package com.twitter.common.logging; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogManager; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import com.twitter.common.args.Arg; import com.twitter.common.args.CmdLine; /** * A configuration class for the root java.util.logging Logger. * * Defines flags to control the behavior behavior of the root logger similarly to Google's glog * library (see ). */ public class RootLogConfig { /** * An enum reflecting log {@link Level} constants. */ public enum LogLevel { FINEST(Level.FINEST), FINER(Level.FINER), FINE(Level.FINE), CONFIG(Level.CONFIG), INFO(Level.INFO), WARNING(Level.WARNING), SEVERE(Level.SEVERE); private final Level level; private LogLevel(Level level) { this.level = level; } private Level getLevel() { return level; } private int intValue() { return level.intValue(); } } @CmdLine(name = "logtostderr", help = "Log messages to stderr instead of logfiles.") private static Arg<Boolean> LOGTOSTDERR = Arg.create(false); @CmdLine(name = "alsologtostderr", help = "Log messages to stderr, in addition to log files. Ignored when --logtostderr") private static Arg<Boolean> ALSOLOGTOSTDERR = Arg.create(false); @CmdLine(name = "vlog", help = "The value is one of the constants in java.util.logging.Level. " + "Shows all messages with level equal or higher " + "than the value of this flag.") private static Arg<LogLevel> VLOG = Arg.create(LogLevel.INFO); @CmdLine(name = "vmodule", help = "Per-class verbose level. The argument has to contain a comma-separated list " + "of <class_name>=<log_level>. <class_name> is the full-qualified name of a " + "class, <log_level> is one of the constants in java.util.logging.Level. " + "<log_level> overrides any value given by --vlog.") private static Arg<Map<Class<?>, LogLevel>> VMODULE = Arg.<Map<Class<?>, LogLevel>>create(new HashMap<Class<?>, LogLevel>()); // TODO(franco): change this flag's default to true, then remove after enough forewarning. @CmdLine(name = "use_glog_formatter", help = "True to use the glog formatter exclusively.") private static Arg<Boolean> USE_GLOG_FORMATTER = Arg.create(false); /** * A builder-pattern class used to perform the configuration programmatically * (i.e. not through flags). * Example: * <code> * RootLogConfig.builder().logToStderr(true).apply(); * </code> */ public static class Configuration { private boolean logToStderr = false; private boolean alsoLogToStderr = false; private boolean useGLogFormatter = false; private LogLevel vlog = null; private Map<Class<?>, LogLevel> vmodule = null; private String rootLoggerName = ""; private Configuration() {} /** * Only log messages to stderr, instead of log files. Overrides alsologtostderr. * Default: false. * * @param flag True to enable, false to disable. * @return this Configuration object. */ public Configuration logToStderr(boolean flag) { this.logToStderr = flag; return this; } /** * Also log messages to stderr, in addition to log files. * Overridden by logtostderr. * Default: false. * * @param flag True to enable, false to disable. * @return this Configuration object. */ public Configuration alsoLogToStderr(boolean flag) { this.alsoLogToStderr = flag; return this; } /** * Format log messages in one-line with a header, similar to google-glog. * Default: false. * * @param flag True to enable, false to disable. * @return this Configuration object. */ public Configuration useGLogFormatter(boolean flag) { this.useGLogFormatter = flag; return this; } /** * Output log messages at least at the given verbosity level. * Overridden by vmodule. * Default: INFO * * @param level LogLevel enumerator for the minimum log message verbosity level that is output. * @return this Configuration object. */ public Configuration vlog(LogLevel level) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(level); this.vlog = level; return this; } /** * Output log messages for a given set of classes at the associated verbosity levels. * Overrides vlog. * Default: no classes are treated specially. * * @param pairs Map of classes and correspoding log levels. * @return this Configuration object. */ public Configuration vmodule(Map<Class<?>, LogLevel> pairs) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(pairs); this.vmodule = pairs; return this; } /** * Applies this configuration to the root log. */ public void apply() { RootLogConfig.configure(this); } // Intercepts the root logger, for testing purposes only. @VisibleForTesting Configuration rootLoggerName(String name) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(name); Preconditions.checkArgument(!name.isEmpty()); this.rootLoggerName = name; return this; } } /** * Creates a new Configuration builder object. * @return The newly built Configuration. */ public static Configuration builder() { return new Configuration(); } /** * Configures the root log properties using flags. * This is the entry point used by AbstractApplication via LogModule. */ public static void configureFromFlags() { builder() .logToStderr(LOGTOSTDERR.get()) .alsoLogToStderr(ALSOLOGTOSTDERR.get()) .useGLogFormatter(USE_GLOG_FORMATTER.get()) .vlog(VLOG.get()) .vmodule(VMODULE.get()) .apply(); } private static void configure(Configuration configuration) { // Edit the properties of the root logger. Logger rootLogger = Logger.getLogger(configuration.rootLoggerName); if (configuration.logToStderr) { setLoggerToStderr(rootLogger); } else if (configuration.alsoLogToStderr) { setLoggerToAlsoStderr(rootLogger); } if (configuration.useGLogFormatter) { setGLogFormatter(rootLogger); } if (configuration.vlog != null) { setVlog(rootLogger, configuration.vlog); } if (configuration.vmodule != null) { setVmodules(configuration.vmodule); } } private static void setLoggerToStderr(Logger logger) { LogManager.getLogManager().reset(); setConsoleHandler(logger, true); } private static void setLoggerToAlsoStderr(Logger logger) { setConsoleHandler(logger, false); } private static void setConsoleHandler(Logger logger, boolean removeOtherHandlers) { Handler consoleHandler = null; for (Handler h : logger.getHandlers()) { if (h instanceof ConsoleHandler) { consoleHandler = h; } else if (removeOtherHandlers) { logger.removeHandler(h); } } if (consoleHandler == null) { consoleHandler = new ConsoleHandler(); logger.addHandler(new ConsoleHandler()); } consoleHandler.setLevel(Level.ALL); consoleHandler.setFilter(null); } private static void setGLogFormatter(Logger logger) { for (Handler h : logger.getHandlers()) { h.setFormatter(new LogFormatter()); } } private static void setVmodules(Map<Class<?>, LogLevel> vmodules) { for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, LogLevel> entry : vmodules.entrySet()) { String className = entry.getKey().getName(); Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(className); setVlog(logger, entry.getValue()); } } private static void setVlog(Logger logger, LogLevel logLevel) { final Level newLevel = logLevel.getLevel(); logger.setLevel(newLevel); do { for (Handler handler : logger.getHandlers()) { Level handlerLevel = handler.getLevel(); if (newLevel.intValue() < handlerLevel.intValue()) { handler.setLevel(newLevel); } } } while (logger.getUseParentHandlers() && (logger = logger.getParent()) != null); } // Utility class. private RootLogConfig() { } }