package com.twitter.common.metrics; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import com.twitter.common.base.MorePreconditions; import com.twitter.common.quantity.Amount; import com.twitter.common.quantity.Data; import com.twitter.common.stats.ApproximateHistogram; import com.twitter.common.stats.Precision; import com.twitter.common.stats.Statistics; /** * A Histogram is a represention of a distribution of values. * It can be queried for quantiles or basic statistics (min, max, avg, count). */ public class Histogram { @VisibleForTesting static final double[] DEFAULT_QUANTILES = {.25, .50, .75, .90, .95, .99, .999, .9999}; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(Histogram.class.getName()); private final com.twitter.common.stats.Histogram histogram; private final String name; private final double[] quantiles; private final MetricRegistry registry; private Statistics stats; /** * Construct an histogram, create gauges and register it into the registry. * * @param name is the name of the histogram used for Gauge name. * @param histogram is the inner common.stats.Histogram used for storing data. * @param quantiles is the quantiles values that will be used for the gauges. * @param registry is the registry in which gauges will be registered. */ private Histogram( String name, com.twitter.common.stats.Histogram histogram, double[] quantiles, MetricRegistry registry) { MorePreconditions.checkNotBlank(name); Preconditions.checkNotNull(quantiles); Preconditions.checkArgument(0 < quantiles.length); Preconditions.checkNotNull(registry); = name; this.histogram = histogram; this.quantiles = quantiles; this.registry = registry; this.stats = new Statistics(); registerInto(registry); } /** * Construct a Histogram with default arguments except name. * @see #Histogram(String, Histogram, double[], MetricRegistry). */ public Histogram(String name, MetricRegistry registry) { this(name, new ApproximateHistogram(), DEFAULT_QUANTILES, registry); } /** * Construct a Histogram with default arguments except name and precision. * @see #Histogram(String, Histogram, double[], MetricRegistry). */ public Histogram(String name, Precision precision, MetricRegistry registry) { this(name, new ApproximateHistogram(precision), DEFAULT_QUANTILES, registry); } /** * Construct a Histogram with default arguments except name and maxMemory. * @see #Histogram(String, Histogram, double[], MetricRegistry). */ public Histogram(String name, Amount<Long, Data> maxMemory, MetricRegistry registry) { this(name, new ApproximateHistogram(maxMemory), DEFAULT_QUANTILES, registry); } /** * Resets the state of this Histogram. Clears all data points collected so far. */ public synchronized void clear() { stats = new Statistics(); histogram.clear(); } /** * Adds a data point. */ public synchronized void add(long n) { stats.accumulate(n); histogram.add(n); } /** * Create multiple Gauges and register them into the MetricRegistry. */ private void registerInto(final MetricRegistry metricRegistry) { metricRegistry.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>(name + "_count") { @Override public Long read() { return stats.populationSize(); } }); metricRegistry.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>(name + "_min") { @Override public Long read() { if (stats.populationSize() == 0) { return 0L; } else { return stats.min(); } } }); metricRegistry.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>(name + "_max") { @Override public Long read() { if (stats.populationSize() == 0) { return 0L; } else { return stats.max(); } } }); for (final double p : quantiles) { metricRegistry.register(new AbstractGauge<Long>(name + "_" + gaugeName(p)) { @Override public Long read() { double[] qs = {p}; return histogram.getQuantiles(qs)[0]; } }); } } @VisibleForTesting static String gaugeName(double quantile) { String gname = "p" + (int) (quantile * 10000); if (3 < gname.length() && "00".equals(gname.substring(3))) { gname = gname.substring(0, 3); } return gname; } }