/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * Copyright 2014 Andreas Schildbach * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.bitcoinj.core; import org.bitcoinj.params.MainNetParams; import org.bitcoinj.params.TestNet2Params; import org.bitcoinj.params.UnitTestParams; import org.bitcoinj.store.BlockStore; import org.bitcoinj.store.MemoryBlockStore; import org.bitcoinj.testing.FakeTxBuilder; import org.bitcoinj.utils.BriefLogFormatter; import org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet; import org.bitcoinj.wallet.Wallet.BalanceType; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import static org.bitcoinj.core.Coin.*; import static org.bitcoinj.testing.FakeTxBuilder.createFakeBlock; import static org.bitcoinj.testing.FakeTxBuilder.createFakeTx; import static org.junit.Assert.*; // Handling of chain splits/reorgs are in ChainSplitTests. public class BlockChainTest { @Rule public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none(); private BlockChain testNetChain; private Wallet wallet; private BlockChain chain; private BlockStore blockStore; private Address coinbaseTo; private static final NetworkParameters PARAMS = UnitTestParams.get(); private final StoredBlock[] block = new StoredBlock[1]; private Transaction coinbaseTransaction; private static class TweakableTestNet2Params extends TestNet2Params { public void setMaxTarget(BigInteger limit) { maxTarget = limit; } } private static final TweakableTestNet2Params testNet = new TweakableTestNet2Params(); private void resetBlockStore() { blockStore = new MemoryBlockStore(PARAMS); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { BriefLogFormatter.initVerbose(); Context.propagate(new Context(testNet, 100, Coin.ZERO, false)); testNetChain = new BlockChain(testNet, new Wallet(testNet), new MemoryBlockStore(testNet)); Context.propagate(new Context(PARAMS, 100, Coin.ZERO, false)); wallet = new Wallet(PARAMS) { @Override public void receiveFromBlock(Transaction tx, StoredBlock block, BlockChain.NewBlockType blockType, int relativityOffset) throws VerificationException { super.receiveFromBlock(tx, block, blockType, relativityOffset); BlockChainTest.this.block[0] = block; if (isTransactionRelevant(tx) && tx.isCoinBase()) { BlockChainTest.this.coinbaseTransaction = tx; } } }; wallet.freshReceiveKey(); resetBlockStore(); chain = new BlockChain(PARAMS, wallet, blockStore); coinbaseTo = wallet.currentReceiveKey().toAddress(PARAMS); } @Test public void testBasicChaining() throws Exception { // Check that we can plug a few blocks together and the futures work. ListenableFuture<StoredBlock> future = testNetChain.getHeightFuture(2); // Block 1 from the testnet. Block b1 = getBlock1(); assertTrue(testNetChain.add(b1)); assertFalse(future.isDone()); // Block 2 from the testnet. Block b2 = getBlock2(); // Let's try adding an invalid block. long n = b2.getNonce(); try { b2.setNonce(12345); testNetChain.add(b2); fail(); } catch (VerificationException e) { b2.setNonce(n); } // Now it works because we reset the nonce. assertTrue(testNetChain.add(b2)); assertTrue(future.isDone()); assertEquals(2, future.get().getHeight()); } @Test public void receiveCoins() throws Exception { int height = 1; // Quick check that we can actually receive coins. Transaction tx1 = createFakeTx(PARAMS, COIN, wallet.currentReceiveKey().toAddress(PARAMS)); Block b1 = createFakeBlock(blockStore, height, tx1).block; chain.add(b1); assertTrue(wallet.getBalance().signum() > 0); } @Test public void unconnectedBlocks() throws Exception { Block b1 = PARAMS.getGenesisBlock().createNextBlock(coinbaseTo); Block b2 = b1.createNextBlock(coinbaseTo); Block b3 = b2.createNextBlock(coinbaseTo); // Connected. assertTrue(chain.add(b1)); // Unconnected but stored. The head of the chain is still b1. assertFalse(chain.add(b3)); assertEquals(chain.getChainHead().getHeader(), b1.cloneAsHeader()); // Add in the middle block. assertTrue(chain.add(b2)); assertEquals(chain.getChainHead().getHeader(), b3.cloneAsHeader()); } @Test public void difficultyTransitions() throws Exception { // Add a bunch of blocks in a loop until we reach a difficulty transition point. The unit test params have an // artificially shortened period. Block prev = PARAMS.getGenesisBlock(); Utils.setMockClock(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000); for (int height = 0; height < PARAMS.getInterval() - 