package; import; import org.maltparser.core.helper.Util; import libsvm.svm_model; import libsvm.svm_node; import libsvm.svm_parameter; import libsvm.svm_problem; /** * <p>This class borrows code from of the Java implementation of the libsvm package. * MaltLibsvmModel stores the model obtained from the training procedure. In addition to the original code the model is more integrated to * MaltParser. Instead of moving features from MaltParser's internal data structures to liblinear's data structure it uses MaltParser's data * structure directly on the model. </p> * * @author Johan Hall * */ public class MaltLibsvmModel implements Serializable, MaltLibModel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7526471155622776147L; public svm_parameter param; // parameter public int nr_class; // number of classes, = 2 in regression/one class svm public int l; // total #SV public svm_node[][] SV; // SVs (SV[l]) public double[][] sv_coef; // coefficients for SVs in decision functions (sv_coef[k-1][l]) public double[] rho; // constants in decision functions (rho[k*(k-1)/2]) // for classification only public int[] label; // label of each class (label[k]) public int[] nSV; // number of SVs for each class (nSV[k]) // nSV[0] + nSV[1] + ... + nSV[k-1] = l public int[] start; public MaltLibsvmModel(svm_model model, svm_problem problem) { this.param = model.param; this.nr_class = model.nr_class; this.l = model.l; this.SV = model.SV; this.sv_coef = model.sv_coef; this.rho = model.rho; this.label = model.label; this.nSV = model.nSV; start = new int[nr_class]; start[0] = 0; for(int i=1;i<nr_class;i++) { start[i] = start[i-1]+nSV[i-1]; } } public int[] predict(MaltFeatureNode[] x) { final double[] dec_values = new double[nr_class*(nr_class-1)/2]; final double[] kvalue = new double[l]; final int[] vote = new int[nr_class]; int i; for(i=0;i<l;i++) { kvalue[i] = MaltLibsvmModel.k_function(x,SV[i],param); } for(i=0;i<nr_class;i++) { vote[i] = 0; } int p=0; for(i=0;i<nr_class;i++) { for(int j=i+1;j<nr_class;j++) { double sum = 0; int si = start[i]; int sj = start[j]; int ci = nSV[i]; int cj = nSV[j]; int k; double[] coef1 = sv_coef[j-1]; double[] coef2 = sv_coef[i]; for(k=0;k<ci;k++) sum += coef1[si+k] * kvalue[si+k]; for(k=0;k<cj;k++) sum += coef2[sj+k] * kvalue[sj+k]; sum -= rho[p]; dec_values[p] = sum; if(dec_values[p] > 0) ++vote[i]; else ++vote[j]; p++; } } final int[] predictionList = Util.copyOf(label, nr_class); int tmpObj; int lagest; int tmpint; final int nc = nr_class-1; for (i=0; i < nc; i++) { lagest = i; for (int j=i; j < nr_class; j++) { if (vote[j] > vote[lagest]) { lagest = j; } } tmpint = vote[lagest]; vote[lagest] = vote[i]; vote[i] = tmpint; tmpObj = predictionList[lagest]; predictionList[lagest] = predictionList[i]; predictionList[i] = tmpObj; } return predictionList; } static double dot(MaltFeatureNode[] x, svm_node[] y) { double sum = 0; final int xlen = x.length; final int ylen = y.length; int i = 0; int j = 0; while(i < xlen && j < ylen) { if(x[i].index == y[j].index) sum += x[i++].value * y[j++].value; else { if(x[i].index > y[j].index) ++j; else ++i; } } return sum; } static double powi(double base, int times) { double tmp = base, ret = 1.0; for(int t=times; t>0; t/=2) { if(t%2==1) ret*=tmp; tmp = tmp * tmp; } return ret; } static double k_function(MaltFeatureNode[] x, svm_node[] y, svm_parameter param) { switch(param.kernel_type) { case svm_parameter.LINEAR: return dot(x,y); case svm_parameter.POLY: return powi(param.gamma*dot(x,y)+param.coef0,; case svm_parameter.RBF: { double sum = 0; int xlen = x.length; int ylen = y.length; int i = 0; int j = 0; while(i < xlen && j < ylen) { if(x[i].index == y[j].index) { double d = x[i++].value - y[j++].value; sum += d*d; } else if(x[i].index > y[j].index) { sum += y[j].value * y[j].value; ++j; } else { sum += x[i].value * x[i].value; ++i; } } while(i < xlen) { sum += x[i].value * x[i].value; ++i; } while(j < ylen) { sum += y[j].value * y[j].value; ++j; } return Math.exp(-param.gamma*sum); } case svm_parameter.SIGMOID: return Math.tanh(param.gamma*dot(x,y)+param.coef0); case svm_parameter.PRECOMPUTED: return x[(int)(y[0].value)].value; default: return 0; // java } } public int[] getLabels() { if (label != null) { final int[] labels = new int[nr_class]; for(int i=0;i<nr_class;i++) { labels[i] = label[i]; } return labels; } return null; } }