/* * $Id: IBReferenceEntry.java,v 1.3 2006/05/24 13:08:07 tryggvil Exp $ * Created on Sep 27, 2005 * * Copyright (C) 2005 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. */ package com.idega.builder.data; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.ejb.CreateException; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import com.idega.builder.business.IBXMLConstants; import com.idega.data.IDOEntity; import com.idega.data.IDOHome; import com.idega.data.IDOLookup; import com.idega.data.IDOLookupException; import com.idega.io.serialization.Storable; import com.idega.io.serialization.StorableHolder; import com.idega.io.serialization.StorableProvider; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.repository.data.RefactorClassRegistry; import com.idega.repository.data.ResourceDescription; import com.idega.util.reflect.MethodIdentifierCache; import com.idega.xml.XMLElement; public class IBReferenceEntry { private IWContext iwc = null; private MethodIdentifierCache methodIdenfierCache = null; private String moduleClass = null; private String parameterId = null; private String valueName = null; private String sourceClassName = null; private String providerClassName = null; private boolean isEjb = false; public IBReferenceEntry(String moduleClass, MethodIdentifierCache methodIdentifierCache, IWContext iwc) { this.iwc = iwc; this.moduleClass = moduleClass; this.methodIdenfierCache = methodIdentifierCache; } public void initialize(String propertyName, XMLElement parameterElement) { String tempParameterId = parameterElement.getAttributeValue(IBXMLConstants.EXPORT_PROPERTY_PARAMETER_ID); String tempSourceClassName = parameterElement.getTextTrim(IBXMLConstants.EXPORT_SOURCE); XMLElement providerElement = parameterElement.getChild(IBXMLConstants.EXPORT_PROVIDER); boolean tempIsEjb = (new Boolean(providerElement.getTextTrim(IBXMLConstants.EXPORT_PROVIDER_EJB))).booleanValue(); String tempProviderClassName = providerElement.getTextTrim(IBXMLConstants.EXPORT_PROVIDER_CLASS); initialize(propertyName, tempParameterId, tempSourceClassName, tempProviderClassName, tempIsEjb); } public void initialize(String valueName, String parameterId, ResourceDescription resourceDescription) { initialize(valueName, parameterId, resourceDescription.getSource(), resourceDescription.getProvider(), resourceDescription.isEjb()); } public void initialize(String valueName, String parameterId, String sourceClassName, String providerClassName, boolean isEjb) { this.parameterId = parameterId; this.valueName = valueName; this.sourceClassName = sourceClassName; this.providerClassName = providerClassName; this.isEjb = isEjb; } public String getModuleClass() { return this.moduleClass; } public String getParameterId() { return this.parameterId; } public void addSource(XMLElement moduleElement, IBExportImportData metadata) throws IOException { List properties = moduleElement.getChildren(IBXMLConstants.PROPERTY_STRING); Iterator iterator = properties.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { XMLElement propertyElement = (XMLElement) iterator.next(); String tempValueName = propertyElement.getTextTrim(IBXMLConstants.NAME_STRING); tempValueName = this.methodIdenfierCache.getUpdatedMethodIdentifier(tempValueName); if (tempValueName.equals(this.valueName)) { // right propertyElement has been found, now get the right value (properties can have more than one value) List valueElements = propertyElement.getChildren(IBXMLConstants.VALUE_STRING); // index starts at zero int index = Integer.parseInt(this.parameterId); XMLElement valueElement = (XMLElement) valueElements.get(--index); String value = valueElement.getTextTrim(); Storable storable = null; if (this.isEjb) { storable = getSourceFromPropertyElementUsingEjb(value); } else { storable = getSourceFromPropertyElementUsingProvider(value); } metadata.addFileEntry(this, storable, value); return; } } } private Storable getSourceFromPropertyElementUsingEjb(String value) throws IOException { try { Class providerClass = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(this.providerClassName); IDOHome home = IDOLookup.getHome(providerClass); return (Storable) home.findByPrimaryKeyIDO(new Integer(value)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Provider class ("+this.providerClassName+") doesn't exist"); } catch (IDOLookupException ex) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Provider class ("+this.providerClassName+") could not be found (Look up problem)"); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Identifier is not a number:" + value + "Provider is: " + this.providerClassName); } catch (FinderException ex) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Instance with identifier" + value + "could not be found. Provider is: " + this.providerClassName); } } private Storable getSourceFromPropertyElementUsingProvider(String value) throws IOException { try { Class providerClass = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(this.providerClassName); // get an instance StorableProvider provider = (StorableProvider) providerClass.newInstance(); return provider.getSource(value, this.sourceClassName, this.iwc); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Provider class ("+this.providerClassName+") doesn't implement StorableProvider"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Provider class ("+this.providerClassName+") doesn't exist"); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Provider class ("+this.providerClassName+") could not be instanciated"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Provider class ("+this.providerClassName+") could not be instanciated (illegal access)"); } } // use the code below if the simple solution above is not sufficient. //at the moment the code below seems to be an overkill. // private IBStorable getSourceFromPropertyElementUsingEjb(XMLElement propertyElement) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, IDOLookupException, ClassNotFoundException { // String value = propertyElement.getTextTrim(XMLConstants.VALUE_STRING); // Class providerClass = Class.forName(providerClassName); // IDOHome home = IDOLookup.getHome(providerClass); // Method method = MethodFinder.getInstance().getMethod(providerMethodName, providerClass); // Class[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); // if (parameterTypes[0].equals(Object.class)) { // Object[] parameters = { new Integer(value)}; // return (IBStorable) method.invoke(method, parameters); // } // Object[] parameters = { value}; // return (IBStorable) method.invoke(home, parameters); // } public StorableHolder createSource(String value) throws IOException { return (this.isEjb) ? createSourceUsingEjb() : createSourceUsingProvider(value); } private StorableHolder createSourceUsingEjb() throws IOException { try { Class providerClass = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(this.providerClassName); IDOHome home = IDOLookup.getHome(providerClass); IDOEntity entity = home.createIDO(); entity.store(); StorableHolder holder = new StorableHolder(); holder.setStorable((Storable)entity); holder.setValue(entity.getPrimaryKey().toString()); return holder; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Provider class doesn't exist"); } catch (IDOLookupException ex) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Provider class could not be found (Look up problem)"); } catch (CreateException ex) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Identifier is not a number"); } } private StorableHolder createSourceUsingProvider(String value) throws IOException { try { Class providerClass = RefactorClassRegistry.forName(this.providerClassName); // get an instance StorableProvider provider = (StorableProvider) providerClass.newInstance(); return provider.createSource(value, this.sourceClassName ,this.iwc); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Provider class ("+this.providerClassName+") doesn't implement StorableProvider"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Provider class ("+this.providerClassName+") doesn't exist"); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Provider class ("+this.providerClassName+") could not be instanciated"); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IOException("[IBReference] Provider class ("+this.providerClassName+") could not be instanciated (illegal access)"); } } /** * @return Returns the isEjb. */ public boolean isEjb() { return this.isEjb; } /** * @return Returns the providerClass. */ public String getProviderClass() { return this.providerClassName; } // /** // * @return Returns the providerMethod. // */ // public String getProviderMethod() { // return providerMethodName; // } /** * @return Returns the sourceClass. */ public String getSourceClass() { return this.sourceClassName; } /** * @return Returns the valueName. */ public String getValueName() { return this.valueName; } }