package com.twitter.common.testing.runner; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Request; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineException; import org.kohsuke.args4j.CmdLineParser; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; import org.kohsuke.args4j.spi.StringArrayOptionHandler; /** * An alternative to {@link JUnitCore} with stream capture and junit-report xml output capabilities. */ public class JUnitConsoleRunner { private static final SwappableStream<PrintStream> SWAPPABLE_OUT = new SwappableStream<PrintStream>(System.out); private static final SwappableStream<PrintStream> SWAPPABLE_ERR = new SwappableStream<PrintStream>(System.err); /** * A stream that allows its underlying output to be swapped. */ static class SwappableStream<T extends OutputStream> extends FilterOutputStream { private final T original; SwappableStream(T out) { super(out); this.original = out; } OutputStream swap(OutputStream out) { OutputStream old = this.out; this.out = out; return old; } /** * Returns the original stream this swappable stream was created with. */ public T getOriginal() { return original; } } /** * Captures a tests stderr and stdout streams, restoring the previous streams on {@link #close()}. */ static class StreamCapture { private final File out; private OutputStream outstream; private final File err; private OutputStream errstream; private int useCount; private boolean closed; StreamCapture(File out, File err) throws IOException { this.out = out; this.err = err; } void incrementUseCount() { this.useCount++; } void open() throws FileNotFoundException { if (outstream == null) { outstream = new FileOutputStream(out); } if (errstream == null) { errstream = new FileOutputStream(err); } SWAPPABLE_OUT.swap(outstream); SWAPPABLE_ERR.swap(errstream); } void close() throws IOException { if (--useCount <= 0 && !closed) { if (outstream != null) { Closeables.closeQuietly(outstream); } if (errstream != null) { Closeables.closeQuietly(errstream); } closed = true; } } void dispose() throws IOException { useCount = 0; close(); } byte[] readOut() throws IOException { return read(out); } byte[] readErr() throws IOException { return read(err); } private byte[] read(File file) throws IOException { Preconditions.checkState(closed, "Capture must be closed by all users before it can be read"); return Files.toByteArray(file); } } /** * A run listener that captures the output and error streams for each test class and makes the * content of these available. */ static class StreamCapturingListener extends ForwardingListener implements StreamSource { private final Map<Class<?>, StreamCapture> captures = Maps.newHashMap(); private final File outdir; StreamCapturingListener(File outdir) { this.outdir = outdir; } @Override public void testRunStarted(Description description) throws Exception { registerTests(description.getChildren()); super.testRunStarted(description); } private void registerTests(Iterable<Description> tests) throws IOException { for (Description test : tests) { registerTests(test.getChildren()); if (Util.isRunnable(test)) { StreamCapture capture = captures.get(test.getTestClass()); if (capture == null) { String prefix = test.getClassName(); File out = new File(outdir, prefix + ".out.txt"); Files.createParentDirs(out); File err = new File(outdir, prefix + ".err.txt"); Files.createParentDirs(err); capture = new StreamCapture(out, err); captures.put(test.getTestClass(), capture); } capture.incrementUseCount(); } } } @Override public void testRunFinished(Result result) throws Exception { for (StreamCapture capture : captures.values()) { capture.dispose(); } super.testRunFinished(result); } @Override public void testStarted(Description description) throws Exception { captures.get(description.getTestClass()).open(); super.testStarted(description); } @Override public void testFinished(Description description) throws Exception { captures.get(description.getTestClass()).close(); super.testFinished(description); } @Override public byte[] readOut(Class<?> testClass) throws IOException { return captures.get(testClass).readOut(); } @Override public byte[] readErr(Class<?> testClass) throws IOException { return captures.get(testClass).readErr(); } } private static final Pattern METHOD_PARSER = Pattern.compile("^([^#]+)#([^#]+)$"); private final boolean failFast; private final boolean suppressOutput; private final boolean xmlReport; private final File outdir; JUnitConsoleRunner(boolean failFast, boolean suppressOutput, boolean xmlReport, File outdir) { this.failFast = failFast; this.suppressOutput = suppressOutput; this.xmlReport = xmlReport; this.outdir = outdir; } void run(Iterable<String> tests) { final PrintStream out = System.out; System.setOut(new PrintStream(SWAPPABLE_OUT)); System.setErr(new PrintStream(SWAPPABLE_ERR)); List<Request> requests = parseRequests(out, tests); JUnitCore core = new JUnitCore(); final AbortableListener abortableListener = new AbortableListener(failFast) { @Override protected void abort(Result failureResult) { exit(failureResult.getFailureCount()); } }; core.addListener(abortableListener); if (xmlReport || suppressOutput) { if (!outdir.exists()) { if (!outdir.mkdirs()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create output directory: " + outdir); } } StreamCapturingListener streamCapturingListener = new