package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRFileStream; import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException; import org.antlr.runtime.TokenRewriteStream; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.config.DefaultToolOptions; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.Argument; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.CeylonBaseTool; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.Description; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.Option; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.OptionArgument; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.ParsedBy; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.RemainingSections; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.StandardArgumentParsers; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.Summary; import; import; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.TypeChecker; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.TypeCheckerBuilder; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.context.PhasedUnits; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonLexer; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonParser; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.ImportModule; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Module; @Summary("Shows and updates version numbers in module descriptors") @Description( "If `--set` is present then update the module versions, " + "otherwise show the module versions." + "\n\n" + "If `--dependencies` is present then show the " + "versions of module imports of the given module(s)." + "\n\n" + "`<modules>` specifies the module names (excluding versions) of " + "the modules to show or whose versions should be updated. " + "If unspecified then all modules are shown/updated.\n\n" + "**Note:** Other modules may also be updated unless " + "the `--no-update-dependencies` option is used, even if they're not listed in `<modules>`\n\n" ) @RemainingSections(value="" + "## Examples" + "\n\n" + "Listing the versions of all the modules in the ceylon SDK:" + "\n\n" + " ceylon version" + "\n\n" + "Listing the version of ceylon.collection, and modules that depend on it" + "\n\n" + " ceylon version --dependencies ceylon.collection" + "\n\n" + "Updating the version of ceylon.collection, and the modules that depend on it" + "\n\n" + " ceylon version --set 1.0.1 ceylon.collection") public class CeylonVersionTool extends CeylonBaseTool { // TODO Allow --src to be a :-separated path private Appendable out = System.out; private String newVersion; private List<ModuleSpec> modules; private List<File> sourceFolders = DefaultToolOptions.getCompilerSourceDirs(); private String encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding"); private boolean dependencies = false; private boolean noUpdateDependencies = false; private Confirm confirm = Confirm.all; public void setOut(Appendable out) { this.out = out; } @OptionArgument(longName="src", argumentName="dir") @ParsedBy(StandardArgumentParsers.PathArgumentParser.class) @Description("A directory containing Ceylon and/or Java source code (default: `./source`)") public void setSourceFolders(List<File> sourceFolders) { this.sourceFolders = sourceFolders; } @OptionArgument(longName="source", argumentName="dirs") @ParsedBy(StandardArgumentParsers.PathArgumentParser.class) @Description("An alias for `--src`" + " (default: `./source`)") public void setSource(List<File> source) { setSourceFolders(source); } @OptionArgument @Description("The new version number to set." + "If unspecified then module versions are shown and not updated.") public void setSet(String newVersion) { this.newVersion = newVersion; } @OptionArgument(argumentName="charset") @Description("Used with `--set`, sets the encoding used for reading and writing the `module.ceylon` files " + "(default: platform-specific).") public void setEncoding(String encoding) { this.encoding = encoding; } @Option @Description("Do not update of the version in module imports of the " + "target module(s) in other modules in the given `--src` directories. " + "For example:\n\n" + " ceylon version --set 1.1 ceylon.collection\n\n" + "would update the version of ceylon.collection to 1.1 and update " + "the module import version of all dependent modules in the given `--src` directories " + "which depended on `ceylon.collection` __even if those " + "modules are not listed as `<modules>`__.\n\n" + "Whereas:\n\n" + " ceylon version --set 1.1 --no-update-dependencies ceylon.collection\n\n" + "would just update the version of `ceylon.collection` to 1.1, " + "leaving dependent modules depending on the old version.") public void setNoUpdateDependencies(boolean noUpdateDependencies) { this.noUpdateDependencies = noUpdateDependencies; } @Option @Description("Display modules who depend on the given module. Only used when displaying modules, not when setting a new version.") public void setDependencies(boolean dependencies) { this.dependencies = dependencies; } enum Confirm { none, all, dependencies } @OptionArgument(argumentName="option") @Description("Used with `--set`, determines which updates require confirmation.