package org.apache.archiva.web.test.parent; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner; import; import; /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ @RunWith( BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.class ) public abstract class AbstractArchivaTest extends AbstractSeleniumTest { protected String username; protected String fullname; public String getUserEmail() { String email = getProperty( "USERROLE_EMAIL" ); return email; } public String getUserRolePassword() { String password = getProperty( "USERROLE_PASSWORD" ); return password; } public String getUserRoleNewPassword() { String password_new = getProperty( "NEW_USERROLE_PASSWORD" ); return password_new; } public String getBasedir() { String basedir = System.getProperty( "basedir" ); if ( basedir == null ) { basedir = new File( "" ).getAbsolutePath(); } return basedir; } public void submitUserData( String username, String password, boolean rememberme, boolean success ) { setFieldValue( "username", username ); setFieldValue( "password", password ); if ( rememberme ) { checkField( "rememberMe" ); } submit(); if ( success ) { assertUserLoggedIn( username ); } else { assertLoginModal(); } } // User Management public void createUser( String userName, String fullName, String email, String password, boolean valid ) { createUser( userName, fullName, email, password, password, valid ); } private void createUser( String userName, String fullName, String emailAd, String password, String confirmPassword, boolean valid ) { login( getAdminUsername(), getAdminPassword() ); clickLinkWithLocator( "menu-users-list-a", true ); clickLinkWithLocator( "users-view-tabs-li-user-edit-a", true ); assertCreateUserPage(); setFieldValue( "username", userName ); setFieldValue( "fullname", fullName ); setFieldValue( "email", emailAd ); setFieldValue( "password", password ); setFieldValue( "confirmPassword", confirmPassword ); clickLinkWithLocator( "user-create-form-register-button", true ); assertTextPresent( "User " + userName + " created." ); assertElementPresent( "users-grid-user-id-" + userName ); if ( valid ) { //String[] columnValues = { userName, fullName, emailAd }; //assertElementPresent( XPathExpressionUtil.getTableRow( columnValues ) ); } else { assertCreateUserPage(); } } public void deleteUser( String userName, String fullName, String emailAdd ) { deleteUser( userName, fullName, emailAdd, false, false ); } public void deleteUser( String userName, String fullName, String emailAd, boolean validated, boolean locked ) { clickLinkWithLocator( "menu-users-list-a", true ); assertTextPresent( userName ); assertTextPresent( fullName ); clickLinkWithLocator( "users-grid-delete-" + userName ); clickLinkWithLocator( "dialog-confirm-modal-ok" ); assertTextPresent( "User " + userName + " deleted." ); clickLinkWithLocator( "alert-message-success-close-a" ); assertElementNotPresent( "users-grid-user-id-" + userName ); assertTextNotPresent( fullName ); } // User Roles public void assertCreateUserPage() { assertTextPresent( "Username" ); assertElementPresent( "username" ); assertTextPresent( "Full Name" ); assertElementPresent( "fullname" ); assertTextPresent( "Email Address" ); assertElementPresent( "email" ); assertTextPresent( "Password" ); assertElementPresent( "password" ); assertTextPresent( "Confirm Password" ); assertElementPresent( "confirmPassword" ); assertButtonWithIdPresent( "user-create-form-register-button" ); } public void goToHomePage() { getSelenium().open( baseUrl ); } protected void logout() { clickLinkWithText( "Logout" ); assertTextNotPresent( "Current User:" ); assertLinkNotVisible( "Edit Details" ); assertLinkNotVisible( "Logout" ); assertLinkVisible( "Login" ); } protected String getAdminUserName() { return getProperty( "ADMIN_FULLNAME" ); } }