1; height++) { Block newBlock = prev.createNextBlock(coinbaseTo, 1, Utils.currentTimeSeconds(), height); assertTrue(chain.add(newBlock)); prev = newBlock; // The fake chain should seem to be "fast" for the purposes of difficulty calculations. Utils.rollMockClock(2); } // Now add another block that has no difficulty adjustment, it should be rejected. try { chain.add(prev.createNextBlock(coinbaseTo, 1, Utils.currentTimeSeconds(), PARAMS.getInterval())); fail(); } catch (VerificationException e) { } // Create a new block with the right difficulty target given our blistering speed relative to the huge amount // of time it's supposed to take (set in the unit test network parameters). Block b = prev.createNextBlock(coinbaseTo, 1, Utils.currentTimeSeconds(), PARAMS.getInterval() + 1); b.setDifficultyTarget(0x201fFFFFL); b.solve(); assertTrue(chain.add(b)); // Successfully traversed a difficulty transition period. } @Test public void badDifficulty() throws Exception { assertTrue(testNetChain.add(getBlock1())); Block b2 = getBlock2(); assertTrue(testNetChain.add(b2)); Block bad = new Block(testNet, Block.BLOCK_VERSION_GENESIS); // Merkle root can be anything here, doesn't matter. bad.setMerkleRoot(Sha256Hash.wrap("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")); // Nonce was just some number that made the hash < difficulty limit set below, it can be anything. bad.setNonce(140548933); bad.setTime(1279242649); bad.setPrevBlockHash(b2.getHash()); // We're going to make this block so easy 50% of solutions will pass, and check it gets rejected for having a // bad difficulty target. Unfortunately the encoding mechanism means we cannot make one that accepts all // solutions. bad.setDifficultyTarget(Block.EASIEST_DIFFICULTY_TARGET); try { testNetChain.add(bad); // The difficulty target above should be rejected on the grounds of being easier than the networks // allowable difficulty. fail(); } catch (VerificationException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage(), e.getCause().getMessage().contains("Difficulty target is bad")); } // Accept any level of difficulty now. BigInteger oldVal = testNet.getMaxTarget(); testNet.setMaxTarget(new BigInteger("00ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", 16)); try { testNetChain.add(bad); // We should not get here as the difficulty target should not be changing at this point. fail(); } catch (VerificationException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage(), e.getCause().getMessage().contains("Unexpected change in difficulty")); } testNet.setMaxTarget(oldVal); // TODO: Test difficulty change is not out of range when a transition period becomes valid. } /** * Test that version 2 blocks are rejected once version 3 blocks are a super * majority. */ @Test public void badBip66Version() throws Exception { testDeprecatedBlockVersion(Block.BLOCK_VERSION_BIP34, Block.BLOCK_VERSION_BIP66); } /** * Test that version 3 blocks are rejected once version 4 blocks are a super * majority. */ @Test public void badBip65Version() throws Exception { testDeprecatedBlockVersion(Block.BLOCK_VERSION_BIP66, Block.BLOCK_VERSION_BIP65); } private void testDeprecatedBlockVersion(final long deprecatedVersion, final long newVersion) throws Exception { final BlockStore versionBlockStore = new MemoryBlockStore(PARAMS); final BlockChain versionChain = new BlockChain(PARAMS, versionBlockStore); // Build a historical chain of version 3 blocks long timeSeconds = 1231006505; int height = 0; FakeTxBuilder.BlockPair chainHead = null; // Put in just enough v2 blocks to be a minority for (height = 0; height < (PARAMS.getMajorityWindow() - PARAMS.getMajorityRejectBlockOutdated()); height++) { chainHead = FakeTxBuilder.createFakeBlock(versionBlockStore, deprecatedVersion, timeSeconds, height); versionChain.add(chainHead.block); timeSeconds += 60; } // Fill the rest of the window with v3 blocks for (; height < PARAMS.getMajorityWindow(); height++) { chainHead = FakeTxBuilder.createFakeBlock(versionBlockStore, newVersion, timeSeconds, height); versionChain.add(chainHead.block); timeSeconds += 60; } chainHead = FakeTxBuilder.createFakeBlock(versionBlockStore, deprecatedVersion, timeSeconds, height); // Trying to add a new v2 block should result in rejection thrown.expect(VerificationException.BlockVersionOutOfDate.class); try { versionChain.add(chainHead.block); } catch(final