package org.apache.archiva.reports.consumers; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.archiva.admin.model.beans.ManagedRepository; import org.apache.archiva.consumers.ConsumerException; import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.ArtifactMetadata; import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.MetadataFacet; import org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.MetadataRepository; import org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.RepositorySession; import org.apache.archiva.metadata.repository.RepositorySessionFactory; import; import org.apache.archiva.metadata.model.facets.RepositoryProblemFacet; import org.apache.archiva.test.utils.ArchivaSpringJUnit4ClassRunner; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor; import org.mockito.Matchers; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.test.annotation.DirtiesContext; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import; import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; @SuppressWarnings( { "ThrowableInstanceNeverThrown" } ) @RunWith( ArchivaSpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class ) @ContextConfiguration( locations = { "classpath*:/META-INF/spring-context.xml", "classpath:/spring-context.xml" } ) @DirtiesContext( classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD ) public class DuplicateArtifactsConsumerTest extends TestCase { @Inject @Named( value = "knownRepositoryContentConsumer#duplicate-artifacts" ) private DuplicateArtifactsConsumer consumer; private ManagedRepository config; private MetadataRepository metadataRepository; private static final String TEST_REPO = "test-repo"; private static final String TEST_CHECKSUM = "edf5938e646956f445c6ecb719d44579cdeed974"; private static final String TEST_PROJECT = "test-artifact"; private static final String TEST_NAMESPACE = "com.example.test"; private static final String TEST_FILE = "com/example/test/test-artifact/1.0-SNAPSHOT/test-artifact-1.0-20100308.230825-1.jar"; private static final String TEST_VERSION = "1.0-20100308.230825-1"; private static final ArtifactMetadata TEST_METADATA = createMetadata( TEST_VERSION ); @Inject @Named( value = "repositoryPathTranslator#maven2" ) private RepositoryPathTranslator pathTranslator; @Inject ApplicationContext applicationContext; @Before @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); assertNotNull( consumer ); config = new ManagedRepository(); config.setId( TEST_REPO ); config.setLocation( new File( "target/test-repository" ).getAbsolutePath() ); metadataRepository = mock( MetadataRepository.class ); RepositorySession session = mock( RepositorySession.class ); when( session.getRepository() ).thenReturn( metadataRepository ); RepositorySessionFactory factory = applicationContext.getBean( RepositorySessionFactory.class ); //(RepositorySessionFactory) lookup( RepositorySessionFactory.class ); when( factory.createSession() ).thenReturn( session ); when( pathTranslator.getArtifactForPath( TEST_REPO, TEST_FILE ) ).thenReturn( TEST_METADATA ); } @Test public void testConsumerArtifactNotDuplicated() throws Exception { when( metadataRepository.getArtifactsByChecksum( TEST_REPO, TEST_CHECKSUM ) ).thenReturn( Arrays.asList( TEST_METADATA ) ); consumer.beginScan( config, new Date() ); consumer.processFile( TEST_FILE ); consumer.completeScan(); verify( metadataRepository, never() ).addMetadataFacet( eq( TEST_REPO ), Matchers.<MetadataFacet>anyObject() ); } // TODO: Doesn't currently work // public void testConsumerArtifactNotDuplicatedForOtherSnapshots() // throws ConsumerException // { // when( metadataRepository.getArtifactsByChecksum( TEST_REPO, TEST_CHECKSUM ) ).thenReturn( Arrays.asList( // TEST_METADATA, createMetadata( "1.0-20100309.002023-2" ) ) ); // // consumer.beginScan( config, new Date() ); // consumer.processFile( TEST_FILE ); // consumer.completeScan(); // // verify( metadataRepository, never() ).addMetadataFacet( eq( TEST_REPO ), Matchers.