package com.psddev.cms.db; import java.lang.annotation.Documented; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Inherited; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import com.psddev.cms.tool.AuthenticationFilter; import com.psddev.dari.db.Database; import com.psddev.dari.db.DistributedLock; import com.psddev.dari.db.Modification; import com.psddev.dari.db.ObjectField; import com.psddev.dari.db.ObjectType; import com.psddev.dari.db.Query; import com.psddev.dari.db.Record; import com.psddev.dari.db.State; import com.psddev.dari.db.VisibilityLabel; import com.psddev.dari.util.ObjectUtils; import com.psddev.dari.util.PageContextFilter; /** Represents a generic content. */ @Content.Searchable @ToolUi.Publishable public abstract class Content extends Record { private static final String PREFIX = "cms.content."; private static final String NOTIFICATIONS_EXTRA = PREFIX + "notifications"; public static final String PUBLISH_DATE_FIELD = PREFIX + "publishDate"; public static final String PUBLISH_USER_FIELD = PREFIX + "publishUser"; public static final String UPDATE_DATE_FIELD = PREFIX + "updateDate"; public static final String UPDATE_USER_FIELD = PREFIX + "updateUser"; public static final String SEARCHABLE_GROUP = PREFIX + "searchable"; /** Returns the best permalink for this {@code object}. */ public String getPermalink() { return as(Directory.ObjectModification.class).getPermalink(); } /** Returns the date when this object was published. */ public Date getPublishDate() { return as(ObjectModification.class).getPublishDate(); } /** Returns the tool user that published this object. */ public ToolUser getPublishUser() { return as(ObjectModification.class).getPublishUser(); } /** Returns the date when this object was last updated. */ public Date getUpdateDate() { return as(ObjectModification.class).getUpdateDate(); } /** Returns the tool user that last updated this object. */ public ToolUser getUpdateUser() { return as(ObjectModification.class).getUpdateUser(); } /** * Returns the tool user that's currently logged in. * * @return May be {@code null}. */ protected ToolUser getCurrentToolUser() { HttpServletRequest request = PageContextFilter.Static.getRequestOrNull(); return request != null ? AuthenticationFilter.Static.getUser(request) : null; } /** Modification that adds CMS content information. */ public static final class ObjectModification extends Modification<Object> implements VisibilityLabel { private ObjectModification() { } @DisplayName("Initial Draft") @Indexed(visibility = true) @InternalName("cms.content.draft") private Boolean draft; @DisplayName("Archived") @Indexed(visibility = true) @InternalName("cms.content.trashed") private Boolean trash; @Indexed @InternalName(PUBLISH_DATE_FIELD) @ToolUi.Filterable private Date publishDate; @Indexed @InternalName(PUBLISH_USER_FIELD) @ToolUi.Filterable(false) private ToolUser publishUser; @Indexed @InternalName(UPDATE_DATE_FIELD) private Date updateDate; @Indexed @InternalName(UPDATE_USER_FIELD) @ToolUi.Filterable(false) private ToolUser updateUser; @InternalName("cms.content.scheduleDate") private Date scheduleDate; @InternalName("cms.content.overlaid") private Boolean overlaid; /** * Returns {@code true} if this content is a draft. */ public boolean isDraft() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(draft); } /** * Sets whether this content is a draft. */ public void setDraft(boolean draft) { this.draft = draft ? Boolean.TRUE : null; } /** Returns {@code true} if this content is a trash. */ public boolean isTrash() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(trash); } /** Sets whether this content is a trash. */ public void setTrash(boolean trash) { this.trash = trash ? Boolean.TRUE : null; } /** Returns the date when the given {@code object} was published. */ public Date getPublishDate() { return publishDate; } /** Sets the date when the given {@code object} was published. */ public void setPublishDate(Date publishDate) { this.publishDate = publishDate; } /** Returns the tool user that published the given {@code object}. */ public ToolUser getPublishUser() { return publishUser; } /** Sets the tool user that published the given {@code object}. */ public void setPublishUser(ToolUser publishUser) { this.publishUser = publishUser; } /** Returns the date when the given {@code object} was last updated. */ public Date getUpdateDate() { return updateDate; } /** Sets the date when the given {@code object} was last updated. */ public void setUpdateDate(Date updateDate) { this.updateDate = updateDate; } /** Returns the tool user that last updated the given {@code object}. */ public ToolUser getUpdateUser() { return updateUser; } /** Sets the tool user that last updated the given {@code object}. */ public void setUpdateUser(ToolUser updateUser) { this.updateUser = updateUser; } public Date getScheduleDate() { return scheduleDate; } public void setScheduleDate(Date scheduleDate) { this.scheduleDate = scheduleDate; } public boolean isOverlaid() { return Boolean.TRUE.equals(overlaid); } public void setOverlaid(boolean overlaid) { this.overlaid = overlaid ? Boolean.TRUE : null; } /** * Adds the given {@code notification} to be processed on save. * * @param notification If {@code null}, does nothing. * @deprecated Use {@link Record#beforeSave} or {@link Record#afterSave} instead. */ @Deprecated public void addNotification(Notification notification) { if (notification != null) { Map<String, Object> extras = getState().getExtras(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Notification> notifications = (List<Notification>) extras.get(NOTIFICATIONS_EXTRA); if (notifications == null) { notifications = new ArrayList<Notification>(); extras.put(NOTIFICATIONS_EXTRA, notifications); } notifications.add(notification); } } // --- VisibilityLabel support --- @Override public String createVisibilityLabel(ObjectField field) { if (field.getInternalName().equals("cms.content.draft")) { return isDraft() ? (getScheduleDate() != null ? "Scheduled" : "Initial Draft") : null; } else { return isTrash() ? "Archived" : null; } } } /** Static utility methods. */ public static final class Static { private Static() { } /** * Deletes the given {@code object}, and returns a trash object * that can be used later to restore it. * * @deprecated Use {@link #trash} instead. */ @Deprecated public static Trash deleteSoftly(Object object, Site site, ToolUser user) { State objectState = State.getInstance(object); Site.ObjectModification objectSiteMod =; if (site == null || ObjectUtils.equals(objectSiteMod.getOwner(), site)) { Trash trash = new Trash(user, object); try { trash.beginWrites(); objectState.delete();; trash.commitWrites(); return trash; } finally { trash.endWrites(); } } else { objectSiteMod.getConsumers().remove(site); if (objectSiteMod.isGlobal()) { objectSiteMod.getBlacklist().add(site); }; return null; } } /** * Returns {@code true} if the instances of the given {@code type} * is searchable. */ public static boolean isSearchableType(ObjectType type) { return type != null && type.getGroups().contains(SEARCHABLE_GROUP); } /** Returns {@code true} if the given {@code object} is searchable. */ public static boolean isSearchable(Object object) { return object != null && isSearchableType(State.getInstance(object).getType()); } /** * Publishes the given {@code object} in the given {@code site} * as the given {@code user}. * * @param object Can't be {@code null}. * @param site May be {@code null}. * @param user May be {@code null}. * @return Can be used to revert all changes. May be {@code null}. */ public static History publish(Object object, Site site, ToolUser user) { State state = State.getInstance(object); ObjectModification contentData =; Site.ObjectModification siteData =; if (object instanceof Site) { site = (Site) object; siteData.setOwner(site); } else if (state.isNew() && siteData.getOwner() == null) { siteData.setOwner(site); } Date now = new Date(Database.Static.getDefault().now()); Date publishDate = contentData.getPublishDate(); ToolUser publishUser = contentData.getPublishUser(); if (publishDate == null) { contentData.setPublishDate(now); } if (publishUser == null) { contentData.setPublishUser(user); } contentData.setUpdateDate(now); contentData.setUpdateUser(user); if (object instanceof Draft) {; return null; } else { try { state.beginWrites();; History history = new History(user, object);; state.commitWrites(); return history; } finally { state.endWrites(); } } } public static History publishDifferences( Object object, Map<String, Map<String, Object>> differences, Site site, ToolUser user) { State state = State.getInstance(object); UUID id = state.getId(); DistributedLock lock = DistributedLock.Static.getInstance( Database.Static.getDefault(), Content.class.getName() + "/publish/" + id); lock.lock(); try { Object oldObject = Query.fromAll().where("_id = ?", id).noCache().first(); if (oldObject != null) { state.setValues(Draft.mergeDifferences( state.getDatabase().getEnvironment(), State.getInstance(oldObject).getSimpleValues(), differences)); } return publish(object, site, user); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } /** * Trashes the given {@code object} so that it's not usable in * the given {@code site}. If the {@link Site} is the {@link com.psddev.cms.db.Site.ObjectModification#owner}, * then the object will be trashed for all {@link com.psddev.cms.db.Site.ObjectModification#consumers}. * @param object the object for which trash status will be set * @param site the site within which the trash status will be reflected * @param user the user for whom this change is made */ public static void trash(Object object, Site site, ToolUser user) { toggleTrash(object, site, user, true); } /** * Restores the given {@code object} so that it's usable in * the given {@code site}. If the {@link Site} is the {@link com.psddev.cms.db.Site.ObjectModification#owner}, * then