package; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ArtifactContext; import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleDependencyInfo; import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleQuery; import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleSearchResult; import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleSearchResult.ModuleDetails; import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionArtifact; import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionDetails; import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleVersionQuery; import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.RepositoryManager; import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.VersionComparator; import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.ceylon.RepoUsingTool; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.Versions; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.config.DefaultToolOptions; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.Argument; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.Description; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.Option; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.OptionArgument; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.ParsedBy; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.RemainingSections; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.StandardArgumentParsers; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.tool.Summary; import; import; @Summary("Prints information about modules in repositories") @Description("When passed a search query like `*foo*` it will look at all the modules in all " + "repositories and see if the word `foo` appears anywhere in the name, description, " + "version, license or any other field in the module's descriptor and print their names. " + "\n\n" + "When passed a partial module name like `*` it will look at all the " + "modules in all the repositories and see if their names start with `` " + "and print their names." + "\n\n" + "When passed a complete module name like `com.acme.foobar` it will print the list " + "of available versions for that module, with the module repository in which each " + "version was found. Versions marked with `*` are not currently available on the local " + "file system but will be downloaded on-demand from remote servers." + "\n\n" + "When passed a complete module name and version like `com.acme.foobar/1.0` it will " + "print information about the contents of a module archive, its description, its licence " + "and its dependencies") @RemainingSections("## EXAMPLE\n\n" + "First list the available modules in the 'ceylon' namespace:\n\n" + " ceylon info 'ceylon.*'\n\n" + "Next list the versions of a module:\n\n" + " ceylon info ceylon.collection\n\n" + "Then view information for a particular version:\n\n" + " ceylon info ceylon.collection/1.2.0\n\n") public class CeylonInfoTool extends RepoUsingTool { private static final int INFINITE_DEPTH = -1; public enum Formatting { simple, fancy } public enum Incompatible { yes, no, auto } private List<ModuleSpec> modules; private boolean showVersions; private boolean showDependencies; private Incompatible showIncompatible =; private boolean showFullDescription; private String showType; private int depth = 1; private String findMember; private String findPackage; private boolean showNames; private boolean exactMatch; private boolean requireAll; private boolean printOverrides; private Formatting formatting; private List<File> sourceFolders = DefaultToolOptions.getCompilerSourceDirs(); private Integer binaryMajor = null; private Integer binaryMinor = null; private ModuleQuery.Type queryType = ModuleQuery.Type.ALL; public CeylonInfoTool() { super(CeylonInfoMessages.RESOURCE_BUNDLE); } @Override protected boolean includeJDK() { return true; } @Override protected List<File> getSourceDirs() { return sourceFolders; } @OptionArgument(longName="src", argumentName="dir") @ParsedBy(StandardArgumentParsers.PathArgumentParser.class) @Description("A directory containing Ceylon and/or Java source code (default: `./source`)") public void setSourceFolders(List<File> sourceFolders) { this.sourceFolders = sourceFolders; } @Argument(argumentName="module", multiplicity="+") public void setModules(List<String> modules) { setModuleSpecs(ModuleSpec.parseEachList(modules)); } public void setModuleSpecs(List<ModuleSpec> modules) { this.modules = modules; } @Option(longName="show-versions") @Description("Show the versions when searching for