package cuke4duke.ant; import; import; import; import; import; public class JRubyTask extends Java { public JRubyTask() { setFork(true); setFailonerror(true); } @Override public void execute() throws BuildException { setClassname("org.jruby.Main"); setClasspath(getJrubyClasspath()); ensureJrubyHomeExists(); setJRubyHome(); super.execute(); } protected File getJrubyHome() { String gemHome = getProject().getProperty("jruby.home"); if (gemHome == null) { throw new BuildException("Please set the jruby.home property in your build script."); } return new File(gemHome); } protected File getBinDir() { return new File(getJrubyHome(), "bin"); } private void ensureJrubyHomeExists() { getJrubyHome().mkdirs(); } private Path getJrubyClasspath() { Object jrubyClasspath = getProject().getReference("jruby.classpath"); if (jrubyClasspath == null || !(jrubyClasspath instanceof Path)) { throw new BuildException("Please create a path with id jruby.classpath"); } return (Path) jrubyClasspath; } private void setJRubyHome() { Environment.Variable gemHome = new Environment.Variable(); gemHome.setKey("GEM_HOME"); gemHome.setFile(getJrubyHome()); this.addEnv(gemHome); Environment.Variable gemPath = new Environment.Variable(); gemPath.setKey("GEM_PATH"); gemPath.setFile(getJrubyHome()); this.addEnv(gemPath); } }