package cuke4duke.internal.jvmclass; import; import cuke4duke.internal.jvmclass.GuiceFactoryTest.SomeClass.SomeInnerClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; public class GuiceFactoryTest { public static class SomeClass { public class SomeInnerClass { } public Object someInstance = new Object() { }; } public class SomeModule extends AbstractModule { @Override protected void configure() { } } private GuiceFactory guiceFactory; @Before public void setUp() throws Throwable { guiceFactory = new GuiceFactory("cuke4duke.internal.jvmclass.SomeModule"); } /** * Tests that GuiceFactory does not fail if a class cannot be instantiated. * One problem that occurs frequently is that inner classes get compiled * to their own .class files and are picked up by GuiceFactory. * As Guice cannot instantiate non-static inner classes and anonymous classes * it throws an exception and aborts the instantiation process. * By catching those exceptions Guice can continue and creates * everything correctly. */ @Test public void shouldNotAbortIfClassCannotBeInstantiated() { guiceFactory.addClass(SomeClass.class); SomeClass instance = new SomeClass(); Class<? extends SomeInnerClass> someInnerClass = SomeInnerClass().getClass(); if (guiceFactory.canHandle(someInnerClass)) { guiceFactory.addClass(someInnerClass); } guiceFactory.createObjects(); } }