package org.apache.archiva.repository.content.maven2; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ import org.apache.archiva.model.ArtifactReference; import org.apache.archiva.repository.content.PathParser; import org.apache.archiva.repository.layout.LayoutException; import org.apache.archiva.test.utils.ArchivaSpringJUnit4ClassRunner; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * DefaultPathParserTest * * TODO: move to path translator tests * * */ @RunWith ( ArchivaSpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class ) @ContextConfiguration ( { "classpath*:/META-INF/spring-context.xml", "classpath:/spring-context.xml" } ) public class DefaultPathParserTest { private PathParser parser = new DefaultPathParser(); @Test public void testBadPathMissingType() { // TODO: should we allow this instead? assertBadPath( "invalid/invalid/1/invalid-1", "missing type" ); } @Test public void testBadPathReleaseInSnapshotDir() { assertBadPath( "invalid/invalid/1.0-SNAPSHOT/invalid-1.0.jar", "non snapshot artifact inside of a snapshot dir" ); } @Test public void testBadPathTimestampedSnapshotNotInSnapshotDir() { assertBadPath( "invalid/invalid/1.0-20050611.123456-1/invalid-1.0-20050611.123456-1.jar", "Timestamped Snapshot artifact not inside of an Snapshot dir" ); } @Test public void testBadPathTooShort() { assertBadPath( "invalid/invalid-1.0.jar", "path is too short" ); } @Test public void testBadPathVersionMismatchA() { assertBadPath( "invalid/invalid/1.0/invalid-2.0.jar", "version mismatch between path and artifact" ); } @Test public void testBadPathVersionMismatchB() { assertBadPath( "invalid/invalid/1.0/invalid-1.0b.jar", "version mismatch between path and artifact" ); } @Test public void testBadPathWrongArtifactId() { assertBadPath( "org/apache/maven/test/1.0-SNAPSHOT/wrong-artifactId-1.0-20050611.112233-1.jar", "wrong artifact id" ); } /** * [MRM-481] Artifact requests with a extension fail with a 404 Error */ @Test public void testGoodButDualExtensions() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "org.project"; String artifactId = "example-presentation"; String version = "3.2"; String classifier = null; String type = ""; String path = "org/project/example-presentation/3.2/"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } @Test public void testGoodButDualExtensionsWithClassifier() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "org.project"; String artifactId = "example-presentation"; String version = "3.2"; String classifier = "extras"; String type = ""; String path = "org/project/example-presentation/3.2/"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } @Test public void testGoodButDualExtensionsTarGz() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "org.project"; String artifactId = "example-distribution"; String version = "1.3"; String classifier = null; String type = "tar.gz"; // no longer using distribution-tgz / distribution-zip in maven 2 String path = "org/project/example-distribution/1.3/example-distribution-1.3.tar.gz"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } @Test public void testGoodButDualExtensionsTarGzAndClassifier() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "org.project"; String artifactId = "example-distribution"; String version = "1.3"; String classifier = "bin"; String type = "tar.gz"; // no longer using distribution-tgz / distribution-zip in maven 2 String path = "org/project/example-distribution/1.3/example-distribution-1.3-bin.tar.gz"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * [MRM-432] Oddball version spec. * Example of an oddball / unusual version spec. * * @throws org.apache.archiva.repository.layout.LayoutException */ @Test public void testGoodButOddVersionSpecGanymedSsh2() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "ch.ethz.ganymed"; String artifactId = "ganymed-ssh2"; String version = "build210"; String classifier = null; String type = "jar"; String path = "ch/ethz/ganymed/ganymed-ssh2/build210/ganymed-ssh2-build210.jar"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * [MRM-432] Oddball version spec. * Example of an oddball / unusual version spec. * * @throws org.apache.archiva.repository.layout.LayoutException */ @Test public void testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxComm() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "javax"; String artifactId = "comm"; String version = "3.0-u1"; String classifier = null; String type = "jar"; String path = "javax/comm/3.0-u1/comm-3.0-u1.jar"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * Test the ejb-client type spec. * Type specs are not a 1 to 1 map to the extension. * This tests that effect. * @throws org.apache.archiva.repository.layout.LayoutException */ /* TODO: Re-enabled in the future. public void testGoodFooEjbClient() throws