package org.atricore.idbus.capabilities.sso.ui.internal; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.wicket.IRequestCycleProvider; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.IPackageResourceGuard; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.SecurePackageResourceGuard; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages.AccessDeniedPage; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.pages.PageExpiredErrorPage; import org.apache.wicket.markup.parser.filter.RelativePathPrefixHandler; import org.apache.wicket.markup.resolver.IComponentResolver; import org.apache.wicket.protocol.http.WebApplication; import org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle; import org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycleContext; import org.apache.wicket.request.resource.PackageResourceReference; import org.atricore.idbus.capabilities.sso.ui.*; import org.atricore.idbus.capabilities.sso.ui.agent.JossoAuthorizationStrategy; import org.atricore.idbus.capabilities.sso.ui.resources.AppResourceLocator; import org.atricore.idbus.capabilities.sso.ui.spi.*; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mail.MailService; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mediation.Channel; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mediation.IdentityMediationUnit; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mediation.IdentityMediationUnitRegistry; import; import; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mediation.provider.IdentityProvider; import org.atricore.idbus.kernel.main.mediation.provider.ServiceProvider; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * TODO : Implement a resource locator that can search for resources (pages, images, properties) in other bundles * * @author <a>Sebastian Gonzalez Oyuela</a> */ public abstract class BaseWebApplication extends WebApplication implements WebBrandingEventListener { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(BaseWebApplication.class); private static final Set<String> imageExtensions = new HashSet<String>(); private static final Set<String> fontExtensions = new HashSet<String>(); protected boolean ready; // Dependency injection does not work for application objects (pax-wicket)! protected BundleContext bundleContext; protected ApplicationRegistry appConfigRegistry; protected WebBrandingService brandingService; protected MailService mailService; protected WebBranding branding; protected IdentityProvider identityProvider; protected ServiceProvider selfServicesSP; protected List<AppResource> appResources = new ArrayList<AppResource>(); protected IdentityMediationUnitRegistry idsuRegistry; protected Set<PageMountPoint> mounts; protected Map<String, PageMountPoint> mountsByPath; static { fontExtensions.add("ttf"); // TrueType font fontExtensions.add("eot"); // Embedded OpenType font imageExtensions.add("bmp"); // Bitmap Image File imageExtensions.add("dds"); // DirectDraw Surface imageExtensions.add("gif"); // Graphical Interchange Format File imageExtensions.add("jpg"); // JPEG Image imageExtensions.add("png"); // Portable Network Graphic imageExtensions.add("psd"); // Adobe Photoshop Document imageExtensions.add("pspimage"); // PaintShop Pro Image imageExtensions.add("tga"); // Targa Graphic imageExtensions.add("thm"); // Thumbnail Image File imageExtensions.add("tif"); // Tagged Image File imageExtensions.add("yuv"); // YUV Encoded Image File imageExtensions.add("ico"); // Icon file } public BaseWebApplication() { super(); } public IdentityProvider getIdentityProvider() { if (identityProvider == null) resolveProviders(); return identityProvider; } public void setIdentityProvider(IdentityProvider identityProvider) { this.identityProvider = identityProvider; } public ServiceProvider getSelfServicesSP() { if (selfServicesSP == null) resolveProviders(); return selfServicesSP; } public void setSelfServicesSP(ServiceProvider selfServicesSP) { this.selfServicesSP = selfServicesSP; } public BundleContext getBundleContext() { return bundleContext; } public void setBundleContext(BundleContext bundleContext) { this.bundleContext = bundleContext; } public ApplicationRegistry getAppConfigRegistry() { return appConfigRegistry; } public void setAppConfigRegistry(ApplicationRegistry appConfigRegistry) { this.appConfigRegistry = appConfigRegistry; } public WebBrandingService getBrandingService() { return brandingService; } public void setBrandingService(WebBrandingService brandingService) { this.brandingService = brandingService; } public MailService getMailService() { return mailService; } public void setMailService(MailService mailService) { this.mailService = mailService; } public boolean isReady() { return ready; } @Override protected void init() { super.init(); preInit(); mountPages(); } @Override public void internalDestroy() { super.internalDestroy(); if (brandingService != null) { try { brandingService.unregister(this); } catch (Exception e) { if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace(e.getMessage(), e); } } } protected abstract void buildPageMounts(); protected