package; import java.util.Map; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Class; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Constructor; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Declaration; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.FunctionOrValue; import; public class CtorDelegation { private final Constructor ctor; private final Declaration extending; private String error; /** * * @param ctor The constructor * @param extending The declaration of what the constructor extends * (Class, Constructor from superclass, Constructor from this class) */ public CtorDelegation(Constructor ctor, Declaration extending){ this.ctor = ctor; if (extending instanceof FunctionOrValue) { this.extending = ((FunctionOrValue)extending).getTypeDeclaration(); } else if (extending instanceof Class && ((Class)extending).hasConstructors()) { this.extending = Decl.getDefaultConstructor(((Class)extending)); } else { this.extending = extending; } if (!(extending instanceof Class || extending instanceof Constructor)) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } private CtorDelegation(Constructor ctor, String errorMessage) { this.ctor = ctor; this.error = errorMessage; this.extending = null; } public static CtorDelegation brokenDelegation(Constructor ctorModel) { String message; if (ctorModel.getName() == null) { message = "constructor delegates to default constructor which has a compiler error"; } else { message = "constructor delegates to constructor with a compiler error: " + ctorModel.getName(); } return new CtorDelegation(ctorModel, message); } public boolean isError() { return this.error != null; } public JCStatement makeThrow(AbstractTransformer gen) { return gen.makeThrowUnresolvedCompilationError(this.error); } /** * The constructor * @return */ public Constructor getConstructor() { return ctor; } /** * The declaration of what the constructor extends * (Class, Constructor from superclass, Constructor from this class) * @return */ public Declaration getExtending() { return extending; } /** * The extended Constructor if it is a Constructor. Will be null if extending a Class initializer */ public Constructor getExtendingConstructor() { return extending instanceof Constructor ? (Constructor)extending : null; } /** * Is the constructor delegating to another constructor in the same class * @return */ public boolean isSelfDelegation() { return ctor != null && ((extending instanceof Constructor && ctor.getContainer().equals(extending.getContainer())) || (extending instanceof Class && ctor.getContainer().equals(extending))); } /** * true if the constructor is extending a non-abstract constructor from the same class * @return */ public boolean isConcreteSelfDelegation() { return isSelfDelegation() && (extending instanceof Class || !((Constructor)extending).isAbstract()); } /** * true if the constructor is extends an abstract constructor from the same class * @return */ public boolean isAbstractSelfDelegation() { return isSelfDelegation() && extending instanceof Constructor && ((Constructor)extending).isAbstract(); } /** * true if this delegation is delegating to a superclass initializer or constructor, * or is delegating to an abstract constructor of the same class * @return */ public boolean isAbstractSelfOrSuperDelegation() { return !isSelfDelegation() || extending instanceof Constructor && ((Constructor)extending).isAbstract(); } /** * Does any other constructor in the given map delegate to the given constructor? */ public static boolean isDelegatedTo(Map<Constructor, CtorDelegation> allDelegations, Constructor ctor) { for (CtorDelegation d : allDelegations.values()) { if (ctor.equals(d.getExtending())) { return true; } } return false; } public String toString() { return ctor + " extends " + extending; } }