); if (mm.length() == 1) mm = "0" + mm; int second = (int)(time % 60); String ss = String.valueOf(second); if (ss.length() == 1) ss = "0" + ss; return String.format("%s:%s:%s", hh, mm, ss); } }