PageMountPoint addPageMount(PageMountPoint m) { if (mounts == null) { mounts = new HashSet<PageMountPoint>(); mountsByPath = new HashMap<String, PageMountPoint>(); } mounts.add(m); mountsByPath.put(m.getPath(), m); return m; } protected PageMountPoint addPageMount(String path, Class pageClass) { return addPageMount(new PageMountPoint(path, pageClass)); } protected void setupSettingPages() { getApplicationSettings().setAccessDeniedPage(AccessDeniedPage.class); getApplicationSettings().setPageExpiredErrorPage(PageExpiredErrorPage.class); //getApplicationSettings().setInternalErrorPage(ApplicationErrorPage.class); } protected void mountPages() { buildPageMounts(); for (PageMountPoint mount : mounts) { mountPage(mount.getPath(), mount.getPageClass()); } setupSettingPages(); } public Class resolvePage(String path) { PageMountPoint m = resolveMoutnPoint(path); if (m == null) { logger.warn("Page not found for " + path); return null; } return m.getPageClass(); } public PageMountPoint resolveMoutnPoint(String path) { PageMountPoint m = mountsByPath.get(path); if (m == null) { logger.warn("page Mount point not found for " + path); return null; } return m; } protected void preInit() { setRequestCycleProvider(new IRequestCycleProvider() { public RequestCycle get(RequestCycleContext context) { return new IdBusRequestCycle(context); } }); //getRequestCycleSettings().addResponseFilter(new AjaxServerAndClientTimeFilter()); getDebugSettings().setAjaxDebugModeEnabled(false); //Security settings getSecuritySettings().setAuthorizationStrategy(new JossoAuthorizationStrategy()); // Resource settings getResourceSettings().setEncodeJSessionId(false); } /** * Injected services are available here */ protected void postConfig() { // Markup settings getMarkupSettings().setMarkupFactory(new IdBusMarkupParserFactory(getAppConfig())); List<IComponentResolver> currentList = getPageSettings().getComponentResolvers(); List<IComponentResolver> newComponentsList = new ArrayList<IComponentResolver>(currentList.size()); // Alter prefix handling for (IComponentResolver iComponentResolver : currentList) { if (iComponentResolver instanceof RelativePathPrefixHandler) { newComponentsList.add(new IdBusRelativePathPrefixHandler(getAppConfig().getMountPoint())); } else { newComponentsList.add(iComponentResolver); } } // Page settings getPageSettings().getComponentResolvers().clear(); getPageSettings().getComponentResolvers().addAll(newComponentsList); if (branding.getAllowedResourcePatterns() != null && branding.getAllowedResourcePatterns().size() > 0) { IPackageResourceGuard guard = this.getResourceSettings().getPackageResourceGuard(); if (guard instanceof SecurePackageResourceGuard) { SecurePackageResourceGuard secureGuard = (SecurePackageResourceGuard) guard; for (String pattern : branding.getAllowedResourcePatterns()) { secureGuard.addPattern(pattern); } } else { logger.error("Cannot add resource pattern to IPackageResourceGuard of type " + guard.getClass()); } } // Authn settings // Do we have an IDP ? Resolve SSO endpoint // Trigger automatic login // Create security context, if available // Session keep alive / validate (accessSession) } public WebBranding getBranding() { return branding; } public WebAppConfig getAppConfig() { if (!this.ready) throw new IllegalStateException("Application has not been configured yet !"); if (appConfigRegistry == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Application Configuration registry not found !"); WebAppConfig cfg = appConfigRegistry.lookupConfig(getApplicationKey()); if (cfg == null) logger.error("No configuration found for Wicket application " + getApplicationKey()); return cfg; } public List<AppResource> getAppResources() { return appResources; } public final synchronized void config(BundleContext bundleContext, ApplicationRegistry appConfigRegistry, WebBrandingService brandingService, IdentityMediationUnitRegistry idsuRegistry, MailService mailService) { // We're ready this.ready = true; this.bundleContext = bundleContext; this.appConfigRegistry = appConfigRegistry; this.brandingService = brandingService; this.idsuRegistry = idsuRegistry; this.mailService = mailService; // Register the application to the branding service String brandingId = getAppConfig().getBrandingId(); branding = brandingService.lookup(brandingId); if (branding != null) { brandingService.register(this); if (branding.getDefaultLocale() != null) { logger.debug("Setting default locale to " + branding.getDefaultLocale()); Locale.setDefault(new Locale(branding.getDefaultLocale())); } } else { logger.error("No branding configured for " + getAppConfig().getAppName() + " using ID : " + brandingId); } postConfig(); refreshBranding(); } public void refreshBranding() { Set<String> resourcePaths = new HashSet<String>(); // TODO : Instead of taking resources list from branding, also support scanning specific packages of specific bundles !!!! if (branding != null) { // TODO : Reset locale // Mount branding shared resources explicitly declared for (BrandingResource resource : branding.getResources()) { // All shared resource MUST