package mstparser; public class DependencyDecoder2O extends DependencyDecoder { public DependencyDecoder2O(DependencyPipe pipe) { super(pipe); } private void rearrange(double[][][] probs, double[][][] probs_trips, double[][][] probs_sibs, double[][][][] nt_probs, int[] par, int[] labs) { int[][] static_types = null; if (pipe.labeled && !pipe.separateLab) { static_types = getTypes(nt_probs, par.length); } boolean[][] isChild = calcChilds(par); boolean[][] isCross = null; while (true) { int wh = -1; int nPar = -1; int nType = -1; double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; int[][] aSibs = new int[par.length][par.length]; int[][] bSibs = new int[par.length][par.length]; for (int i = 1; i < par.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < par.length; j++) { int oP = par[i]; par[i] = j; int[] sibs = getSibs(i, par); aSibs[i][j] = sibs[0]; bSibs[i][j] = sibs[1]; par[i] = oP; } } for (int ch = 1; ch < par.length; ch++) { // Calculate change of removing edge int aSib = aSibs[ch][par[ch]]; int bSib = bSibs[ch][par[ch]]; boolean lDir = ch < par[ch]; double change = 0.0 - probs[lDir ? ch : par[ch]][lDir ? par[ch] : ch][lDir ? 1 : 0] - probs_trips[par[ch]][aSib][ch] - probs_sibs[aSib][ch][aSib == par[ch] ? 0 : 1] - (bSib != ch ? probs_trips[par[ch]][ch][bSib] + probs_sibs[ch][bSib][1] : 0.0) - ((pipe.labeled && !pipe.separateLab) ? (nt_probs[ch][labs[ch]][lDir ? 1 : 0][0] + nt_probs[par[ch]][labs[ch]][lDir ? 1 : 0][1]) : 0.0) + (bSib != ch ? probs_trips[par[ch]][aSib][bSib] + probs_sibs[aSib][bSib][aSib == par[ch] ? 0 : 1] : 0.0); for (int pa = 0; pa < par.length; pa++) { if (ch == pa || pa == par[ch] || isChild[ch][pa]) { continue; } aSib = aSibs[ch][pa]; bSib = bSibs[ch][pa]; boolean lDir1 = ch < pa; double change1 = 0.0 + probs[lDir1 ? ch : pa][lDir1 ? pa : ch][lDir1 ? 1 : 0] + probs_trips[pa][aSib][ch] + probs_sibs[aSib][ch][aSib == pa ? 0 : 1] + (bSib != ch ? probs_trips[pa][ch][bSib] + probs_sibs[ch][bSib][1] : 0.0) + ((pipe.labeled && !pipe.separateLab) ? (nt_probs[ch][static_types[pa][ch]][lDir1 ? 1 : 0][0] + nt_probs[pa][static_types[pa][ch]][lDir1 ? 1 : 0][1]) : 0.0) - (bSib != ch ? probs_trips[pa][aSib][bSib] + probs_sibs[aSib][bSib][aSib == pa ? 0 : 1] : 0.0); if (max < change + change1) { max = change + change1; wh = ch; nPar = pa; nType = (pipe.labeled && !pipe.separateLab) ? static_types[pa][ch] : 0; } } } if (max <= 0.0) { break; } par[wh] = nPar; labs[wh] = nType; isChild = calcChilds(par); //DependencyParser.out.println(max + " " + wh + " " + nPar + " " + nType); } } // same as decode, except return K best public Object[][] decodeNonProjective(DependencyInstance inst, FeatureVector[][][] fvs, double[][][] probs, FeatureVector[][][] fvs_trips, double[][][] probs_trips, FeatureVector[][][] fvs_sibs, double[][][] probs_sibs, FeatureVector[][][][] nt_fvs, double[][][][] nt_probs, int K) { String[] forms = inst.forms; String[] pos = inst.postags; Object[][] orig = decodeProjective(inst, fvs, probs, fvs_trips, probs_trips, fvs_sibs, probs_sibs, nt_fvs, nt_probs, 1); String[] o = ((String) orig[0][1]).split(" "); int[] par = new int[o.length + 1]; int[] labs = new int[o.length + 1]; labs[0] = 0; par[0] = -1; for (int i = 1; i < par.length; i++) { par[i] = Integer.parseInt(o[i - 1].split("\\|")[0]); labs[i] = (pipe.labeled && !pipe.separateLab) ? Integer.parseInt(o[i - 1].split(":")[1]) : 0; } rearrange(probs, probs_trips, probs_sibs, nt_probs, par, labs); String pars = ""; for (int i = 1; i < par.length; i++) { pars += par[i] + "|" + i + ":" + labs[i] + " "; } int[] headsGold = null; String[] labelsGold = null; if (inst.stacked == true) { // afm 06-14-2008 --- I have to do this here because ((DependencyDecoder2O)decoder).decodeNonProjective // is overwriting the labels and heads in