VerificationException ex) { throw (Exception) ex.getCause(); } } @Test public void duplicates() throws Exception { // Adding a block twice should not have any effect, in particular it should not send the block to the wallet. Block b1 = PARAMS.getGenesisBlock().createNextBlock(coinbaseTo); Block b2 = b1.createNextBlock(coinbaseTo); Block b3 = b2.createNextBlock(coinbaseTo); assertTrue(chain.add(b1)); assertEquals(b1, block[0].getHeader()); assertTrue(chain.add(b2)); assertEquals(b2, block[0].getHeader()); assertTrue(chain.add(b3)); assertEquals(b3, block[0].getHeader()); assertEquals(b3, chain.getChainHead().getHeader()); assertTrue(chain.add(b2)); assertEquals(b3, chain.getChainHead().getHeader()); // Wallet was NOT called with the new block because the duplicate add was spotted. assertEquals(b3, block[0].getHeader()); } @Test public void intraBlockDependencies() throws Exception { // Covers issue 166 in which transactions that depend on each other inside a block were not always being // considered relevant. Address somebodyElse = new ECKey().toAddress(PARAMS); Block b1 = PARAMS.getGenesisBlock().createNextBlock(somebodyElse); ECKey key = wallet.freshReceiveKey(); Address addr = key.toAddress(PARAMS); // Create a tx that gives us some coins, and another that spends it to someone else in the same block. Transaction t1 = FakeTxBuilder.createFakeTx(PARAMS, COIN, addr); Transaction t2 = new Transaction(PARAMS); t2.addInput(t1.getOutputs().get(0)); t2.addOutput(valueOf(2, 0), somebodyElse); b1.addTransaction(t1); b1.addTransaction(t2); b1.solve(); chain.add(b1); assertEquals(Coin.ZERO, wallet.getBalance()); } @Test public void coinbaseTransactionAvailability() throws Exception { // Check that a coinbase transaction is only available to spend after NetworkParameters.getSpendableCoinbaseDepth() blocks. // Create a second wallet to receive the coinbase spend. Wallet wallet2 = new Wallet(PARAMS); ECKey receiveKey = wallet2.freshReceiveKey(); int height = 1; chain.addWallet(wallet2); Address addressToSendTo = receiveKey.toAddress(PARAMS); // Create a block, sending the coinbase to the coinbaseTo address (which is in the wallet). Block b1 = PARAMS.getGenesisBlock().createNextBlockWithCoinbase(Block.BLOCK_VERSION_GENESIS, wallet.currentReceiveKey().getPubKey(), height++); chain.add(b1); // Check a transaction has been received. assertNotNull(coinbaseTransaction); // The coinbase tx is not yet available to spend. assertEquals(Coin.ZERO, wallet.getBalance()); assertEquals(wallet.getBalance(BalanceType.ESTIMATED), FIFTY_COINS); assertTrue(!coinbaseTransaction.isMature()); // Attempt to spend the coinbase - this should fail as the coinbase is not mature yet. try { wallet.createSend(addressToSendTo, valueOf(49, 0)); fail(); } catch (InsufficientMoneyException e) { } // Check that the coinbase is unavailable to spend for the next spendableCoinbaseDepth - 2 blocks. for (int i = 0; i < PARAMS.getSpendableCoinbaseDepth() - 2; i++) { // Non relevant tx - just for fake block creation. Transaction tx2 = createFakeTx(PARAMS, COIN, new ECKey().toAddress(PARAMS)); Block b2 = createFakeBlock(blockStore, height++, tx2).block; chain.add(b2); // Wallet still does not have the coinbase transaction available for spend. assertEquals(Coin.ZERO, wallet.getBalance()); assertEquals(wallet.getBalance(BalanceType.ESTIMATED), FIFTY_COINS); // The coinbase transaction is still not mature. assertTrue(!coinbaseTransaction.isMature()); // Attempt to spend the coinbase - this should fail. try { wallet.createSend(addressToSendTo, valueOf(49, 0)); fail(); } catch (InsufficientMoneyException e) { } } // Give it one more block - should now be able to spend coinbase transaction. Non relevant tx. Transaction tx3 = createFakeTx(PARAMS, COIN, new ECKey().toAddress(PARAMS)); Block b3 = createFakeBlock(blockStore, height++, tx3).block; chain.add(b3); // Wallet now has the coinbase transaction available for spend. assertEquals(wallet.getBalance(), FIFTY_COINS); assertEquals(wallet.getBalance(BalanceType.ESTIMATED), FIFTY_COINS); assertTrue(coinbaseTransaction.isMature()); // Create a spend with the coinbase BTC to the address in the second wallet - this should now succeed. Transaction coinbaseSend2 = wallet.createSend(addressToSendTo, valueOf(49, 0)); assertNotNull(coinbaseSend2); // Commit the coinbaseSpend to the first wallet and check the balances