the object will be restored for all {@link com.psddev.cms.db.Site.ObjectModification#consumers}. * @param object the object for which trash status will be removed * @param site the site within which the trash status will be reflected * @param user the user for whom this change is made */ public static void restore(Object object, Site site, ToolUser user) { toggleTrash(object, site, user, false); } /** * Trashes or restores the given {@code object} for the given {@code site} based * on the value of {@code trash}. If the {@link Site} is the {@link com.psddev.cms.db.Site.ObjectModification#owner}, * then the change in trash status will be reflected for all {@link com.psddev.cms.db.Site.ObjectModification#consumers}. * @param object the object for which trash status will be changed * @param site the site within which the trash status will be reflected * @param user the user for whom this change is made * @param trash {@code true} to set status to trashed, {@code false} to un-set trashed status */ private static void toggleTrash(Object object, Site site, ToolUser user, boolean trash) { State state = State.getInstance(object); Site.ObjectModification siteData =; if (object instanceof ToolEntity || site == null || ObjectUtils.equals(siteData.getOwner(), site)) { ObjectModification contentData =; contentData.setTrash(trash); contentData.setUpdateDate(new Date()); contentData.setUpdateUser(user);; } else { if (trash) { siteData.getConsumers().remove(site); } else { siteData.getConsumers().add(site); } if (siteData.isGlobal()) { if (trash) { siteData.getBlacklist().add(site); } else { siteData.getBlacklist().remove(site); } } } } /** * Purges the given {@code object} completely, including all of * its drafts, histories, and trashes. */ public static void purge(Object object, Site site, ToolUser user) { State objectState = State.getInstance(object); Site.ObjectModification objectSiteMod =; if (!ObjectUtils.equals(objectSiteMod.getOwner(), site)) { trash(object, site, user); return; } Database database = objectState.getDatabase(); UUID objectId = objectState.getId(); try { database.beginWrites(); database.deleteByQuery(Query.from(Draft.class).where("objectId = ?", objectId)); database.deleteByQuery(Query.from(History.class).where("objectId = ?", objectId)); database.deleteByQuery(Query.from(Trash.class).where("objectId = ?", objectId)); objectState.delete(); database.commitWrites(); } finally { database.endWrites(); } } } /** * Specifies whether the instances of the target type should be * searchable. */ @Documented @Inherited @ObjectType.AnnotationProcessorClass(SearchableProcessor.class) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.TYPE) public @interface Searchable { boolean value() default true; } private static class SearchableProcessor implements ObjectType.AnnotationProcessor<Searchable> { @Override public void process(ObjectType type, Searchable annotation) { Set<String> groups = type.getGroups(); if (annotation.value()) { groups.add(SEARCHABLE_GROUP); } else { groups.remove(SEARCHABLE_GROUP); } } } /** @deprecated Use {@link ObjectModification} or {@link Static} instead. */ @Deprecated public abstract static class Global extends Record { /** @deprecated Use {@link ObjectModification#getPublishDate} instead. */ @Deprecated public static Date getPublishDate(Object object) { return State.getInstance(object).as(ObjectModification.class).getPublishDate(); } /** @deprecated Use {@link ObjectModification#getPublishUser} instead. */ @Deprecated public static ToolUser getPublishUser(Object object) { return State.getInstance(object).as(ObjectModification.class).getPublishUser(); } /** @deprecated Use {@link ObjectModification#getUpdateDate} instead. */ @Deprecated public static Date getUpdateDate(Object object) { return State.getInstance(object).as(ObjectModification.class).getUpdateDate(); } /** @deprecated Use {@link ObjectModification#getUpdateUser} instead. */ @Deprecated public static ToolUser getUpdateUser(Object object) { return State.getInstance(object).as(ObjectModification.class).getUpdateUser(); } /** @deprecated Use {@link Static#publish} instead. */ @Deprecated public static History publish(ToolUser user, Object object) { return Static.publish(object, null, user); } /** @deprecated Use {@link Static#deleteSoftly} instead. */ @Deprecated public static Trash deleteSoftly(ToolUser user, Object object) { return Static.deleteSoftly(object, null, user); } /** @deprecated Use {@link Static#purge} instead. */ @Deprecated public static void purge(ToolUser user, Object object) { Static.purge(object, null, user); } /** @deprecated Use {@link Static#isSearchableType} instead. */ @Deprecated public static boolean isSearchableType(ObjectType type) { return Static.isSearchableType(type); } /** @deprecated Use {@link Static#isSearchable} instead. */ @Deprecated public static boolean isSearchable(Object object) { return Static.isSearchable(object); } } }