package cuke4duke.steps; import cuke4duke.annotation.I18n.EN.*; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public abstract class AbstractSteps { private final Map<String, Integer> cukes = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); protected abstract HelloService getHelloService(); @Given("I have (\\d+) (.*) cukes") public void iHaveNCukes(int n, String color) { this.cukes.put(color, n); } @Then("I should have (\\d+) (.*) cukes") public void iShouldHaveNCukes(int n, String color) { if (n != cukes.get(color)) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected " + n + ", got " + cukes.get(color)); } } @Given("Longs: (\\d+)") public void longs(long n) { } @Given("I say hello") public void iSayHello() { String hello = getHelloService().hello(); if (!hello.equals("Have a cuke, Duke")) { throw new RuntimeException("Wrong reply from service"); } } public void thisIsNotAStep() { } }