package com.psddev.cms.db; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import com.psddev.dari.db.ObjectType; import com.psddev.dari.db.Query; import com.psddev.dari.db.Record; import com.psddev.dari.db.State; import com.psddev.dari.util.ListMap; import com.psddev.dari.util.ObjectUtils; // CHECKSTYLE:OFF /** * @deprecated No direct replacement but {@link Renderer.LayoutPath} and * {@link Renderer.ListLayouts} provide similar functionality. */ @Deprecated public class Page extends Content { @Indexed(unique = true) @Required private String name; /** Returns the unique name. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** Sets the unique name. */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } // --- Deprecated --- @Deprecated @DisplayName("Layout") @InternalName("layout.v2") @ToolUi.FieldDisplayType("layout") @ToolUi.NoteHtml("Deprecated. Please use <code>@Renderer.LayoutPath</code> instead.") private Layout layout; @Deprecated @ToolUi.NoteHtml("Deprecated. Please use <code>@Renderer.LayoutPath</code> instead.") private String rendererPath; @Deprecated @ToolUi.NoteHtml("Deprecated. Please extend <code>com.psddev.cms.db.Page</code> instead.") private List<Area> areas; private transient Map<String, Area> areasMap; /** @deprecated Use {@link Renderer.LayoutPath} instead. */ @Deprecated public Layout getLayout() { if (layout == null) { Section legacySection = resolveReference(Section.class, getState().getValue("layout")); if (legacySection != null) { layout = new Layout(); layout.setOutermostSection(convertLegacySection(layout, legacySection)); } } if (layout != null) { Section section = layout.getOutermostSection(); if (section instanceof ScriptSection && ObjectUtils.isBlank(((ScriptSection) section).getScript())) { layout = null; } } return layout; } /** @deprecated Use {@link Renderer.LayoutPath} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setLayout(Layout layout) { this.layout = layout; } /** @deprecated Use {@link Renderer.LayoutPath} instead. */ @Deprecated public String getRendererPath() { return rendererPath; } /** @deprecated Use {@link Renderer.LayoutPath} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setRendererPath(String rendererPath) { this.rendererPath = rendererPath; } /** @deprecated Extend {@link Page} instead. */ @Deprecated public Map<String, Area> getAreas() { if (areas == null) { areas = new ArrayList<Area>(); } if (areasMap == null) { areasMap = new ListMap<String, Area>(areas) { @Override public String getKey(Area area) { return area.getInternalName(); } }; } return areasMap; } /** @deprecated Extend {@link Page} instead. */ @Deprecated public void setAreas(List<Area> areas) { this.areas = areas; this.areasMap = null; } /** @deprecated No replacement. */ @Deprecated public Iterable<Section> findSections() { List<Section> sections = new ArrayList<Section>(); Layout layout = getLayout(); if (layout != null) { addSections(sections, layout.getOutermostSection()); } return sections; } @Deprecated private void addSections(List<Section> sections, Section section) { if (section != null) { sections.add(section); if (section instanceof ContainerSection) { for (Section child : ((ContainerSection) section).getChildren()) { addSections(sections, child); } } } } /** @deprecated Use {@link Renderer.LayoutPath} instead. */ @Deprecated @Embedded @SuppressWarnings("all") public static class Layout extends Record { @Embedded private Section outermostSection; public Section getOutermostSection() { return outermostSection; } public void setOutermostSection(Section section) { this.outermostSection = section; } public static Layout fromDefinition(Page page, Map<String, Object> map) { Layout layout = new Layout(); Object outermost = parseDefinition(page, layout, map.get("outermostSection")); if (outermost instanceof Section) { layout.setOutermostSection((Section) outermost); } return layout; } public static Object parseDefinition(Page page, Layout layout, Object object) { if (object instanceof List) { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object e : (List<Object>) object) { Object parsed = parseDefinition(page, layout, e); if (parsed != null) { list.add(parsed); } } return list; } else if (object instanceof Map) { Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : ((Map<String, Object>) object).entrySet()) { map.put(e.getKey(), parseDefinition(page, layout, e.getValue())); } if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(map.get("_isIgnore"))) { return null; } ObjectType type = ObjectType.getInstance((String) map.get("_type")); if (type == null) { return map; } UUID sectionPageId =, map.get("page")); Object section; if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(map.get("isShareable")) && !page.getId().equals(sectionPageId)) { section = type.createObject(null); } else { UUID id =, map.get("_id")); section = Query.findById(Object.class, id); if (section == null) { section = type.createObject(id); } else if (!