modules") public void setShowVersions(boolean showVersions) { this.showVersions = showVersions; } @Option(longName="print-overrides") @Description("Print a usable module overrides file when there are duplicate versions, selecting the latest versions") public void setPrintOverrides(boolean printOverrides) { this.printOverrides = printOverrides; } @Option(longName="show-dependencies") @Description("Show the dependencies whenever versions are shown") public void setShowDependencies(boolean showDependencies) { this.showDependencies = showDependencies; } @OptionArgument(argumentName="mode") @Description("Also show versions incompatible with the current Ceylon installation. " + "allowed values are: 'yes', 'no' and 'auto'") public void setShowIncompatible(Incompatible showIncompatible) { this.showIncompatible = showIncompatible; } @Option(longName="show-full-description") @Description("Shows the full description for module details") public void setShowFullDescription(boolean showFullDescription) { this.showFullDescription = showFullDescription; } @Option(longName="require-all") @Description("Only show those results that have all the requested artifact types") public void setRequireAll(boolean requireAll) { this.requireAll = requireAll; } @OptionArgument(argumentName = "type") @Description("The artifact types to show information for. " + "Allowed values include: `all`, `jvm`, `car`, `jar`, `js`, `src`, `code`, `ceylon` (default is `all`).") public void setShowType(String showType) { this.showType = showType; } @Description("The depth of the dependency tree to show, or `all` for the full tree. " + "(Allowed values: any positive integer or `all`, default: `1`)") @OptionArgument(argumentName="depth") public void setDependencyDepth(String depth) { if ("all".equals(depth)) { setDependencyDepth(INFINITE_DEPTH); } else { setDependencyDepth(Integer.parseInt(depth)); } } public void setDependencyDepth(int depth) { if (!(depth == INFINITE_DEPTH || depth >= 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(CeylonInfoMessages.msg("illegal.depth")); } this.depth = depth; } @OptionArgument(argumentName = "member-name") @Description("Shows only those modules that contain members whose name match the given argument.") public void setFindMember(String findMember) { this.findMember = findMember; } @OptionArgument(argumentName = "package-name") @Description("Shows only those modules that contain packages whose name match the given argument.") public void setFindPackage(String findPackage) { this.findPackage = findPackage; } @Option(longName="show-names") @Description("Show the matching items when using the `find-member` or `find-package` option") public void setShowNames(boolean showNames) { this.showNames = showNames; } @Option(longName="exact-match") @Description("Only returns exact matches when using the `find-member` or `find-package` option") public void setExactMatch(boolean exactMatch) { this.exactMatch = exactMatch; } @OptionArgument(argumentName = "formatting") @Description("Set the output formatting to use, can be `simple` or `fancy`") public void setFormatting(Formatting formatting) { this.formatting = formatting; } @Override protected boolean needsSystemRepo() { return false; } @Override public void initialize(CeylonTool mainTool) { if (showType != null) { if ("car".equalsIgnoreCase(showType)) { queryType = ModuleQuery.Type.CAR; } else if ("jar".equalsIgnoreCase(showType)) { queryType = ModuleQuery.Type.JAR; } else if ("jvm".equalsIgnoreCase(showType)) { queryType = ModuleQuery.Type.JVM; } else if ("js".equalsIgnoreCase(showType)) { queryType = ModuleQuery.Type.JS; } else if ("src".equalsIgnoreCase(showType)) { queryType = ModuleQuery.Type.SRC; } else if ("all".equalsIgnoreCase(showType)) { queryType = ModuleQuery.Type.ALL; } else if ("code".equalsIgnoreCase(showType)) { queryType = ModuleQuery.Type.CODE; } else if ("ceylon".equalsIgnoreCase(showType)) { queryType = ModuleQuery.Type.CEYLON_CODE; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(CeylonInfoMessages.msg("illegal.type", showType)); } } if (findMember != null && "src".equalsIgnoreCase(showType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(CeylonInfoMessages.msg("incompatible.query.and.find")); } if (findMember != null && findPackage != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(CeylonInfoMessages.msg("incompatible.find.options")); } if (formatting == null) { formatting = (System.console() != null) ? Formatting.fancy : Formatting.simple; } } @Override public void run() throws Exception { if (showIncompatible != Incompatible.yes) { binaryMajor = Versions.JVM_BINARY_MAJOR_VERSION; binaryMinor = Versions.JVM_BINARY_MINOR_VERSION; } String msgkey = showIncompatible == ? "module.not.found.compat" : "module.not.found"; for (ModuleSpec module : modules) { String name = module.getName(); if (!module.isVersioned() && (name.startsWith("*") || name.endsWith("*"))) { Collection<ModuleDetails> modules = getModules(getRepositoryManager(), name, queryType, binaryMajor, binaryMinor); if (modules.isEmpty()) { String err; if (name.startsWith("*") || name.endsWith("*")) { err = CeylonInfoMessages.msg("no.match", name); } else { err = getModuleNotFoundErrorMessage(getRepositoryManager(), module.getName(), module.getVersion(), msgkey); } errorAppend(err); errorNewline(); continue; } outputModules(module, modules); } else { Collection<ModuleVersionDetails> versions = getModuleVersions(getRepositoryManager(), module.getName(), module.getVersion(), queryType, binaryMajor, binaryMinor); if (versions.isEmpty()) { // try from source ModuleVersionDetails fromSource = getVersionFromSource(name); if (fromSource != null) { // is it the version we're after? versions = Arrays.asList(fromSource); } else { if (showIncompatible == && (binaryMajor != null || binaryMinor != null)) { // If we were called with a specific version and we didn't find a "compatible" // artifact then lets see if we can find an "incompatible" one versions = getModuleVersions(getRepositoryManager(), module.getName(), module.getVersion(), queryType, null, null); } if (versions.isEmpty()) { String err = getModuleNotFoundErrorMessage(getRepositoryManager(), module.getName(), module.getVersion(), msgkey); errorAppend(err); errorNewline(); continue; } } } if (module.getVersion() == null || module.getVersion().isEmpty() || versions.size() > 1) { outputVersions(module, versions); } else { outputDetails(module, versions.iterator().next()); } } } } private Collection<ModuleDetails> getModules(RepositoryManager repoMgr, String name, ModuleQuery.Type type, Integer binaryMajor, Integer binaryMinor) { String queryString = name; if (queryString.startsWith("*")) { queryString = queryString.substring(1); } if (queryString.endsWith("*")) { queryString = queryString.substring(0, queryString.length() - 1); } ModuleVersionQuery query = getModuleVersionQuery(queryString, null, type, binaryMajor, binaryMinor); ModuleSearchResult result; if (!name.startsWith("*") || name.equals("*")) { result = repoMgr.completeModules(query); } else { result = repoMgr.searchModules(query); } return result.getResults(); } @Override protected ModuleVersionQuery getModuleVersionQuery(String name, String version, ModuleQuery.Type type, Integer binaryMajor, Integer binaryMinor) { ModuleVersionQuery query = super.getModuleVersionQuery(name, version, type, binaryMajor, binaryMinor); if (findMember != null) { query.setMemberName(findMember); } if (findPackage != null) { query.setMemberName(findPackage); query.setMemberSearchPackageOnly(true); } query.setMemberSearchExact(exactMatch); if (requireAll) { query.setRetrieval(ModuleQuery.Retrieval.ALL); } return query; } private void outputModules(ModuleSpec query, Collection<ModuleDetails> modules) throws IOException { if (formatting == Formatting.fancy) { if (findMember != null) { msg("module.query.member", query.getName(), findMember).newline(); } else if (findPackage != null) { msg("module.query.package", query.getName(), findPackage).newline(); } else { msg("module.query", query.getName()).newline(); } } outputModules(modules); } private void outputModules(Collection<ModuleDetails> modules) throws IOException { for (ModuleDetails module : modules) { outputModule(module); } } private void outputModule(ModuleDetails module) throws IOException { String prefix = (formatting == Formatting.fancy) ? " " : ""; if (formatting == Formatting.fancy || (!showVersions && !showNames)) { append(prefix).append(module.getName()).newline(); } if (showVersions) { outputVersions(module.getName(), module.getVersions(), prefix + prefix); } else if (showNames) { outputNames(module.getName(), module.getLastVersion(), prefix + prefix); } } private void outputVersions(ModuleSpec module, Collection<ModuleVersionDetails> versions) throws IOException { String prefix = (formatting == Formatting.fancy) ? " " : ""; if (formatting == Formatting.fancy) { if (findMember != null) { msg("version.query.member", module.getName(), findMember).newline(); } else if (findPackage != null) { msg("version.query.package", module.getName(), findPackage).newline(); } else { msg("version.query", module.getName()).newline(); } } outputVersions(module.getName(), versions, prefix); } private void outputVersions(String moduleName, Collection<ModuleVersionDetails> versions, String prefix) throws IOException { String namePrefix = (formatting == Formatting.fancy) ? prefix + " " : ""; for (ModuleVersionDetails version : versions) { if (formatting == Formatting.fancy || (!showDependencies && !showNames)) { append(prefix); if (formatting == Formatting.simple) { append(moduleName).append("/"); } append(version.getVersion()); if (formatting == Formatting.fancy) { append(" - ").append(version.getOrigin()); if (hasOnlyIncompatibleBinaries(version)) { append(" "); msg("label.incompatible.version"); } if (version.isRemote()) { append(" "); msg("label.remote"); } } newline(); } if (showDependencies) { if (formatting == Formatting.fancy || !version.getDependencies().isEmpty()) { for (ModuleDependencyInfo dep : version.getDependencies()) { if (formatting == Formatting.fancy) { append(prefix).append(" ").append(dep); } else { append(moduleName).append("/").append(version.getVersion()).append(" ").append(dep.getModuleName()); } newline(); } } else { append(moduleName).append("/").append(version.getVersion()).newline(); } } if (showNames) { outputNames(moduleName, version, namePrefix); } } } private boolean hasOnlyIncompatibleBinaries(ModuleVersionDetails version) { boolean hasBinaries = false; for (ModuleVersionArtifact at : version.getArtifactTypes()) { if (at.getSuffix().equals(ArtifactContext.CAR)) { if (Versions.isJvmBinaryVersionSupported( at.getMajorBinaryVersion(), at.getMinorBinaryVersion())) { return false; } hasBinaries = true; } if (at.getSuffix().equals(ArtifactContext.JS)) { if (Versions.isJvmBinaryVersionSupported( at.getMajorBinaryVersion(), at.getMinorBinaryVersion())) { return false; } hasBinaries = true; } } return hasBinaries; } private void outputNames(String moduleName, ModuleVersionDetails version, String prefix) throws IOException { for (String member : version.getMembers()) { if (formatting == Formatting.fancy) { append(prefix).append(member).newline(); } else { append(moduleName); if (showVersions) { append("/").append(version.getVersion()); } append("::").append(member).newline(); } } } private void outputDetails(ModuleSpec module, ModuleVersionDetails version) throws IOException { msg("").append(module.getName()).newline(); msg("module.version").append(version.getVersion()).newline(); outputArtifacts(version.getArtifactTypes()); msg("module.available").msg((version.isRemote() ? "available.remote" : "available.local")).newline(); if (version.getOrigin() != null) { msg("module.origin").append(version.getOrigin()).newline(); } if (version.getDoc() != null) { String docs = version.getDoc(); if (!showFullDescription) { docs = summary(version.getDoc()); } msg("module.description").append(docs).newline(); } if (version.getLicense() != null) { msg("module.license").append(version.getLicense()).newline(); } if (version.getAuthors() != null && !version.getAuthors().isEmpty()) { outputAuthors(version.getAuthors()); } if (!version.getDependencies().isEmpty()) { msg("module.dependencies.tree", (depth == INFINITE_DEPTH ? "∞" : String.valueOf(depth))).newline(); SortedMap<String, SortedSet<String>> names = new TreeMap<>(); recurseDependencies(version, names, 0); if (depth != 1) { newline(); msg("module.dependencies.flat", (depth == INFINITE_DEPTH ? "∞" : String.valueOf(depth))).newline(); listDependencies(names); } listDependencyConflictsIfAny(names); } } private void listDependencyConflictsIfAny(SortedMap<String, SortedSet<String>> names) throws IOException { boolean hasNoDuplicate = true; StringBuilder overridesFile = null; if(printOverrides){ overridesFile = new StringBuilder(); overridesFile.append("<overrides>\n"); } for(Map.Entry<String,SortedSet<String>> entry : names.entrySet()){ if(entry.getValue().size() > 1){ if(hasNoDuplicate){ hasNoDuplicate = false; newline(); msg("module.dependencies.conflicts", (depth == INFINITE_DEPTH ? "∞" : String.valueOf(depth))).newline(); } append(" "); append(entry.getKey()); if(entry.getValue().size() > 1){ append(": "); boolean first = true; for(String v : entry.getValue()){ if(first) first = false; else append(", "); append(v); } if(printOverrides){ overridesFile.append(" <set"); String name = entry.getKey(); if(name.contains(":")){ int p = name.indexOf(':'); String groupId = name.substring(0, p); String artifactId = name.substring(p+1); overridesFile.append(" groupId=\"").append(groupId).append("\" artifactId=\"").append(artifactId).append("\""); }else{ overridesFile.append(" module=\"").append(name).append("\""); } overridesFile.append(" version=\"").append(entry.getValue().last()).append("\"/>\n"); } } newline(); } } if(printOverrides && !hasNoDuplicate){ overridesFile.append("</overrides>\n"); newline(); msg("module.dependencies.overrides").newline(); newline(); append(overridesFile.toString()); } } private void listDependencies(SortedMap<String, SortedSet<String>> names) throws IOException { for(Map.Entry<String,SortedSet<String>> entry : names.entrySet()){ append(" "); append(entry.getKey()); if(entry.getValue().size() > 1){ append(": "); boolean first = true; for(String v : entry.getValue()){ if(first) first = false; else append(", "); append(v); } }else{ append("/"); append(entry.getValue().first()); } newline(); } } private String summary(String doc) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); String[] lines = doc.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length && i < 5; i++) { result.append(lines[i]).append('\n'); } if (lines.length > 5) { result.append("...").append('\n'); } return result.toString(); } private void outputAuthors(NavigableSet<String> authors) throws IOException { msg("module.authors"); boolean first = true; for (String author : authors) { if (!first) { append(", "); } append(author); first = false; } newline(); } private RepoUsingTool outputArtifacts(Set<ModuleVersionArtifact> types) throws IOException { if(!types.isEmpty()) { msg("module.artifacts"); boolean skipComma = true; boolean js = false; boolean docs = false; for (ModuleVersionArtifact type : types) { if (!skipComma) { append(", "); } String suffix = type.getSuffix(); int major = (type.getMajorBinaryVersion() != null) ? type.getMajorBinaryVersion() : 0; int minor = (type.getMinorBinaryVersion() != null) ? type.getMinorBinaryVersion() : 0; if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(ArtifactContext.CAR)) { append("JVM (#"); append(major); if (minor != 0) { append("."); append(minor); } if (!Versions.isJvmBinaryVersionSupported(major, minor)) { append(" "); msg("label.incompatible.version"); } append(")"); } else if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(ArtifactContext.JAR)) { append("JVM (legacy)"); } else if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(ArtifactContext.JS) || suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(ArtifactContext.JS_MODEL)) { if (js) { skipComma = true; continue; } append("JavaScript (#"); append(major); if (minor != 0) { append("."); append(minor); } if (!Versions.isJsBinaryVersionSupported(major, minor)) { append(" "); msg("label.incompatible.version"); } append(")"); js = true; } else if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(ArtifactContext.RESOURCES)) { append("JS Resources"); } else if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(ArtifactContext.DOCS)) { if (docs) { skipComma = true; continue; } append("Documentation"); docs = true; } else if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(ArtifactContext.SCRIPTS_ZIPPED)) { append("Script Plugins"); } else if (suffix.equalsIgnoreCase(ArtifactContext.SRC)) { append("Sources"); } else if (suffix.startsWith(".")) { append(suffix.substring(1).toUpperCase()); } else { // We might need to add some special cases // for these in the above list append(type); } skipComma = false; } newline(); } return this; } private void recurseDependencies(ModuleVersionDetails version, Map<String, SortedSet<String>> names, final int depth) throws IOException { for (ModuleDependencyInfo dep : version.getDependencies()) { dependency(dep, names, depth+1); } } private void dependency(ModuleDependencyInfo dep, Map<String, SortedSet<String>> names, final int depth) throws IOException { for (int ii = 0; ii < depth; ii++) { append(" "); } append(dep); SortedSet<String> seenVersions = names.get(dep.getName()); boolean recurse = this.depth == -1 || depth < this.depth; if(seenVersions != null){ // already seen if(seenVersions.size() == 1 && seenVersions.first().equals(dep.getVersion())) append(" (already imported)"); else append(" (already imported other version)"); recurse = false; }else{ seenVersions = new TreeSet<>(VersionComparator.INSTANCE); names.put(dep.getName(), seenVersions); } seenVersions.add(dep.getVersion()); newline(); if (recurse && !"ceylon.language".equals(dep.getName())) { Collection<ModuleVersionDetails> versions = getModuleVersions(dep.getName(), dep.getVersion(), queryType, binaryMajor, binaryMinor); if (!versions.isEmpty()) { recurseDependencies(versions.iterator().next(), names, depth + 1); } } } }