package org.atricore.idbus.kernel.common.wagon.osgi; import org.apache.maven.wagon.*; import org.apache.maven.wagon.authentication.AuthenticationException; import org.apache.maven.wagon.authorization.AuthorizationException; import org.apache.maven.wagon.resource.Resource; import; import; import; import; /** * @author <a href="">Sebastian Gonzalez Oyuela</a> * @version $Id$ */ public class OsgiWagon extends StreamWagon { @Override public void fillInputData(InputData inputData) throws TransferFailedException, ResourceDoesNotExistException, AuthorizationException { InputStream is; Resource resource = inputData.getResource(); String name = resource.getName(); try { String url = buildMvnUrl(resource); if (name.endsWith(".sha1") || name.contains("maven-metadata")) { // Resources that cannot be handled by OPS4J MVN URL is = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]); } else { // We have a URL, open a stream, this will be handled by PAX URL. // TODO : Do we have to keep track of IS and close it later? is = new URL(url).openStream(); if (is == null) { throw new ResourceDoesNotExistException(resource.getName()); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ResourceDoesNotExistException(resource.getName()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TransferFailedException(e.getMessage(), e); } inputData.setInputStream(is); } @Override public void fillOutputData(OutputData outputData) throws TransferFailedException { throw new TransferFailedException("OSGi Wagon does not support write yet!"); } @Override public void closeConnection() throws ConnectionException { } @Override public void openConnectionInternal() throws ConnectionException, AuthenticationException { } /** * Build a pax mvn url based on the resource name. * * <pre> * mvn-uri := 'mvn:' [ repository-url '!' ] group-id '/' artifact-id [ '/' [version] [ '/' [type] [ '/' classifier ] ] ] ] * repository-url := < rfc2396 uri > ; an url that points to a maven 2 repository * group-id := < maven groupId > ; group id of maven artifact * artifact-id := < maven artifactId > ; artifact id of maven artifact * version := < maven version > | 'LATEST' | range ; version of maven artifact * range := ( '[' | '(' ) version ',' version ( ')' | ']' ) * type := < maven type> ; type of maven artifact * classifier := < maven classifier> ; maven artifact classifier * </pre> * */ protected String buildMvnUrl(Resource resource) { String url = null; String name = resource.getName(); String type = ""; String classifier = ""; String version = ""; String groupId = ""; String artifactId = ""; String hash = ""; if (name.contains("maven-metadata")) { // <group-path>/<artifact-name>/maven-metadata.xml // TODO : We can't support artifacts discovery through metadata! } else if (name.endsWith("sha1")) { // TODO : We can't support artifacts signature! name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(".")); hash = "sha1"; } // <group-path>/<artifact-name>/<version>/<artifact-name>-<version>-<classifier>.<type> // <artifact-name>-<version>-<classifier>.<type> String resourceSimpleName = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); // <type> type = resourceSimpleName.substring(resourceSimpleName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); // <group-path>/<artifact-name>/<version> name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("/")); // <version> version = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, name.length()); // <group-path>/<artifact-name> name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("/")); // <artifact-name> artifactId = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, name.length()); // <group-path> groupId = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("/")); // Group Id groupId = groupId.replace("/", "."); String rs = artifactId + "-" + version + "." + type; if (rs.length() < resourceSimpleName.length()) { classifier = resourceSimpleName.substring(rs.length() - type.length() - 1, resourceSimpleName.length() - type.length() - 1 ); } // TODO url = "mvn:" + groupId + "/" + artifactId; if (version.length() > 0) url += "/"+ version; if (type.length() > 0) { if (version.length() < 1) url += "/"; url += "/" + type; if (hash.length() > 0) url += ".sha1"; } if (classifier.length() > 0) { if (version.length() < 1) url += "/"; if (type.length() < 1) url += "/"; url += "/" + classifier; } return url; } }