/* * $Id: IBPageBMPBean.java,v 1.34 2006/05/09 14:44:04 tryggvil Exp $ * * Copyright (C) 2001 Idega hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.idega.builder.data; import com.idega.builder.business.BuilderLogic; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPageBMPBean; import com.idega.io.serialization.Storable; import com.idega.repository.data.Resource; /** * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvi@idega.is">Tryggvi Larusson</a> * @version 1.3 */ public class IBPageBMPBean extends ICPageBMPBean implements com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPage, Storable, Resource { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4666056246854621035L; public final static String FORMAT_IBXML=BuilderLogic.PAGE_FORMAT_IBXML; public final static String FORMAT_HTML=BuilderLogic.PAGE_FORMAT_HTML; public final static String FORMAT_JSP_1_2=BuilderLogic.PAGE_FORMAT_JSP_1_2; /*private final static String ENTITY_NAME = "IB_PAGE"; private final static String FILE_COLUMN = "FILE_ID"; private final static String NAME_COLUMN = "NAME"; private final static String TEMPLATE_ID_COLUMN = "TEMPLATE_ID"; private final static String TYPE_COLUMN = "PAGE_TYPE"; private final static String SUBTYPE_COLUMN = "PAGE_SUB_TYPE"; private final static String LOCKED_COLUMN = "LOCKED_BY"; private final static String DELETED_COLUMN = "DELETED"; private final static String DELETED_BY_COLUMN = "DELETED_BY"; private final static String DELETED_WHEN_COLUMN = "DELETED_WHEN"; private final static String TREE_ORDER = "TREE_ORDER"; private final static String IS_CATEGORY = "IS_CATEGORY"; private final static String PAGE_FORMAT="PAGE_FORMAT"; private final static String PAGE_URI="PAGE_URI"; private ICFile _file; public final static String PAGE = "P"; public final static String TEMPLATE = "T"; public final static String DRAFT = "D"; public final static String FOLDER = "F"; public final static String DPT_TEMPLATE = "A"; public final static String DPT_PAGE = "B"; public final static String SUBTYPE_SIMPLE_TEMPLATE = "SIMPLE_TEMPLATE"; public final static String SUBTYPE_SIMPLE_TEMPLATE_PAGE = "SIMPLE_TEMPLATE_PAGE"; public final static String DELETED = "Y"; public final static String NOT_DELETED = "N"; public IBPageBMPBean() { super(); } public IBPageBMPBean(int id) throws SQLException { super(id); } public void initializeAttributes() { addAttribute(getIDColumnName()); addAttribute(getColumnName(), "Nafn", true, true, String.class); addAttribute(getColumnFile(), "File", true, true, Integer.class, "many-to-one", ICFile.class); addAttribute(getColumnTemplateID(), "Template", true, true, Integer.class, "many-to-one", ICPage.class); addAttribute(getColumnType(), "Type", true, true, String.class, 1); addAttribute(getColumnSubType(), "Sub type", true, true, String.class); addAttribute(getColumnLockedBy(), "Locked by", true, true, Integer.class, "many-to-one", User.class); addAttribute(getColumnDeleted(), "Deleted", true, true, String.class, 1); addAttribute(getColumnDeletedBy(), "Deleted by", true, true, Integer.class, "many-to-one", User.class); addAttribute(getColumnDeletedWhen(), "Deleted when", true, true, Timestamp.class); addAttribute(TREE_ORDER, "Ordering of pages in a level in the page tree", true, true, Integer.class); addAttribute(IS_CATEGORY, "Is used as a page category", true, true, Boolean.class); addManyToManyRelationShip(ICProtocol.class, "ib_page_ic_protocol"); addAttribute(PAGE_FORMAT, "Format", true, true, String.class, 30); addAttribute(PAGE_URI, "URI", String.class); } public void insertStartData() throws Exception { } public String getEntityName() { return (ENTITY_NAME); } public void setDefaultValues() { //setColumn("image_id",1); } public String getName() { return (getStringColumnValue(getColumnName())); } public String getName(Locale locale) { int localeID = ICLocaleBusiness.getLocaleId(locale); try { IBPageNameHome home = (IBPageNameHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHome(IBPageName.class); IBPageName name = home.findByPageIdAndLocaleId(((Integer) getPrimaryKey()).intValue(), localeID); return name.getPageName(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FinderException e) { //Nothing found... } return getName(); } public void setName(String name) { setColumn(getColumnName(), name); } public int getTemplateId() { return (getIntColumnValue(getColumnTemplateID())); } public void setTemplateId(int id) { setColumn(getColumnTemplateID(), id); } public String getType() { return (getStringColumnValue(getColumnType())); } public String getSubType() { return (getStringColumnValue(getColumnSubType())); } public int getLockedBy() { return (getIntColumnValue(getColumnLockedBy())); } public void setLockedBy(int id) { setColumn(getColumnLockedBy(), id); } public boolean getDeleted() { String deleted = getStringColumnValue(getColumnDeleted()); if ((deleted == null) || (deleted.equals(NOT_DELETED))) { return (false); } else if (deleted.equals(DELETED)) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } public boolean isCategory() { return getBooleanColumnValue(IS_CATEGORY, false); } public void setIsCategory(boolean isCategory) { setColumn(IS_CATEGORY, isCategory); } public void setDeleted(boolean deleted) { if (deleted) { setColumn(getColumnDeleted(), DELETED); setDeletedWhen(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); // setDeletedBy(iwc.getUserId()); } else { setColumn(getColumnDeleted(), NOT_DELETED); // setDeletedBy(-1); // setDeletedWhen(null); } } public int getDeletedBy() { return (getIntColumnValue(getColumnDeletedBy())); } private void setDeletedBy(int id) { // if (id == -1) // setColumn(getColumnDeletedBy(),(Object)null); // else setColumn(getColumnDeletedBy(), id); } public Timestamp getDeletedWhen() { return ((Timestamp)getColumnValue(getColumnDeletedWhen())); } private void setDeletedWhen(Timestamp when) { setColumn(getColumnDeletedWhen(), when); } public void setType(String type) { if ((type.equals(PAGE)) || (type.equals(TEMPLATE)) || (type.equals(DRAFT)) || (type.equals(DPT_TEMPLATE)) || (type.equals(DPT_PAGE))) { setColumn(getColumnType(), type); } } public void setSubType(String type) { setColumn(getColumnSubType(), type); } private int getFileID() { return (getIntColumnValue(getColumnFile())); } public ICFile getFile() { // if we already have an instance of the file we do not // want to loose it, especially not if a filevalue has been // written to it, else the filevalue gets lost. if(this._file==null){ int fileID = getFileID(); if ( fileID != -1) { this._file = (ICFile)getColumnValue(getColumnFile()); } } return (this._file); } public void setFile(ICFile file) { file.setMimeType(com.idega.core.file.data.ICMimeTypeBMPBean.IC_MIME_TYPE_XML); setColumn(getColumnFile(), file); this._file = file; } public void setPageValue(InputStream stream) { ICFile file = getFile(); if (file == null) { try { file = ((com.idega.core.file.data.ICFileHome)com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHome(ICFile.class)).create(); setFile(file); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CreateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } file.setFileValue(stream); } public InputStream getPageValue() { try { ICFile file = getFile(); if (file != null) { return (file.getFileValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { } return (null); } public OutputStream getPageValueForWrite() { ICFile file = getFile(); if (file == null) { try { file = ((com.idega.core.file.data.ICFileHome)com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHome(ICFile.class)).create(); setFile(file); } catch (IDOLookupException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CreateException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } OutputStream theReturn = file.getFileValueForWrite(); return (theReturn); } public static String getColumnName() { return (NAME_COLUMN); } public static String getColumnTemplateID() { return (TEMPLATE_ID_COLUMN); } public static String getColumnFile() { return (FILE_COLUMN); } public static String getColumnType() { return (TYPE_COLUMN); } public static String getColumnSubType() { return (SUBTYPE_COLUMN); } public static String getColumnLockedBy() { return (LOCKED_COLUMN); } public static String getColumnDeleted() { return (DELETED_COLUMN); } public static String getColumnDeletedBy() { return (DELETED_BY_COLUMN); } public static String getColumnDeletedWhen() { return (DELETED_WHEN_COLUMN); } public synchronized void update() throws SQLException { ICFile file = getFile(); if (file != null) { try { if (file.getPrimaryKey() == null) { file.store(); file.setName(this.getName()); file.setMimeType("text/xml"); setFile(file); } else { file.setName(this.getName()); file.setMimeType("text/xml"); file.store(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } } else { System.out.println("IBPage, file == null in update"); } super.update(); } public void insert() throws SQLException { ICFile file = getFile(); if (file != null) { //System.out.println("file != null in insert"); file.store(); setFile(file); } else { //System.out.println("file == null in insert"); } super.insert(); } public void delete() throws SQLException { throw new SQLException("Use delete(int userId) instead"); } public void delete(int userId) throws SQLException { setColumn(getColumnDeleted(), DELETED); setDeletedWhen(IWTimestamp.getTimestampRightNow()); setDeletedBy(userId); super.update(); } public void setIsPage() { setType(PAGE); } public void setIsTemplate() { setType(TEMPLATE); } public void setIsDraft() { setType(DRAFT); } public void setIsFolder() { setType(FOLDER); } public boolean isPage() { String type = getType(); if (type.equals(PAGE)) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } public boolean isTemplate() { String type = getType(); if (type.equals(TEMPLATE)) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } public boolean isDraft() { String type = getType(); if (type.equals(DRAFT)) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } public boolean