/* * $Id: HtmlTemplateGrabber.java,v 1.3 2007/10/17 15:09:24 valdas Exp $ Created on * 24.2.2005 * * Copyright (C) 2005 Idega Software hf. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Idega hf. Use is subject to * license terms. */ package com.idega.builder.business; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.Writer; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import javax.ejb.FinderException; import com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPage; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; import com.idega.util.HtmlReferenceRewriter; /** * <p> * Class that "grabs" a temlpate from a URL, parses it (re-writes all relative hrefs) and updates a BuilderPage * to include the parsed html code. * </p> * Last modified: $Date: 2007/10/17 15:09:24 $ by $Author: valdas $ * * @author <a href="mailto:tryggvil@idega.com">tryggvil </a> * @version $Revision: 1.3 $ */ public class HtmlTemplateGrabber { String sUrl; String pageKey; public HtmlTemplateGrabber(String url, String pageKey) throws NumberFormatException, IOException, FinderException { this.sUrl = url; this.pageKey = pageKey; process(); } /** * Executes the grab * @throws IOException * @throws NumberFormatException * @throws FinderException */ protected void process() throws IOException, NumberFormatException, FinderException { // String sUrl = "http://nobel.idega.is/rvk/template.html"; // String sUrl = "http://www.rvk.is/default.asp?cat_id=1197"; URL url = new URL(this.sUrl); // InputStream iStream = url.openStream(); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); String encoding = conn.getContentEncoding(); InputStream iStream = conn.getInputStream(); if (encoding == null) { encoding = "ISO-8859-1"; } InputStreamReader iReader = new InputStreamReader(iStream, encoding); System.out.println("Reading from url:+" + this.sUrl + " with content-encoding:" + iReader.getEncoding()); HtmlReferenceRewriter instance = new HtmlReferenceRewriter(); // String urlPrefix = "http://www.rvk.is/"; String urlPrefix = url.getProtocol() + "://" + url.getHost() + "/"; // String pageKey = "101"; // ServletContext application = null; // IWApplicationContext iwac = // IWMainApplication.getIWMainApplication(application).getIWApplicationContext(); // BuilderLogic.getInstance().getIBXMLPage(pageKey). ICPage ibpage = ((com.idega.core.builder.data.ICPageHome) com.idega.data.IDOLookup.getHome(ICPage.class)).findByPrimaryKey(new Integer( this.pageKey)); ibpage.setFormat(BuilderLogic.PAGE_FORMAT_HTML); OutputStream outStream = ibpage.getPageValueForWrite(); Reader input = new BufferedReader(iReader); Writer output = new OutputStreamWriter(outStream, CoreConstants.ENCODING_UTF8); instance.setInput(input); instance.setOutput(output); instance.setUrlPrefix(urlPrefix); instance.process(); ibpage.store(); BuilderLogic.getInstance().clearAllCachedPages(); } }