/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.apache.tools.ant.types; import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException; import org.apache.tools.ant.Project; /** * A TarFileSet is a FileSet with extra attributes useful in the context of * Tar/Jar tasks. * * A TarFileSet extends FileSets with the ability to extract a subset of the * entries of a Tar file for inclusion in another Tar file. It also includes * a prefix attribute which is prepended to each entry in the output Tar file. * */ public class TarFileSet extends ArchiveFileSet { private boolean userNameSet; private boolean groupNameSet; private boolean userIdSet; private boolean groupIdSet; private String userName = ""; private String groupName = ""; private int uid; private int gid; /** Constructor for TarFileSet */ public TarFileSet() { super(); } /** * Constructor using a fileset argument. * @param fileset the fileset to use */ protected TarFileSet(FileSet fileset) { super(fileset); } /** * Constructor using a tarfileset argument. * @param fileset the tarfileset to use */ protected TarFileSet(TarFileSet fileset) { super(fileset); } /** * The username for the tar entry * This is not the same as the UID. * @param userName the user name for the tar entry. */ public void setUserName(String userName) { checkTarFileSetAttributesAllowed(); userNameSet = true; this.userName = userName; } /** * @return the user name for the tar entry */ public String getUserName() { if (isReference()) { return ((TarFileSet) getCheckedRef()).getUserName(); } return userName; } /** * @return whether the user name has been explicitly set. */ public boolean hasUserNameBeenSet() { return userNameSet; } /** * The uid for the tar entry * This is not the same as the User name. * @param uid the id of the user for the tar entry. */ public void setUid(int uid) { checkTarFileSetAttributesAllowed(); userIdSet = true; this.uid = uid; } /** * @return the uid for the tar entry */ public int getUid() { if (isReference()) { return ((TarFileSet) getCheckedRef()).getUid(); } return uid; } /** * @return whether the user id has been explicitly set. */ public boolean hasUserIdBeenSet() { return userIdSet; } /** * The groupname for the tar entry; optional, default="" * This is not the same as the GID. * @param groupName the group name string. */ public void setGroup(String groupName) { checkTarFileSetAttributesAllowed(); groupNameSet = true; this.groupName = groupName; } /** * @return the group name string. */ public String getGroup() { if (isReference()) { return ((TarFileSet) getCheckedRef()).getGroup(); } return groupName; } /** * @return whether the group name has been explicitly set. */ public boolean hasGroupBeenSet() { return groupNameSet; } /** * The GID for the tar entry; optional, default="0" * This is not the same as the group name. * @param gid the group id. */ public void setGid(int gid) { checkTarFileSetAttributesAllowed(); groupIdSet = true; this.gid = gid; } /** * @return the group identifier. */ public int getGid() { if (isReference()) { return ((TarFileSet) getCheckedRef()).getGid(); } return gid; } /** * @return whether the group id has been explicitly set. */ public boolean hasGroupIdBeenSet() { return groupIdSet; } /** * Create a new scanner. * @return the created scanner. */ @Override protected ArchiveScanner newArchiveScanner() { TarScanner zs = new TarScanner(); zs.setEncoding(getEncoding()); return zs; } /** * Makes this instance in effect a reference to another instance. * * <p>You must not set another attribute or nest elements inside * this element if you make it a reference.</p> * @param r the <code>Reference</code> to use. * @throws BuildException on error */ @Override public void setRefid(Reference r) throws BuildException { if (userNameSet || userIdSet || groupNameSet || groupIdSet) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } super.setRefid(r); } /** * A TarFileset accepts another TarFileSet or a FileSet as reference * FileSets are often used by the war task for the lib attribute * @param p the project to use * @return the abstract fileset instance */ @Override protected AbstractFileSet getRef(Project p) { dieOnCircularReference(p); Object o = getRefid().getReferencedObject(p); if (o instanceof TarFileSet) { return (AbstractFileSet) o; } if (o instanceof FileSet) { TarFileSet zfs = new TarFileSet((FileSet) o); configureFileSet(zfs); return zfs; } String msg = getRefid().getRefId() + " doesn\'t denote a tarfileset or a fileset"; throw new BuildException(msg); } /** * Configure a fileset based on this fileset. * If the fileset is a TarFileSet copy in the tarfileset * specific attributes. * @param zfs the archive fileset to configure. */ @Override protected void configureFileSet(ArchiveFileSet zfs) { super.configureFileSet(zfs); if (zfs instanceof TarFileSet) { TarFileSet tfs = (TarFileSet) zfs; tfs.setUserName(userName); tfs.setGroup(groupName); tfs.setUid(uid); tfs.setGid(gid); } } /** * Return a TarFileSet that has the same properties * as this one. * @return the cloned tarFileSet */ @Override public TarFileSet clone() { if (isReference()) { return ((TarFileSet) getRef(getProject())).clone(); } return (TarFileSet) super.clone(); } /** * A check attributes for TarFileSet. * If there is a reference, and * it is a TarFileSet, the tar fileset attributes * cannot be used. */ private void checkTarFileSetAttributesAllowed() { if (getProject() == null || (isReference() && (getRefid().getReferencedObject( getProject()) instanceof TarFileSet))) { checkAttributesAllowed(); } } }