decrement. wallet.commitTx(coinbaseSend2); assertEquals(wallet.getBalance(BalanceType.ESTIMATED), COIN); // Available balance is zero as change has not been received from a block yet. assertEquals(wallet.getBalance(BalanceType.AVAILABLE), ZERO); // Give it one more block - change from coinbaseSpend should now be available in the first wallet. Block b4 = createFakeBlock(blockStore, height++, coinbaseSend2).block; chain.add(b4); assertEquals(wallet.getBalance(BalanceType.AVAILABLE), COIN); // Check the balances in the second wallet. assertEquals(wallet2.getBalance(BalanceType.ESTIMATED), valueOf(49, 0)); assertEquals(wallet2.getBalance(BalanceType.AVAILABLE), valueOf(49, 0)); } // Some blocks from the test net. private static Block getBlock2() throws Exception { Block b2 = new Block(testNet, Block.BLOCK_VERSION_GENESIS); b2.setMerkleRoot(Sha256Hash.wrap("addc858a17e21e68350f968ccd384d6439b64aafa6c193c8b9dd66320470838b")); b2.setNonce(2642058077L); b2.setTime(1296734343L); b2.setPrevBlockHash(Sha256Hash.wrap("000000033cc282bc1fa9dcae7a533263fd7fe66490f550d80076433340831604")); assertEquals("000000037b21cac5d30fc6fda2581cf7b2612908aed2abbcc429c45b0557a15f", b2.getHashAsString()); b2.verifyHeader(); return b2; } private static Block getBlock1() throws Exception { Block b1 = new Block(testNet, Block.BLOCK_VERSION_GENESIS); b1.setMerkleRoot(Sha256Hash.wrap("0e8e58ecdacaa7b3c6304a35ae4ffff964816d2b80b62b58558866ce4e648c10")); b1.setNonce(236038445); b1.setTime(1296734340); b1.setPrevBlockHash(Sha256Hash.wrap("00000007199508e34a9ff81e6ec0c477a4cccff2a4767a8eee39c11db367b008")); assertEquals("000000033cc282bc1fa9dcae7a533263fd7fe66490f550d80076433340831604", b1.getHashAsString()); b1.verifyHeader(); return b1; } @Test public void estimatedBlockTime() throws Exception { NetworkParameters params = MainNetParams.get(); BlockChain prod = new BlockChain(new Context(params), new MemoryBlockStore(params)); Date d = prod.estimateBlockTime(200000); // The actual date of block 200,000 was 2012-09-22 10:47:00 assertEquals(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ", Locale.US).parse("2012-10-23T08:35:05.000-0700"), d); } @Test public void falsePositives() throws Exception { double decay = AbstractBlockChain.FP_ESTIMATOR_ALPHA; assertTrue(0 == chain.getFalsePositiveRate()); // Exactly chain.trackFalsePositives(55); assertEquals(decay * 55, chain.getFalsePositiveRate(), 1e-4); chain.trackFilteredTransactions(550); double rate1 = chain.getFalsePositiveRate(); // Run this scenario a few more time for the filter to converge for (int i = 1 ; i < 10 ; i++) { chain.trackFalsePositives(55); chain.trackFilteredTransactions(550); } // Ensure we are within 10% assertEquals(0.1, chain.getFalsePositiveRate(), 0.01); // Check that we get repeatable results after a reset chain.resetFalsePositiveEstimate(); assertTrue(0 == chain.getFalsePositiveRate()); // Exactly chain.trackFalsePositives(55); assertEquals(decay * 55, chain.getFalsePositiveRate(), 1e-4); chain.trackFilteredTransactions(550); assertEquals(rate1, chain.getFalsePositiveRate(), 1e-4); } @Test public void rollbackBlockStore() throws Exception { // This test simulates an issue on Android, that causes the VM to crash while receiving a block, so that the // block store is persisted but the wallet is not. Block b1 = PARAMS.getGenesisBlock().createNextBlock(coinbaseTo); Block b2 = b1.createNextBlock(coinbaseTo); // Add block 1, no frills. assertTrue(chain.add(b1)); assertEquals(b1.cloneAsHeader(), chain.getChainHead().getHeader()); assertEquals(1, chain.getBestChainHeight()); assertEquals(1, wallet.getLastBlockSeenHeight()); // Add block 2 while wallet is disconnected, to simulate crash. chain.removeWallet(wallet); assertTrue(chain.add(b2)); assertEquals(b2.cloneAsHeader(), chain.getChainHead().getHeader()); assertEquals(2, chain.getBestChainHeight()); assertEquals(1, wallet.getLastBlockSeenHeight()); // Add wallet back. This will detect the height mismatch and repair the damage done. chain.addWallet(wallet); assertEquals(b1.cloneAsHeader(), chain.getChainHead().getHeader()); assertEquals(1, chain.getBestChainHeight()); assertEquals(1, wallet.getLastBlockSeenHeight()); // Now add block 2 correctly. assertTrue(chain.add(b2)); assertEquals(b2.cloneAsHeader(), chain.getChainHead().getHeader()); assertEquals(2, chain.getBestChainHeight()); assertEquals(2, wallet.getLastBlockSeenHeight()); } }