package com.psddev.cms.db; import; import; import; import com.psddev.cms.tool.AuthenticationFilter; import com.psddev.dari.util.PageContextFilter; import com.psddev.dari.util.StringUtils; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.ZoneOffset; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; public final class Localization { public static final String NOT_AVAILABLE_KEY = "label.notAvailable"; public static final String DATE_AND_TIME_SKELETON = "_dateAndTime"; public static final String DATE_ONLY_SKELETON = "_dateOnly"; public static final String TIME_ONLY_SKELETON = "_timeOnly"; private static final String SKELETON_DATE_KEY = ""; private static final String SKELETON_DATE_WITH_YEAR_KEY = "skeleton.dateWithYear"; private static final String SKELETON_TIME_KEY = "skeleton.time"; /** * Localizes the given {@code key} using the given {@code locale} and * {@code context}. * * <p>If there's isn't text associated with the given {@code key}, * returns the given {@code defaultText}.</p> * * @param locale Nullable. Default is {@link Locale#getDefault()}. * @param context Nullable. * @param key Nonnull. * @param defaultText Nullable. * @return Nonnull. */ public static String text(Locale locale, Object context, String key, String defaultText) { LocalizationContext localizationContext = context instanceof LocalizationContext ? (LocalizationContext) context : new LocalizationContext(context, null); Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault(); if (locale == null) { locale = defaultLocale; } boolean firstTry = true; while (true) { String localized = localizationContext.text(locale, locale, key); if (localized == null && !defaultLocale.equals(locale)) { localized = localizationContext.text(defaultLocale, locale, key); } if (localized == null) { Locale usLocale = Locale.US; String usLanguage = usLocale.getLanguage(); if (!usLanguage.equals(defaultLocale.getLanguage()) && !usLanguage.equals(locale.getLanguage())) { localized = localizationContext.text(usLocale, locale, key); } } if (localized != null) { return localized; } if (firstTry) { firstTry = false; ObjectTypeResourceBundle.invalidateInstances(); } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(defaultText)) { return localizationContext.missingText(key); } else { return defaultText; } } } /** * Localizes the given {@code key} using the given {@code locale} and * {@code context}. * * @param locale Nullable. Default is {@link Locale#getDefault()}. * @param context Nullable. * @param key Nonnull. * @return Nonnull. */ public static String text(Locale locale, Object context, String key) { return text(locale, context, key, null); } /** * Localizes the given {@code timeMillis} in the given {@code timeZoneId} * using the given {@code locale} and {@code skeleton}. * * @param locale Nullable. Default is {@link Locale#getDefault()}. * @param timeZoneId Nullable. Default is {@link java.util.TimeZone#getDefault()}. * @param timeMillis If negative, returns the localized text associated * with {@link #NOT_AVAILABLE_KEY}. * @param skeleton Nonnull. * @return Nonnull. */ public static String date(Locale locale, String timeZoneId, long timeMillis, String skeleton) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(skeleton); if (locale == null) { locale = Locale.getDefault(); } if (timeMillis < 0) { return text(locale, null, NOT_AVAILABLE_KEY); } if (timeZoneId == null) { timeZoneId = java.util.TimeZone.getDefault().getID(); } Date time = new Date(timeMillis); if (DATE_AND_TIME_SKELETON.equals(skeleton)) { skeleton = dateSkeleton(locale, timeMillis) + " " + text(locale, null, SKELETON_TIME_KEY); } else if (DATE_ONLY_SKELETON.equals(skeleton)) { skeleton = dateSkeleton(locale, timeMillis); } else if (TIME_ONLY_SKELETON.equals(skeleton)) { skeleton = text(locale, null, SKELETON_TIME_KEY); } DateFormat format = DateFormat.getInstanceForSkeleton(skeleton, locale); format.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneId)); return format.format(new Date(timeMillis)); } private static String dateSkeleton(Locale locale, long timeMillis) { return == Instant.ofEpochMilli(timeMillis).atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC).getYear() ? text(locale, null, SKELETON_DATE_KEY) : text(locale, null, SKELETON_DATE_WITH_YEAR_KEY); } /** * Localizes the given {@code key} using the current user's preferred * locale and the given {@code context}. * * <p>If there's isn't text associated with the given {@code key}, * returns the given {@code defaultText}.</p> * * @param context Nullable. * @param key Nonnull. * @param defaultText Nullable. * @return Nonnull. */ public static String currentUserText(Object context, String key, String defaultText) { ToolUser user = currentUser(); Locale locale = user != null ? user.getLocale() : null; return text(locale, context, key, defaultText); } /** * Localizes the given {@code key} using the current user's preferred * locale and the given {@code context}. * * @param context Nullable. * @param key Nonnull. * @return Nonnull. */ public static String currentUserText(Object context, String key) { return currentUserText(context, key, null); } private static ToolUser currentUser() { HttpServletRequest request = PageContextFilter.Static.getRequestOrNull(); return request != null ? AuthenticationFilter.Static.getUser(request) : null; } /** * Localizes the given {@code timeMillis} in the current user's time zone * using the current user's preferred locale and the given {@code format}. * * @param timeMillis If negative, returns the localized text associated * with {@link #NOT_AVAILABLE_KEY}. * @param format Nonnull. * @return Nonnull. */ public static String currentUserDate(long timeMillis, String format) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(format); ToolUser user = currentUser(); Locale locale; String timeZoneId; if (user != null) { locale = user.getLocale(); timeZoneId = user.getTimeZone(); } else { locale = null; timeZoneId = null; } return date(locale, timeZoneId, timeMillis, format); } // Prevent instantiation. private Localization() { } }