\n\n" + "* `--confirm=all` requires confirmation " + "on the console for each update performed.\n" + "* `--confirm=dependencies` means that confirmation is only " + "required when updating versions appearing in module imports; " + "module versions are updated without confirmation.\n" + "* `--confirm=none` prevents any confirmation.\n\n" + "(default: `all`).") public void setConfirm(Confirm confirm) { this.confirm = confirm; } @Argument(argumentName="modules", multiplicity="*") public void setModules(List<String> modules) { setModuleSpecs(ModuleSpec.parseEachList(modules, ModuleSpec.Option.VERSION_PROHIBITED)); } public void setModuleSpecs(List<ModuleSpec> modules) { this.modules = modules; } @Override public void initialize(CeylonTool mainTool) { } @Override public void run() throws IOException, RecognitionException { // TODO if version is empty? Prompt? Or should --set have an optional argument? TypeCheckerBuilder tcb = new TypeCheckerBuilder(); for (File path: this.sourceFolders) { tcb.addSrcDirectory(applyCwd(path)); } TypeChecker tc = tcb.getTypeChecker(); PhasedUnits pus = tc.getPhasedUnits(); pus.visitModules(); ArrayList<Module> moduleList = new ArrayList<Module>(pus.getModuleSourceMapper().getCompiledModules()); Collections.sort(moduleList, new Comparator<Module>() { @Override public int compare(Module m1, Module m2) { if (match(m1) && !match(m2)) { return -1; } else if (!match(m1) && match(m2)) { return +1; } int cmp = m1.getNameAsString().compareToIgnoreCase(m2.getNameAsString()); if (cmp == 0) { cmp = m1.getVersion().compareTo(m2.getVersion()); } return cmp; } }); // first update all module versions and remember which version we assigned to which module // because the user can update every individual version Map<String,String> updatedModuleVersions = new HashMap<String,String>(); for (Module module : moduleList) { boolean isMatch = match(module); if (newVersion == null) { output(module, isMatch); } else if (isMatch) { if (!updateModuleVersion(module, updatedModuleVersions)) { return; } } } // now do dependencies because we know which modules we did update if (newVersion != null && !noUpdateDependencies) { for (Module module : moduleList) { if (!updateModuleImports(module, updatedModuleVersions)) { return; } } } } private boolean updateModuleVersion(Module module, Map<String,String> updatedModuleVersions) throws IOException, RecognitionException { String moduleDescriptorPath = module.getUnit().getFullPath(); CeylonLexer lexer = new CeylonLexer(new ANTLRFileStream(moduleDescriptorPath, encoding)); TokenRewriteStream tokenStream = new TokenRewriteStream(lexer); CeylonParser parser = new CeylonParser(tokenStream); Tree.CompilationUnit cu = parser.compilationUnit(); String v = this.confirm == Confirm.dependencies ? this.newVersion : confirm("update.module.version", module.getNameAsString(), module.getVersion(), this.newVersion); if (v == null) { return false; } else if (!v.isEmpty()) { // record the new version for this module updatedModuleVersions.put(module.getNameAsString(), v); updateModuleVersion(moduleDescriptorPath, tokenStream, cu, v); } return true; } private boolean updateModuleImports(Module module, Map<String,String> updatedModuleVersions) throws IOException, RecognitionException { String moduleDescriptorPath = module.getUnit().getFullPath(); CeylonLexer lexer = new CeylonLexer(new ANTLRFileStream(moduleDescriptorPath, encoding)); TokenRewriteStream tokenStream = new TokenRewriteStream(lexer); CeylonParser parser = new CeylonParser(tokenStream); Tree.CompilationUnit cu = parser.compilationUnit(); List<Tree.ImportModule> moduleImports = findUpdatedImport(cu, updatedModuleVersions); for (Tree.ImportModule moduleImport : moduleImports) { String importedModuleName = getModuleName(moduleImport); String newVersion = updatedModuleVersions.get(importedModuleName); if(newVersion == null) newVersion = this.newVersion; String v = confirm("update.dependency.version", importedModuleName, module.getNameAsString(), module.getVersion(), newVersion); if (v == null) { return false; } else if (!v.isEmpty()) { updateImportVersion(moduleDescriptorPath, tokenStream, moduleImport, v); } } return true; } private void output(Module module, boolean isMatch) throws IOException, RecognitionException { if (isMatch) { outputVersion(module); } else if (dependencies) { String moduleDescriptorPath = module.getUnit().getFullPath(); CeylonLexer lexer = new CeylonLexer(new ANTLRFileStream(moduleDescriptorPath, encoding)); CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); CeylonParser parser = new CeylonParser(tokenStream); Tree.CompilationUnit cu = parser.compilationUnit(); List<Tree.ImportModule> moduleImports = findImport(cu); for (Tree.ImportModule moduleImport : moduleImports) { outputDependency(module, moduleImport); } } } private void outputVersion(Module module) throws IOException { out.append(CeylonVersionMessages.msg("output.module", module.getNameAsString(), module.getVersion())) .append(System.lineSeparator()); } private void outputDependency(Module module, ImportModule moduleImport) throws IOException { String version = moduleImport.getVersion().getText(); version = version.substring(1, version.length()-1); out.append(CeylonVersionMessages.msg("output.dependency", module.getNameAsString(), module.getVersion(), getModuleName(moduleImport), version)) .append(System.lineSeparator()); } private boolean match(Module module) { return match(module.getNameAsString()); } private boolean match(String moduleName) { if(this.modules == null || this.modules.isEmpty()) return true; for(ModuleSpec spec : this.modules){ if(spec.getName().equals(moduleName)) return true; } return false; } private void updateImportVersion(String moduleDescriptorPath, TokenRewriteStream tokenStream, Tree.ImportModule moduleImport, String version) throws IOException { tokenStream.replace(moduleImport.getVersion().getToken(), "\"" + version + "\""); write(moduleDescriptorPath, tokenStream); } private void updateModuleVersion(String moduleDescriptorPath, TokenRewriteStream tokenStream, Tree.CompilationUnit cu, String version) throws IOException { tokenStream.replace(cu.getModuleDescriptors().get(0).getVersion().getToken(), "\"" + version + "\""); write(moduleDescriptorPath, tokenStream); } private void write(String moduleDescriptorPath, TokenRewriteStream tokenStream) throws IOException, UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException { // Write to a temp file in the same directory, and then atomically rename // so if anything goes wrong we've not destroyed the original file File target = new File(moduleDescriptorPath); File temp = File.createTempFile("ceylon-module-", ".tmp", target.getParentFile()); try (OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(temp), encoding)) { writer.append(tokenStream.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { temp.delete(); } Files.move(temp.toPath(), target.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } private List<Tree.ImportModule> findImport(Tree.CompilationUnit cu) { List<Tree.ImportModule> dependsOnTarget = new LinkedList<Tree.ImportModule>(); for (Tree.ImportModule importModule : cu.getModuleDescriptors().get(0).getImportModuleList().getImportModules()) { String name = getModuleName(importModule); if (match(name)) { dependsOnTarget.add(importModule); } } return dependsOnTarget; } private List<Tree.ImportModule> findUpdatedImport(Tree.CompilationUnit cu, Map<String,String> updatedModules) { List<Tree.ImportModule> dependsOnTarget = new LinkedList<Tree.ImportModule>(); for (Tree.ImportModule importModule : cu.getModuleDescriptors().get(0).getImportModuleList().getImportModules()) { String name = getModuleName(importModule); if (updatedModules.containsKey(name)) { dependsOnTarget.add(importModule); } } return dependsOnTarget; } private String getModuleName(Tree.ImportModule importModule) { String name; if (importModule.getQuotedLiteral() != null) { name = importModule.getQuotedLiteral().getText(); name = name.substring(1, name.length()-1); } else { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Tree.Identifier namePart : importModule.getImportPath().getIdentifiers()) { sb.append(namePart.getText()).append('.'); } if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.setLength(sb.length()-1); } name = sb.toString(); } return name; } /** * Issues a confirmation * @param prompt * @return null means quit, empty string means no, anything else is the version string to use. * @throws IOException */ private String confirm(String msgKey, Object... args) throws IOException { if (confirm == Confirm.none) { return this.newVersion; } String version = this.newVersion; Console console = System.console(); while (true) { prompt: while (true) { // XXX Ugly: Need to replace the new version within the args array args[args.length-1] = version; console.printf("%s", CeylonVersionMessages.msg(msgKey, args)); String ch = console.readLine(); if (ch.equals(CeylonVersionMessages.msg("mnemonic.yes"))) { return version; } else if (ch.equals(CeylonVersionMessages.msg(""))) { out.append(CeylonVersionMessages.msg("help")).append(System.lineSeparator()); continue prompt; } else if (ch.equals(CeylonVersionMessages.msg("mnemonic.quit"))) { return null; } else if (ch.equals(CeylonVersionMessages.msg("mnemonic.all"))) { this.confirm = Confirm.none; return version; } else if (ch.equals(CeylonVersionMessages.msg(""))) { return ""; } else if (ch.equals(CeylonVersionMessages.msg("mnemonic.edit"))) { break prompt; } else { continue prompt; } } console.printf(CeylonVersionMessages.msg("prompt.version")); version = console.readLine(); } } }