isFolder() { String type = getType(); if (type.equals(FOLDER)) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } public boolean isDynamicTriggeredPage() { String type = getType(); if (type.equals(DPT_PAGE)) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } public boolean isDynamicTriggeredTemplate() { String type = getType(); if (type.equals(DPT_TEMPLATE)) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } public boolean isLeaf() { if (getType().equals(FOLDER)) { return false; } else { return true; } } public void setOwner(IWUserContext iwuc) { try { iwuc.getApplicationContext().getIWMainApplication().getAccessController().setCurrentUserAsOwner(this, iwuc); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setTreeOrder(int order) { setColumn(TREE_ORDER, order); } public void setTreeOrder(Integer order) { setColumn(TREE_ORDER, order); } public int getTreeOrder() { return getIntColumnValue(TREE_ORDER); } public Object write(ObjectWriter writer, IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { ICFile file = getFile(); // special case: file is empty // do not create files of deleted pages if (file.isEmpty() && ! getDeleted()) { // file value is empty get a xml description of the page IBXMLPage xmlPage = getBuilderLogic().getPageCacher().getIBXML(this.getPrimaryKey().toString()); XMLElement rootElement = xmlPage.getRootElement(); // remove connection to document rootElement.detach(); // convert to xml data, because for that class a writer already exists XMLData pageData = XMLData.getInstanceWithoutExistingFile(); pageData.getDocument().setRootElement(rootElement); pageData.setName(getName()); return writer.write(pageData, iwc); } // normal way to handle pages return writer.write(this, iwc); } public Object read(ObjectReader reader, IWContext iwc) throws RemoteException { return reader.read(this, iwc); } public void setFormat(String format){ this.setColumn(PAGE_FORMAT,format); } public String getFormat(){ String format = getStringColumnValue(PAGE_FORMAT); //This is to maintain backwards compatabilty, default is IBXML: if(format==null) { format=FORMAT_IBXML; } setFormat(format); return format; } public boolean getIsFormattedInIBXML(){ String format = getFormat(); if(format!=null){ return format.equals(FORMAT_IBXML); } return true; } public boolean getIsFormattedInHTML(){ String format = getFormat(); if(format!=null){ return format.equals(FORMAT_HTML); } return false; } public boolean getIsFormattedInJSP(){ String format = getFormat(); if(format!=null){ return format.equals(FORMAT_JSP_1_2); } return false; } public int getEntityState() { //we need to override this method and also check if the embedded ICFile has been changed, if it has changed we need generic entity to //update the bean ICFile file = getFile(); if ( file!=null && (((GenericEntity)file).getEntityState() == STATE_NOT_IN_SYNCH_WITH_DATASTORE) ){ this.setEntityState(STATE_NOT_IN_SYNCH_WITH_DATASTORE); } return super.getEntityState(); } public java.util.Collection ejbFindByTemplate(Integer templateID)throws javax.ejb.FinderException{ Table table = new Table(this); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(table); query.addColumn(new Column(table, getIDColumnName())); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(table,getColumnTemplateID(),MatchCriteria.EQUALS,templateID)); return idoFindPKsByQuery(query); } public Integer ejbFindByPageUri(String pageUri,int domainId)throws javax.ejb.FinderException{ Table table = new Table(this); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(table); query.addColumn(new Column(table, getIDColumnName())); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(table,PAGE_URI,MatchCriteria.EQUALS,pageUri)); //query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(table,DOMAIN_ID,MatchCriteria.EQUALS,domainId)); return (Integer)idoFindOnePKByQuery(query); } protected BuilderLogic getBuilderLogic(){ return BuilderLogic.getInstance(); } public String getTemplateKey() { if(getTemplateId()>0){ return Integer.toString(getTemplateId()); } else{ return null; } } public void setTemplateKey(String templateKey) { setTemplateId(Integer.parseInt(templateKey)); } public String getPageKey(){ return getPrimaryKey().toString(); } public String getDefaultPageURI(){ String uri = getStringColumnValue(PAGE_URI); return uri; } public void setDefaultPageURI(String pageUri){ setColumn(PAGE_URI,pageUri); } public Collection ejbFindAllPagesWithoutUri() throws FinderException{ Table table = new Table(this); SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(table); query.addColumn(new Column(table, getIDColumnName())); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(table,PAGE_URI,MatchCriteria.IS,(String)null)); return idoFindPKsByQuery(query); } public Collection ejbFindAllSimpleTemplates() throws FinderException{ SelectQuery query = idoSelectQuery(); query.addCriteria(new MatchCriteria(idoQueryTable(),getColumnSubType(),MatchCriteria.LIKE,SUBTYPE_SIMPLE_TEMPLATE)); return idoFindPKsByQuery(query); } */ }