package; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.wicket.RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException; import org.apache.wicket.request.http.handler.RedirectRequestHandler; import org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.parameter.PageParameters; import org.atricore.idbus.capabilities.sso.main.binding.SsoHttpArtifactBinding; import; import; import; import org.atricore.idbus.capabilities.sso.ui.WebAppConfig; import org.atricore.idbus.capabilities.sso.ui.WebBranding; import org.atricore.idbus.capabilities.sso.ui.internal.SSOUIApplication; import org.atricore.idbus.capabilities.sso.ui.internal.SSOWebSession; import org.atricore.idbus.capabilities.sso.ui.model.IdPModel; import; import; import; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.federation.metadata.CircleOfTrustMemberDescriptor; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.federation.metadata.EndpointDescriptor; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.federation.metadata.EndpointDescriptorImpl; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mediation.*; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mediation.binding.BindingChannel; import; import; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mediation.claim.*; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mediation.endpoint.IdentityMediationEndpoint; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mediation.provider.*; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.util.UUIDGenerator; import; import java.util.*; /** * @author: * @date: 6/18/13 */ public class SelectIdPMediator implements Serializable { private static final UUIDGenerator uuidGenerator = new UUIDGenerator(); private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(SelectIdPMediator.class); private transient SSOUIApplication application; private IdentityMediationUnitRegistry idsuRegistry; private MessageQueueManager artifactQueueManager; private SSOWebSession session; private List<IdPModel> idpModels; private UserClaimsRequest userClaimsReq; private BasePage page; public SelectIdPMediator(BasePage page, IdentityMediationUnitRegistry idsuRegistry, MessageQueueManager artifactQueueManager, SSOUIApplication app, SSOWebSession session) { this.idsuRegistry = idsuRegistry; this.artifactQueueManager = artifactQueueManager; this.application = app; this.session = session; = page; } public void onInitialize(PageParameters parameters) { String artifactId = null; if (parameters != null) artifactId = parameters.get(SsoHttpArtifactBinding.SSO_ARTIFACT_ID).toString(); idpModels = new ArrayList<IdPModel>(); userClaimsReq = null; WebAppConfig cfg = getApplication().getAppConfig(); if (artifactId != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Artifact ID = " + artifactId); // Lookup for ClaimsRequest! try { userClaimsReq = (UserClaimsRequest) artifactQueueManager.pullMessage(new ArtifactImpl(artifactId)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot resolve artifact id ["+artifactId+"] : " + e.getMessage(), e); } if (userClaimsReq != null) { getSession().setUserClaimsRequest(userClaimsReq); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Received select entity request " + userClaimsReq + " for SP " + userClaimsReq.getAttribute("ServiceProvider)")); } else { logger.debug("No claims request received, try stored value"); userClaimsReq = (getSession()).getUserClaimsRequest(); } } else { userClaimsReq = getSession().getUserClaimsRequest(); } logger.debug("claimsRequest = " + userClaimsReq); if (userClaimsReq == null) { // No way to process this page, fall-back WebBranding branding = getApplication().getBranding(); if (branding.getFallbackUrl() != null) { // Redirect to fall-back (session expired !) throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(getApplication().resolvePage("ERROR/SESSION")); } // Redirect to Session Expired Page throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(getApplication().resolvePage("ERROR/SESSION")); } // We have the SP that issued the entity selection request. String spName = (String) userClaimsReq.getAttribute("ServiceProvider"); if (spName == null) logger.error("No 'ServiceProvider' attribute received in user claims request : " + userClaimsReq.getId() + "["+userClaimsReq+"]"); ServiceProvider sp = null; // IdPs list String unitName = cfg.getUnitName(); if(unitName != null) { IdentityMediationUnit unit = idsuRegistry.lookupUnit(unitName); if (unit == null) { // TODO : Error logger.error("No Identity Mediation Unit found for " + unitName + "(maybe unit was not started yet)"); } else { for (Channel c: unit.getChannels()) { if (c instanceof IdPChannel) { IdPChannel idpChannel = (IdPChannel) c; if (idpChannel.getProvider().getName().equals(spName)) { sp = (ServiceProvider) idpChannel.getProvider(); break; } } } if (sp != null) { List<IdPChannel> idpChannels = new ArrayList<IdPChannel>(); if (sp.getChannel() instanceof IdPChannel ) { idpChannels.add((IdPChannel) sp.getChannel()); } for (Channel c : sp.getChannels()) { if (c instanceof IdPChannel) { idpChannels.add((IdPChannel) c); } } String spInitSso = null; String spInitSlo = null; for (IdentityMediationEndpoint endpoint : sp.getBindingChannel().getEndpoints()) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Checking endpoint : " + endpoint.getName()); if (endpoint.getType().equals(SSOService.SPInitiatedSingleSignOnService.toString())) { spInitSso = sp.getBindingChannel().getLocation() + endpoint.getLocation(); } else if (endpoint.getType().equals(SSOService.SPInitiatedSingleLogoutService.toString())) { spInitSlo = sp.getBindingChannel().getLocation() + endpoint.getLocation(); } } for (IdPChannel idpChannel : idpChannels) { // SP Initiated SSO and SLO endpoint // Create IdP models, go through trusted providers (IDPs) Set<FederatedProvider> idps = idpChannel.getTrustedProviders(); for (FederatedProvider p : idps) { String idpAlias = null; String providerType = null; if (p instanceof FederatedRemoteProvider) { // Remote IdP has a single member descriptor FederatedRemoteProvider idp = (FederatedRemoteProvider) p; // Get Entity ID and resource type CircleOfTrustMemberDescriptor d = idp.getMembers().get(0); idpAlias = d.getAlias(); providerType = AppResource.SAML2_IDP_REMOTE.getResourceType(); } else { if (p instanceof IdentityProvider) { providerType = AppResource.SAML2_IDP_LOCAL.getResourceType(); // Local IdPs may have dedicated channels to talk to us, with specific MD IdentityProvider idp = (IdentityProvider) p; // Get the proper SP Channel and look for the entity ID. SPChannel spChannel = null; for (Channel c : idp.getChannels()) { if (c instanceof SPChannel) { SPChannel spC = (SPChannel) c; if (spC.getTargetProvider() != null && spC.getTargetProvider().getName().equals(sp.getName())) { spChannel = spC; break; } } } // No override channel configured on IdP to talk to us, use default. if (spChannel == null) { // This better be an SP Channel ... spChannel = (SPChannel) idp.getChannel(); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("SPChannel used to access IdP : " + spChannel.getName()); idpAlias = spChannel.getMember().getAlias(); if (spChannel.getProxy() != null) if (spChannel.getProxy() instanceof BindingChannel) { BindingChannel bc = (BindingChannel) spChannel.getProxy(); FederatedRemoteProvider remoteIdP = null; if (bc.getFederatedProvider() instanceof BindingProvider) { BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) bc.getFederatedProvider(); remoteIdP = bp.getProxy(); } else { ServiceProvider localSp = (ServiceProvider) bc.getFederatedProvider(); remoteIdP = (FederatedRemoteProvider) localSp.getDefaultFederationService().getChannel().getTargetProvider(); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.debug("Remote IdP available : " + remoteIdP.getName()); // TODO: This IdP works as proxy, report remote service type based on remote idp } else { logger.error("Unsupported proxy binding channel type " + spChannel.getProxy()); } } else { logger.error("Uknown Identity Provider type " + p.getClass().getName()); continue; } } // Create the IDP model IdPModel idpModel = new IdPModel(p.getName(), p.getName(), p.getDisplayName() != null ? p.getDisplayName() : p.getDescription(), p.getDescription(), idpAlias, spInitSso + "?atricore_idp_alias=" + new String(Base64.encodeBase64(idpAlias.getBytes())), spInitSlo, providerType); idpModels.add(idpModel); } } } else { logger.error("Invalid SP Name received in claims request : " + spName); } } } else { // TODO : Error logger.error("No configuration property 'unitName' found for application " + cfg.getAppName()); } } protected SSOWebSession getSession() { return session; } protected SSOUIApplication getApplication() { if (application == null) logger.error("No application instance found for SelectIdPMediator (UI), check transient property value"); return application; } public List<IdPModel> getIdpModels() { return idpModels; } public void onSelectIdp(String name, boolean rememberSelection) { // TODO : ! // We need to send a browser redirect, with the artifact Id and the response! try { for (IdPModel idp : idpModels) { if (idp.getName().equals(name)) { ClaimSet claims = new ClaimSetImpl(); claims.addClaim(new UserClaimImpl(UserSelectedIdPEntitySelector.SELECTED_IDP_ALIAS_ATTR, idp.getEntityId())); if (rememberSelection) claims.addClaim(new UserClaimImpl(UserSelectedIdPEntitySelector.REMEMBER_IDP_ATTR, "TRUE")); UserClaimsResponse response = new UserClaimsResponseImpl(uuidGenerator.generateId(), null, userClaimsReq.getId(), claims, userClaimsReq.getRelayState()); EndpointDescriptor claimsEndpoint = resolveClaimsEndpoint(userClaimsReq); String claimsEndpointUrl = claimsEndpoint.getResponseLocation() != null ? claimsEndpoint.getResponseLocation() : claimsEndpoint.getLocation(); Artifact artifact = artifactQueueManager.pushMessage(response); claimsEndpointUrl += "?SSOArt=" + artifact.getContent(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Returning claims to " + claimsEndpointUrl); page.getRequestCycle().scheduleRequestHandlerAfterCurrent(new RedirectRequestHandler(claimsEndpointUrl)); return; } } logger.error("Cannot process user claims"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO : Error logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } protected EndpointDescriptor resolveClaimsEndpoint(UserClaimsRequest claimsRequest) throws IdentityMediationException { for (IdentityMediationEndpoint endpoint : claimsRequest.getIssuerChannel().getEndpoints()) { // Look for unspecified claim endpoint using Artifacc binding if ("{urn:org:atricore:idbus:sso:metadata}IdPSelectorService".equals(endpoint.getType()) && SSOBinding.SSO_ARTIFACT.getValue().equals(endpoint.getBinding())) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Resolved claims endpoint " + endpoint); return new EndpointDescriptorImpl(endpoint.getName(), endpoint.getType(), endpoint.getBinding(), claimsRequest.getIssuerChannel().getLocation() + endpoint.getLocation(), endpoint.getResponseLocation() != null ? claimsRequest.getIssuerChannel().getLocation() + endpoint.getResponseLocation() : null); } } return null; } }