instance... (should correct that in the future) headsGold = new int[inst.heads.length]; labelsGold = new String[inst.deprels.length]; for (int j = 0; j < inst.heads.length; j++) { headsGold[j] = inst.heads[j]; labelsGold[j] = inst.deprels[j]; } } inst.heads = par; inst.deprels = new String[labs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < labs.length; i++) { inst.deprels[i] = pipe.getType(labs[i]); } orig[0][0] = ((DependencyPipe2O) pipe).createFeatureVector(inst); orig[0][1] = pars; if (inst.stacked == true) { // afm 06-14-2008 --- Puts it back for (int j = 0; j < inst.heads.length; j++) { inst.heads[j] = headsGold[j]; inst.deprels[j] = labelsGold[j]; } } return orig; } private boolean[][] calcChilds(int[] par) { boolean[][] isChild = new boolean[par.length][par.length]; for (int i = 1; i < par.length; i++) { int l = par[i]; while (l != -1) { isChild[l][i] = true; l = par[l]; } } return isChild; } private int[] getSibs(int ch, int[] par) { int aSib = par[ch]; if (par[ch] > ch) { for (int i = ch + 1; i < par[ch]; i++) { if (par[i] == par[ch]) { aSib = i; break; } } } else { for (int i = ch - 1; i > par[ch]; i--) { if (par[i] == par[ch]) { aSib = i; break; } } } int bSib = ch; if (par[ch] < ch) { for (int i = ch + 1; i < par.length; i++) { if (par[i] == par[ch]) { bSib = i; break; } } } else { for (int i = ch - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (par[i] == par[ch]) { bSib = i; break; } } } return new int[]{aSib, bSib}; } // same as decode, except return K best public Object[][] decodeProjective(DependencyInstance inst, FeatureVector[][][] fvs, double[][][] probs, FeatureVector[][][] fvs_trips, double[][][] probs_trips, FeatureVector[][][] fvs_sibs, double[][][] probs_sibs, FeatureVector[][][][] nt_fvs, double[][][][] nt_probs, int K) { String[] forms = inst.forms; String[] pos = inst.postags; int[][] static_types = null; if (pipe.labeled && !pipe.separateLab) { static_types = getTypes(nt_probs, forms.length); } KBestParseForest2O pf = new KBestParseForest2O(0, forms.length - 1, inst, K); for (int s = 0; s < forms.length; s++) { pf.add(s, -1, 0, 0.0, new FeatureVector()); pf.add(s, -1, 1, 0.0, new FeatureVector()); } for (int j = 1; j < forms.length; j++) { for (int s = 0; s < forms.length && s + j < forms.length; s++) { int t = s + j; FeatureVector prodFV_st = fvs[s][t][0]; FeatureVector prodFV_ts = fvs[s][t][1]; double prodProb_st = probs[s][t][0]; double prodProb_ts = probs[s][t][1]; int type1 = (pipe.labeled && !pipe.separateLab) ? static_types[s][t] : 0; int type2 = (pipe.labeled && !pipe.separateLab) ? static_types[t][s] : 0; FeatureVector nt_fv_s_01 = nt_fvs[s][type1][0][1]; FeatureVector nt_fv_s_10 = nt_fvs[s][type2][1][0]; FeatureVector nt_fv_t_00 = nt_fvs[t][type1][0][0]; FeatureVector nt_fv_t_11 = nt_fvs[t][type2][1][1]; double nt_prob_s_01 = nt_probs[s][type1][0][1]; double nt_prob_s_10 = nt_probs[s][type2][1][0]; double nt_prob_t_00 = nt_probs[t][type1][0][0]; double nt_prob_t_11 = nt_probs[t][type2][1][1]; double prodProb = 0.0; if (true) { // case when r == s ParseForestItem[] b1 = pf.getItems(s, s, 0, 0); ParseForestItem[] c1 = pf.getItems(s + 1, t, 1, 0); if (!(b1 == null || c1 == null)) { FeatureVector prodFV_sst =[s][s][t], fvs_sibs[s][t][0]); double prodProb_sst = probs_trips[s][s][t] + probs_sibs[s][t][0]; int[][] pairs = pf.getKBestPairs(b1, c1); for (int k = 0; k < pairs.length; k++) { if (pairs[k][0] == -1 || pairs[k][1] == -1) { break; } int comp1 = pairs[k][0]; int comp2 = pairs[k][1]; double bc = b1[comp1].prob + c1[comp2].prob; // create sibling pair // create parent pair: s->t and s->(start,t) bc += prodProb_st + prodProb_sst; FeatureVector fv_fin =, prodFV_sst); if (pipe.labeled && !pipe.separateLab) { bc += nt_prob_s_01 + nt_prob_t_00; fv_fin =; } pf.add(s, s, t, type1, 0, 1, bc, fv_fin, b1[comp1], c1[comp2]); } } // case when r == t b1 = pf.getItems(s, t - 1, 0, 0); c1 = pf.getItems(t, t, 1, 0); if (!