StreamCapturingListener(outdir); abortableListener.addListener(streamCapturingListener); if (xmlReport) { AntJunitXmlReportListener xmlReportListener = new AntJunitXmlReportListener(outdir, streamCapturingListener); abortableListener.addListener(xmlReportListener); } } abortableListener.addListener(new ConsoleListener(out)); Thread abnormalExitHook = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { abortableListener.abort(new UnknownError("Abnormal VM exit - test crashed.")); } catch (Exception e) { out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(out); } } }; abnormalExitHook.setDaemon(true); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(abnormalExitHook); int failures = 0; for (Request request : requests) { Result result =; failures += result.getFailureCount(); } Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(abnormalExitHook); exit(failures); } private List<Request> parseRequests(PrintStream out, Iterable<String> specs) { /** * Datatype representing an individual test method. */ class TestMethod { private final Class<?> clazz; private final String name; TestMethod(Class<?> clazz, String name) { this.clazz = clazz; = name; } } Set<TestMethod> testMethods = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); Set<Class<?>> classes = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (String spec : specs) { Matcher matcher = METHOD_PARSER.matcher(spec); try { if (matcher.matches()) { Class<?> testClass = Class.forName(; if (isTest(testClass)) { String method =; testMethods.add(new TestMethod(testClass, method)); } } else { Class<?> testClass = Class.forName(spec); if (isTest(testClass)) { classes.add(testClass); } } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { notFoundError(spec, out, e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { notFoundError(spec, out, e); } } List<Request> requests = Lists.newArrayList(); if (!classes.isEmpty()) { requests.add(Request.classes(classes.toArray(new Class<?>[classes.size()]))); } for (TestMethod testMethod : testMethods) { requests.add(Request.method(testMethod.clazz,; } return requests; } private void notFoundError(String spec, PrintStream out, Throwable t) { out.printf("FATAL: Error during test discovery for %s: %s\n", spec, t); throw new RuntimeException("Classloading error during test discovery for " + spec, t); } /** * Launcher for JUnitConsoleRunner. */ public static void main(String[] args) { /** * Command line option bean. */ class Options { private boolean failFast = false; private boolean suppressOutput = false; private boolean xmlReport = false; private File outdir = new File(System.getProperty("")); private List<String> tests = Lists.newArrayList(); @Option(name = "-fail-fast", usage = "Causes the test suite run to fail fast.") public void setFailFast(boolean failFast) { this.failFast = failFast; } @Option(name = "-suppress-output", usage = "Suppresses test output.") public void setSuppressOutput(boolean suppressOutput) { this.suppressOutput = suppressOutput; } @Option(name = "-xmlreport", usage = "Create ant compatible junit xml report files in -outdir.") public void setXmlReport(boolean xmlReport) { this.xmlReport = xmlReport; } @Option(name = "-outdir", usage = "Directory to output test captures too. Only used if -suppress-output or " + "-xmlreport is set.") public void setOutdir(File outdir) { this.outdir = outdir; } @Argument(usage = "Names of junit test classes or test methods to run. Names prefixed " + "with @ are considered arg file paths and these will be loaded and the " + "whitespace delimited arguments found inside added to the list", required = true, metaVar = "TESTS", handler = StringArrayOptionHandler.class) public void setTests(String[] tests) { this.tests = Arrays.asList(tests); } } Options options = new Options(); CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(options); try { parser.parseArgument(args); } catch (CmdLineException e) { e.getParser().printUsage(System.out); exit(1); } JUnitConsoleRunner runner = new JUnitConsoleRunner(options.failFast, options.suppressOutput, options.xmlReport, options.outdir); List<String> tests = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String test : options.tests) { if (test.startsWith("@")) { try { String argFileContents = Files.toString(new File(test.substring(1)), Charsets.UTF_8); tests.addAll(Arrays.asList(argFileContents.split("\\s+"))); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.printf("Failed to load args from arg file %s: %s\n", test, e.getMessage()); exit(1); } } else { tests.add(test); } }; } private static boolean isTest(final Class<?> clazz) { // Must be a public concrete class to be a runnable junit Test. if (clazz.isInterface() || Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers()) || !Modifier.isPublic(clazz.getModifiers())) { return false; } // Support junit 3.x Test hierarchy. if (junit.framework.Test.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return true; } // Support junit 4.x @Test annotated methods. return Iterables.any(Arrays.asList(clazz.getMethods()), new Predicate<Method>() { @Override public boolean apply(Method method) { return Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers()) && method.isAnnotationPresent(org.junit.Test.class); } }); } private static void exit(int code) { // We're a main - its fine to exit. // SUPPRESS CHECKSTYLE RegexpSinglelineJava System.exit(code); } }