be scoped to AppResourceLocator if (resource.isShared()) { PackageResourceReference ref = new PackageResourceReference(AppResourceLocator.class, resource.getPath()); this.appResources.add(new AppResource(resource, ref)); mountResource("/" + resource.getPath(), ref); resourcePaths.add(resource.getPath()); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Mounting EXPLICITY shared resource ["+resource.getId()+"] at /" + resource.getPath()); } } // Auto-discovery all resources bound to AppResourceLocator class package. // Make them available as global resources Bundle b = bundleContext.getBundle(); String basePath = "/" + AppResourceLocator.class.getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/'); Enumeration e = b.findEntries(basePath, "*", true); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { URL location = (URL) e.nextElement(); String path = location.getPath(); String mountPath = path.substring(basePath.length() + 1); if (resourcePaths.contains(mountPath)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Resource declared EXPLICITLY : "+ path); continue; } BrandingResourceType type = getTypeFromPath(path); if (type == null || type.equals(BrandingResourceType.OTHER)) continue; String id = mountPath.replace('/', '-'); id = id.replace('.', '-'); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Mounting DISCOVERED shared resource ["+id+"] at /" + mountPath); BrandingResource resource = new BrandingResource(id, mountPath, null, type); PackageResourceReference ref = new PackageResourceReference(AppResourceLocator.class, resource.getPath()); this.appResources.add(new AppResource(resource, ref)); mountResource("/" + resource.getPath(), ref); resourcePaths.add(resource.getPath()); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Mounting shared resource ["+resource.getId()+"] at /" + resource.getPath()); } } } protected BrandingResourceType getTypeFromPath(String path) { //String imgs int mid = path.lastIndexOf('.'); if (mid < 0) return null; String extension = path.substring(mid + 1, path.length()); if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("css")) return BrandingResourceType.CSS; if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("js")) return BrandingResourceType.SCRIPT; if (imageExtensions.contains(extension)) return BrandingResourceType.IMAGE; if (fontExtensions.contains(extension)) return BrandingResourceType.FONT; if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("html")) return BrandingResourceType.HTML; return BrandingResourceType.OTHER; } public void removeBranding() { // TODO : What happens when the branding is removed ?! logger.warn("Configured branding was removed ! ["+branding.getId()+"]"); } public void handleEvent(WebBrandingEvent event) { // Not our branding if (!branding.getId().equals(event.getBrandingId())) return; switch (event.getType()) { case WebBrandingEvent.PUBLISH: logger.debug("Processing branding event type PUBLISH : " + event.getType()); refreshBranding(); break; case WebBrandingEvent.REMOVE: logger.debug("Processing branding event type REMOVE : " + event.getType()); removeBranding(); break; default: logger.debug("Unknown branding event type " + event.getType()); break; } } public class AppResource implements Serializable { private BrandingResource resource; private PackageResourceReference ref; public AppResource(BrandingResource resource, PackageResourceReference ref) { this.resource = resource; this.ref = ref; } public BrandingResource getResource() { return resource; } public PackageResourceReference getRef() { return ref; } } // This method must be invoked when the appliance is up and running protected void resolveProviders() { if (!ready) throw new IllegalStateException("Application not configured yet !"); // Resolve identity provider String unitName = getAppConfig().getUnitName(); String idpName = getAppConfig().getIdpName(); String ssSpName = getAppConfig().getSelfServicesSpName(); if (idpName == null) logger.debug("IdP Name not provided for application " + getAppConfig().getAppName()); if (ssSpName == null) logger.debug("IdP Name not provided for application " + getAppConfig().getAppName()); if(unitName != null) { IdentityMediationUnit unit = idsuRegistry.lookupUnit(unitName); for (Channel c : unit.getChannels()) { // Look for the configured IDP, if any if (idpName != null && c instanceof SPChannel) { SPChannel spChannel = (SPChannel) c; if (spChannel.getProvider().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(idpName)) identityProvider = (IdentityProvider) spChannel.getProvider(); } else if (ssSpName != null && c instanceof IdPChannel) { IdPChannel idpChannel = (IdPChannel) c; if (idpChannel.getProvider().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(ssSpName)) selfServicesSP = (ServiceProvider) idpChannel.getProvider(); } } if (idpName != null && identityProvider == null) { logger.error("No IDP found with name " + idpName + " in Mediation Unit " + unitName); } if (ssSpName != null && selfServicesSP == null) { logger.error("No SP found with name " + ssSpName + " in Mediation Unit " + unitName); } } } }