(b1 == null || c1 == null)) { FeatureVector prodFV_stt =[t][t][s], fvs_sibs[t][s][0]); double prodProb_stt = probs_trips[t][t][s] + probs_sibs[t][s][0]; int[][] pairs = pf.getKBestPairs(b1, c1); for (int k = 0; k < pairs.length; k++) { if (pairs[k][0] == -1 || pairs[k][1] == -1) { break; } int comp1 = pairs[k][0]; int comp2 = pairs[k][1]; double bc = b1[comp1].prob + c1[comp2].prob; // create sibling pair // create parent pair: s->t and s->(start,t) bc += prodProb_ts + prodProb_stt; FeatureVector fv_fin =, prodFV_stt); if (pipe.labeled && !pipe.separateLab) { bc += nt_prob_t_11 + nt_prob_s_10; fv_fin =; } pf.add(s, t, t, type2, 1, 1, bc, fv_fin, b1[comp1], c1[comp2]); } } } for (int r = s; r < t; r++) { // First case - create sibling ParseForestItem[] b1 = pf.getItems(s, r, 0, 0); ParseForestItem[] c1 = pf.getItems(r + 1, t, 1, 0); if (!(b1 == null || c1 == null)) { int[][] pairs = pf.getKBestPairs(b1, c1); for (int k = 0; k < pairs.length; k++) { if (pairs[k][0] == -1 || pairs[k][1] == -1) { break; } int comp1 = pairs[k][0]; int comp2 = pairs[k][1]; double bc = b1[comp1].prob + c1[comp2].prob; pf.add(s, r, t, -1, 0, 2, bc, new FeatureVector(), b1[comp1], c1[comp2]); pf.add(s, r, t, -1, 1, 2, bc, new FeatureVector(), b1[comp1], c1[comp2]); } } } for (int r = s + 1; r < t; r++) { // s -> (r,t) ParseForestItem[] b1 = pf.getItems(s, r, 0, 1); ParseForestItem[] c1 = pf.getItems(r, t, 0, 2); if (!(b1 == null || c1 == null)) { int[][] pairs = pf.getKBestPairs(b1, c1); for (int k = 0; k < pairs.length; k++) { if (pairs[k][0] == -1 || pairs[k][1] == -1) { break; } int comp1 = pairs[k][0]; int comp2 = pairs[k][1]; double bc = b1[comp1].prob + c1[comp2].prob; bc += prodProb_st + probs_trips[s][r][t] + probs_sibs[r][t][1]; FeatureVector fv_fin =,[s][r][t], fvs_sibs[r][t][1])); if (pipe.labeled && !pipe.separateLab) { bc += nt_prob_s_01 + nt_prob_t_00; fv_fin =; } pf.add(s, r, t, type1, 0, 1, bc, fv_fin, b1[comp1], c1[comp2]); } } // t -> (r,s) b1 = pf.getItems(s, r, 1, 2); c1 = pf.getItems(r, t, 1, 1); if (!(b1 == null || c1 == null)) { int[][] pairs = pf.getKBestPairs(b1, c1); for (int k = 0; k < pairs.length; k++) { if (pairs[k][0] == -1 || pairs[k][1] == -1) { break; } int comp1 = pairs[k][0]; int comp2 = pairs[k][1]; double bc = b1[comp1].prob + c1[comp2].prob; bc += prodProb_ts + probs_trips[t][r][s] + probs_sibs[r][s][1]; FeatureVector fv_fin =,[t][r][s], fvs_sibs[r][s][1])); if (pipe.labeled && !pipe.separateLab) { bc += nt_prob_t_11 + nt_prob_s_10; fv_fin =; } pf.add(s, r, t, type2, 1, 1, bc, fv_fin, b1[comp1], c1[comp2]); } } } // Finish off pieces incom + comp -> comp for (int r = s; r <= t; r++) { if (r != s) { ParseForestItem[] b1 = pf.getItems(s, r, 0, 1); ParseForestItem[] c1 = pf.getItems(r, t, 0, 0); if (!(b1 == null || c1 == null)) { //continue; int[][] pairs = pf.getKBestPairs(b1, c1); for (int k = 0; k < pairs.length; k++) { if (pairs[k][0] == -1 || pairs[k][1] == -1) { break; } int comp1 = pairs[k][0]; int comp2 = pairs[k][1]; double bc = b1[comp1].prob + c1[comp2].prob; if (!pf.add(s, r, t, -1, 0, 0, bc, new FeatureVector(), b1[comp1], c1[comp2])) { break; } } } } if (r != t) { ParseForestItem[] b1 = pf.getItems(s, r, 1, 0); ParseForestItem[] c1 = pf.getItems(r, t, 1, 1); if (!(b1 == null || c1 == null)) { //continue; int[][] pairs = pf.getKBestPairs(b1, c1); for (int k = 0; k < pairs.length; k++) { if (pairs[k][0] == -1 || pairs[k][1] == -1) { break; } int comp1 = pairs[k][0]; int comp2 = pairs[k][1]; double bc = b1[comp1].prob + c1[comp2].prob; if (!pf.add(s, r, t, -1, 1, 0, bc, new FeatureVector(), b1[comp1], c1[comp2])) { break; } } } } } } } return pf.getBestParses(); } }