(section instanceof Section)) { section = type.createObject(null); } else { State.getInstance(section).setType(type); } } if (section instanceof Section) { map.remove("_type"); map.remove("_id"); State state = State.getInstance(section); state.getValues().putAll(map); if (((Section) section).isShareable()) {; } else { state.setId(null); state.setStatus(null); } return section; } } return object; } public Map<String, Object> toDefinition() { Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); Section outermostSection = getOutermostSection(); if (outermostSection != null) { map.put("outermostSection", outermostSection.toDefinition()); } return map; } } @SuppressWarnings("all") private Section convertLegacySection(Layout layout, Section section) { if (section == null || section.getClass() != Section.class) { return section; } State state = State.getInstance(section); Section newSection; String orientation = (String) state.getValue("orientation"); boolean isHorizontal = "HORIZONTAL".equals(orientation); if (isHorizontal || "VERTICAL".equals(orientation)) { ContainerSection container = isHorizontal ? new HorizontalContainerSection() : new VerticalContainerSection(); String beginJsp = (String) state.getValue("beginJsp"); if (!ObjectUtils.isBlank(beginJsp)) { container.setBeginEngine("JSP"); container.setBeginScript(beginJsp); } else { String beginText = (String) state.getValue("beginText"); if (!ObjectUtils.isBlank(beginText)) { container.setBeginEngine("RawText"); container.setBeginScript(beginText); } } String endJsp = (String) state.getValue("endJsp"); if (!ObjectUtils.isBlank(endJsp)) { container.setEndEngine("JSP"); container.setEndScript(endJsp); } else { String endText = (String) state.getValue("endText"); if (!ObjectUtils.isBlank(endText)) { container.setEndEngine("RawText"); container.setEndScript(endText); } } List<Object> childReferences = (List<Object>) state.getValue("children"); if (!ObjectUtils.isBlank(childReferences)) { for (Object childReference : childReferences) { Section child = convertLegacySection( layout, resolveReference(Section.class, childReference)); if (child != null) { container.getChildren().add(child); } } } newSection = container; } else { Object object = resolveReference( Object.class, state.getValue("record")); ScriptSection scriptSection; if ("PLACEHOLDER".equals(orientation)) { scriptSection = new MainSection(); } else if (object == null) { scriptSection = new ScriptSection(); } else { ContentSection contentSection = new ContentSection(); contentSection.setContent(object); scriptSection = contentSection; } String recordJsp = (String) state.getValue("recordJsp"); if (!ObjectUtils.isBlank(recordJsp)) { scriptSection.setEngine("JSP"); scriptSection.setScript(recordJsp); } else { String recordText = (String) state.getValue("recordText"); if (!ObjectUtils.isBlank(recordText)) { scriptSection.setEngine("RawText"); scriptSection.setScript(recordText); } } newSection = scriptSection; } newSection.setName((String) state.getValue("name")); return newSection; } @SuppressWarnings("all") private <T> T resolveReference(Class<T> objectClass, Object reference) { if (reference instanceof Map) { return Query.findById(objectClass,, ((Map<String, Object>) reference).get("_ref"))); } else if (objectClass.isInstance(reference)) { return (T) reference; } else { return null; } } /** @deprecated Extend {@link Page} instead. */ @Deprecated @Embedded public static class Area extends Record { private String displayName; private String internalName; private List<Content> contents; /** Returns the display name. */ public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; } /** Sets the display name. */ public void setDisplayName(String displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } /** Returns the internal name. */ public String getInternalName() { return internalName; } /** Sets the internal name. */ public void setInternalName(String internalName) { this.internalName = internalName; } /** Returns the contents. */ public List<Content> getContents() { if (contents == null) { contents = new ArrayList<Content>(); } return contents; } /** Sets the contents. */ public void setContents(List<Content> contents) { this.contents = contents; } } }