<MetadataFacet>anyObject() ); // } @Test public void testConsumerArtifactDuplicated() throws Exception { when( metadataRepository.getArtifactsByChecksum( TEST_REPO, TEST_CHECKSUM ) ).thenReturn( Arrays.asList( TEST_METADATA, createMetadata( "1.0" ) ) ); consumer.beginScan( config, new Date() ); consumer.processFile( TEST_FILE ); consumer.completeScan(); ArgumentCaptor<RepositoryProblemFacet> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( RepositoryProblemFacet.class ); verify( metadataRepository ).addMetadataFacet( eq( TEST_REPO ), argument.capture() ); RepositoryProblemFacet problem = argument.getValue(); assertProblem( problem ); } @Test public void testConsumerArtifactDuplicatedButSelfNotInMetadataRepository() throws Exception { when( metadataRepository.getArtifactsByChecksum( TEST_REPO, TEST_CHECKSUM ) ).thenReturn( Arrays.asList( createMetadata( "1.0" ) ) ); consumer.beginScan( config, new Date() ); consumer.processFile( TEST_FILE ); consumer.completeScan(); ArgumentCaptor<RepositoryProblemFacet> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( RepositoryProblemFacet.class ); verify( metadataRepository ).addMetadataFacet( eq( TEST_REPO ), argument.capture() ); RepositoryProblemFacet problem = argument.getValue(); assertProblem( problem ); } @Test public void testConsumerArtifactFileNotExist() throws Exception { consumer.beginScan( config, new Date() ); try { consumer.processFile( "com/example/test/test-artifact/2.0/test-artifact-2.0.jar" ); fail( "Should have failed to find file" ); } catch ( ConsumerException e ) { assertTrue( e.getCause() instanceof NoSuchFileException ); } finally { consumer.completeScan(); } verify( metadataRepository, never() ).addMetadataFacet( eq( TEST_REPO ), Matchers.<MetadataFacet>anyObject() ); } @Test public void testConsumerArtifactNotAnArtifactPathNoResults() throws Exception { consumer.beginScan( config, new Date() ); // No exception unnecessarily for something we can't report on consumer.processFile( "com/example/invalid-artifact.txt" ); consumer.completeScan(); verify( metadataRepository, never() ).addMetadataFacet( eq( TEST_REPO ), Matchers.<MetadataFacet>anyObject() ); } @Test public void testConsumerArtifactNotAnArtifactPathResults() throws Exception { when( metadataRepository.getArtifactsByChecksum( eq( TEST_REPO ), anyString() ) ).thenReturn( Arrays.asList( TEST_METADATA, createMetadata( "1.0" ) ) ); // override, this feels a little overspecified though when( pathTranslator.getArtifactForPath( TEST_REPO, "com/example/invalid-artifact.txt" ) ).thenThrow( new IllegalArgumentException() ); consumer.beginScan( config, new Date() ); // No exception unnecessarily for something we can't report on consumer.processFile( "com/example/invalid-artifact.txt" ); consumer.completeScan(); verify( metadataRepository, never() ).addMetadataFacet( eq( TEST_REPO ), Matchers.<MetadataFacet>anyObject() ); } private static void assertProblem( RepositoryProblemFacet problem ) { assertEquals( TEST_REPO, problem.getRepositoryId() ); assertEquals( TEST_NAMESPACE, problem.getNamespace() ); assertEquals( TEST_PROJECT, problem.getProject() ); assertEquals( TEST_VERSION, problem.getVersion() ); assertEquals( TEST_PROJECT + "-" + TEST_VERSION + ".jar", problem.getId() ); assertNotNull( problem.getMessage() ); assertEquals( "duplicate-artifact", problem.getProblem() ); } private static ArtifactMetadata createMetadata( String version ) { ArtifactMetadata artifact = new ArtifactMetadata(); artifact.setId( TEST_PROJECT + "-" + version + ".jar" ); artifact.setNamespace( TEST_NAMESPACE ); artifact.setProject( TEST_PROJECT ); artifact.setProjectVersion( version ); artifact.setVersion( version ); artifact.setRepositoryId( TEST_REPO ); return artifact; } }