LayoutException { String groupId = ""; String artifactId = "foo-client"; String version = "1.0"; String classifier = null; String type = "ejb-client"; // oddball type-spec (should result in jar extension) String path = "com/foo/foo-client/1.0/foo-client-1.0.jar"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } */ /** * [MRM-432] Oddball version spec. * Example of an oddball / unusual version spec. * * @throws org.apache.archiva.repository.layout.LayoutException */ @Test public void testGoodButOddVersionSpecJavaxPersistence() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "javax.persistence"; String artifactId = "ejb"; String version = "3.0-public_review"; String classifier = null; String type = "jar"; String path = "javax/persistence/ejb/3.0-public_review/ejb-3.0-public_review.jar"; /* * The version id of "public_review" can cause problems. is it part of * the version spec? or the classifier? * Since the path spec below shows it in the path, then it is really * part of the version spec. */ assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } @Test public void testGoodComFooTool() throws LayoutException { String groupId = ""; String artifactId = "foo-tool"; String version = "1.0"; String classifier = null; String type = "jar"; String path = "com/foo/foo-tool/1.0/foo-tool-1.0.jar"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } @Test public void testGoodCommonsLang() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "commons-lang"; String artifactId = "commons-lang"; String version = "2.1"; String classifier = null; String type = "jar"; String path = "commons-lang/commons-lang/2.1/commons-lang-2.1.jar"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } @Test public void testWindowsPathSeparator() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "commons-lang"; String artifactId = "commons-lang"; String version = "2.1"; String classifier = null; String type = "jar"; String path = "commons-lang\\commons-lang/2.1\\commons-lang-2.1.jar"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * [MRM-486] Can not deploy artifact test.maven-arch:test-arch due to "No ArtifactID Detected" */ @Test public void testGoodDashedArtifactId() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "test.maven-arch"; String artifactId = "test-arch"; String version = "2.0.3-SNAPSHOT"; String classifier = null; String type = "pom"; String path = "test/maven-arch/test-arch/2.0.3-SNAPSHOT/test-arch-2.0.3-SNAPSHOT.pom"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * It may seem odd, but this is a valid artifact. */ @Test public void testGoodDotNotationArtifactId() throws LayoutException { String groupId = ""; String artifactId = ""; String version = "0.2"; String classifier = null; String type = "pom"; String path = "com/company/department/"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * It may seem odd, but this is a valid artifact. */ @Test public void testGoodDotNotationSameGroupIdAndArtifactId() throws LayoutException { String groupId = ""; String artifactId = ""; String version = "0.3"; String classifier = null; String type = "pom"; String path = "com/company/department/"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * Test the classifier, and java-source type spec. * * @throws org.apache.archiva.repository.layout.LayoutException */ @Test public void testGoodFooLibSources() throws LayoutException { String groupId = ""; String artifactId = "foo-lib"; String version = "2.1-alpha-1"; String classifier = "sources"; String type = "java-source"; // oddball type-spec (should result in jar extension) String path = "com/foo/lib/foo-lib/2.1-alpha-1/foo-lib-2.1-alpha-1-sources.jar"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * A timestamped versioned artifact, should reside in a SNAPSHOT baseversion directory. * * @throws org.apache.archiva.repository.layout.LayoutException */ @Test public void testGoodSnapshotMavenTest() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "org.apache.archiva.test"; String artifactId = "redonkulous"; String version = "3.1-beta-1-20050831.101112-42"; String classifier = null; String type = "jar"; String path = "org/apache/archiva/test/redonkulous/3.1-beta-1-SNAPSHOT/redonkulous-3.1-beta-1-20050831.101112-42.jar"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * A timestamped versioned artifact, should reside in a SNAPSHOT baseversion directory. * * @throws org.apache.archiva.repository.layout.LayoutException */ @Test public void testGoodLongSnapshotMavenTest() throws LayoutException { String groupId = ""; String artifactId = "artifact-id"; String version = "1.0-abc-1.1-20080221.062205-9"; String classifier = null; String type = "pom"; String path = "a/group/id/artifact-id/1.0-abc-1.1-SNAPSHOT/artifact-id-1.0-abc-1.1-20080221.062205-9.pom"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * A timestamped versioned artifact but without release version part. Like on axiom trunk. */ @Test public void testBadSnapshotWithoutReleasePart() { assertBadPath( "org/apache/ws/commons/axiom/axiom/SNAPSHOT/axiom-20070912.093446-2.pom", "snapshot version without release part" ); } /** * A timestamped versioned artifact, should reside in a SNAPSHOT baseversion directory. * * @throws org.apache.archiva.repository.layout.LayoutException */ @Test public void testClassifiedSnapshotMavenTest() throws LayoutException { String groupId = ""; String artifactId = "artifact-id"; String version = "1.0-20070219.171202-34"; String classifier = "test-sources"; String type = "jar"; String path = "a/group/id/artifact-id/1.0-SNAPSHOT/artifact-id-1.0-20070219.171202-34-test-sources.jar"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * [MRM-519] version identifiers within filename cause misidentification of version. * Example uses "test" in artifact Id, which is also part of the versionKeyword list. */ @Test public void testGoodVersionKeywordInArtifactId() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "maven"; String artifactId = "maven-test-plugin"; String version = "1.8.2"; String classifier = null; String type = "pom"; String path = "maven/maven-test-plugin/1.8.2/maven-test-plugin-1.8.2.pom"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * [MRM-562] Artifact type "maven-plugin" is not detected correctly in .toArtifactReference() methods. * Example uses "test" in artifact Id, which is also part of the versionKeyword list. */ @Test public void testGoodDetectMavenTestPlugin() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "maven"; String artifactId = "maven-test-plugin"; String version = "1.8.2"; String classifier = null; String type = "maven-plugin"; String path = "maven/maven-test-plugin/1.8.2/maven-test-plugin-1.8.2.jar"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } /** * [MRM-562] Artifact type "maven-plugin" is not detected correctly in .toArtifactReference() methods. */ @Test public void testGoodDetectCoberturaMavenPlugin() throws LayoutException { String groupId = "org.codehaus.mojo"; String artifactId = "cobertura-maven-plugin"; String version = "2.1"; String classifier = null; String type = "maven-plugin"; String path = "org/codehaus/mojo/cobertura-maven-plugin/2.1/cobertura-maven-plugin-2.1.jar"; assertLayout( path, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } @Test public void testToArtifactOnEmptyPath() { try { parser.toArtifactReference( "" ); fail( "Should have failed due to empty path." ); } catch ( LayoutException e ) { /* expected path */ } } @Test public void testToArtifactOnNullPath() { try { parser.toArtifactReference( null ); fail( "Should have failed due to null path." ); } catch ( LayoutException e ) { /* expected path */ } } @Test public void testToArtifactReferenceOnEmptyPath() { try { parser.toArtifactReference( "" ); fail( "Should have failed due to empty path." ); } catch ( LayoutException e ) { /* expected path */ } } @Test public void testToArtifactReferenceOnNullPath() { try { parser.toArtifactReference( null ); fail( "Should have failed due to null path." ); } catch ( LayoutException e ) { /* expected path */ } } /** * Perform a path to artifact reference lookup, and verify the results. */ private void assertLayout( String path, String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String classifier, String type ) throws LayoutException { // Path to Artifact Reference. ArtifactReference testReference = parser.toArtifactReference( path ); assertArtifactReference( testReference, groupId, artifactId, version, classifier, type ); } private void assertArtifactReference( ArtifactReference actualReference, String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String classifier, String type ) { String expectedId = "ArtifactReference - " + groupId + ":" + artifactId + ":" + version + ":" + classifier + ":" + type; assertNotNull( expectedId + " - Should not be null.", actualReference ); assertEquals( expectedId + " - Group ID", groupId, actualReference.getGroupId() ); assertEquals( expectedId + " - Artifact ID", artifactId, actualReference.getArtifactId() ); if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( classifier ) ) { assertEquals( expectedId + " - Classifier", classifier, actualReference.getClassifier() ); } assertEquals( expectedId + " - Version ID", version, actualReference.getVersion() ); assertEquals( expectedId + " - Type", type, actualReference.getType() ); } private void assertBadPath( String path, String reason ) { try { parser.toArtifactReference( path ); fail( "Should have thrown a LayoutException on the invalid path [" + path + "] because of [" + reason + "]" ); } catch ( LayoutException e ) { /* expected path */ } } }