/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.apache.tools.ant; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.tools.ant.attribute.EnableAttribute; import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.MacroDef.Attribute; import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.MacroInstance; import org.xml.sax.AttributeList; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributeListImpl; /** * Wrapper class that holds the attributes of an element, its children, and * any text within it. It then takes care of configuring that element at * runtime. */ public class RuntimeConfigurable implements Serializable { /** Serialization version */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** Empty Hashtable. */ private static final Hashtable<String, Object> EMPTY_HASHTABLE = new Hashtable<>(0); /** Name of the element to configure. */ private String elementTag = null; /** List of child element wrappers. */ // picking ArrayList rather than List as arrayList is Serializable private List<RuntimeConfigurable> children = null; /** The element to configure. It is only used during * maybeConfigure. */ private transient Object wrappedObject = null; /** * XML attributes for the element. * @deprecated since 1.6.x */ private transient AttributeList attributes; // The following is set to true if any of the attributes are namespaced private transient boolean namespacedAttribute = false; /** Attribute names and values. While the XML spec doesn't require * preserving the order ( AFAIK ), some ant tests do rely on the * exact order. * The only exception to this order is the treatment of * refid. A number of datatypes check if refid is set * when other attributes are set. This check will not * work if the build script has the other attribute before * the "refid" attribute, so now (ANT 1.7) the refid * attribute will be processed first. */ private LinkedHashMap<String, Object> attributeMap = null; /** Text appearing within the element. */ private StringBuffer characters = null; /** Indicates if the wrapped object has been configured */ private boolean proxyConfigured = false; /** the polymorphic type */ private String polyType = null; /** the "id" of this Element if it has one */ private String id = null; /** * Sole constructor creating a wrapper for the specified object. * * @param proxy The element to configure. Must not be <code>null</code>. * @param elementTag The tag name generating this element. */ public RuntimeConfigurable(Object proxy, String elementTag) { setProxy(proxy); setElementTag(elementTag); // Most likely an UnknownElement if (proxy instanceof Task) { ((Task) proxy).setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper(this); } } /** * Sets the element to configure. * * @param proxy The element to configure. Must not be <code>null</code>. */ public synchronized void setProxy(Object proxy) { wrappedObject = proxy; proxyConfigured = false; } private static class EnableAttributeConsumer { public void add(EnableAttribute b) { // Ignore } } /** * contains the attribute component name and boolean restricted set to true when * the attribute is in one of the name spaces managed by ant (if and unless currently) * @since Ant 1.9.3 */ private static class AttributeComponentInformation { String componentName; boolean restricted; private AttributeComponentInformation(String componentName, boolean restricted) { this.componentName = componentName; this.restricted = restricted; } public String getComponentName() { return componentName; } public boolean isRestricted() { return restricted; } } /** * * @param name the name of the attribute. * @param componentHelper current component helper * @return AttributeComponentInformation instance */ private AttributeComponentInformation isRestrictedAttribute(String name, ComponentHelper componentHelper) { if (name.indexOf(':') == -1) { return new AttributeComponentInformation(null, false); } String componentName = attrToComponent(name); String ns = ProjectHelper.extractUriFromComponentName(componentName); if (componentHelper.getRestrictedDefinitions( ProjectHelper.nsToComponentName(ns)) == null) { return new AttributeComponentInformation(null, false); } return new AttributeComponentInformation(componentName, true); } /** * Check if an UE is enabled. * This looks tru the attributes and checks if there * are any Ant attributes, and if so, the method calls the * isEnabled() method on them. * @param owner the UE that owns this RC. * @return true if enabled, false if any of the ant attribures return * false. * @since 1.9.1 */ public boolean isEnabled(UnknownElement owner) { if (!namespacedAttribute) { return true; } ComponentHelper componentHelper = ComponentHelper .getComponentHelper(owner.getProject()); IntrospectionHelper ih = IntrospectionHelper.getHelper( owner.getProject(), EnableAttributeConsumer.class); for (int i = 0; i < attributeMap.keySet().size(); ++i) { String name = (String) attributeMap.keySet().toArray()[i]; AttributeComponentInformation attributeComponentInformation = isRestrictedAttribute(name, componentHelper); if (!attributeComponentInformation.isRestricted()) { continue; } String value = (String) attributeMap.get(name); EnableAttribute enable = null; try { enable = (EnableAttribute) ih.createElement( owner.getProject(), new EnableAttributeConsumer(), attributeComponentInformation.getComponentName()); } catch (BuildException ex) { throw new BuildException( "Unsupported attribute " + attributeComponentInformation.getComponentName()); } if (enable == null) { continue; } value = owner.getProject().replaceProperties(value); // FixMe: need to make config if (!enable.isEnabled(owner, value)) { return false; } } return true; } private String attrToComponent(String a) { // need to remove the prefix int p1 = a.lastIndexOf(':'); int p2 = a.lastIndexOf(':', p1 - 1); return a.substring(0, p2) + a.substring(p1); } /** * Sets the creator of the element to be configured * used to store the element in the parent. * * @param creator the creator object. */ synchronized void setCreator(IntrospectionHelper.Creator creator) { } /** * Get the object for which this RuntimeConfigurable holds the configuration * information. * * @return the object whose configure is held by this instance. */ public synchronized Object getProxy() { return wrappedObject; } /** * Returns the id for this element. * @return the id. */ public synchronized String getId() { return id; } /** * Get the polymorphic type for this element. * @return the ant component type name, null if not set. */ public synchronized String getPolyType() { return polyType; } /** * Set the polymorphic type for this element. * @param polyType the ant component type name, null if not set. */ public synchronized void setPolyType(String polyType) { this.polyType = polyType; } /** * Sets the attributes for the wrapped element. * * @deprecated since 1.6.x. * @param attributes List of attributes defined in the XML for this * element. May be <code>null</code>. */ public synchronized void setAttributes(AttributeList attributes) { this.attributes = new AttributeListImpl(attributes); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { setAttribute(attributes.getName(i), attributes.getValue(i)); } } /** * Set an attribute to a given value. * * @param name the name of the attribute. * @param value the attribute's value. */ public synchronized void setAttribute(String name, String value) { if (name.indexOf(':') != -1) { namespacedAttribute = true; } setAttribute(name, (Object) value); } /** * Set an attribute to a given value. * * @param name the name of the attribute. * @param value the attribute's value. * @since 1.9 */ public synchronized void setAttribute(String name, Object value) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ProjectHelper.ANT_TYPE)) { this.polyType = value == null ? null : value.toString(); } else { if (attributeMap == null) { attributeMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } if ("refid".equalsIgnoreCase(name) && !attributeMap.isEmpty()) { LinkedHashMap<String, Object> newAttributeMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); newAttributeMap.put(name, value); newAttributeMap.putAll(attributeMap); attributeMap = newAttributeMap; } else { attributeMap.put(name, value); } if ("id".equals(name)) { this.id = value == null ? null : value.toString(); } } } /** * Delete an attribute. Not for the faint of heart. * @param name the name of the attribute to be removed. */ public synchronized void removeAttribute(String name) { attributeMap.remove(name); } /** * Return the attribute map. * * @return Attribute name to attribute value map. * @since Ant 1.6 */ public synchronized Hashtable<String, Object> getAttributeMap() { return (attributeMap == null) ? EMPTY_HASHTABLE : new Hashtable<>(attributeMap); } /** * Returns the list of attributes for the wrapped element. * * @deprecated Deprecated since Ant 1.6 in favor of {@link #getAttributeMap}. * @return An AttributeList representing the attributes defined in the * XML for this element. May be <code>null</code>. */ public synchronized AttributeList getAttributes() { return attributes; } /** * Adds a child element to the wrapped element. * * @param child The child element wrapper to add to this one. * Must not be <code>null</code>. */ public synchronized void addChild(RuntimeConfigurable child) { children = (children == null) ? new ArrayList<>() : children; children.add(child); } /** * Returns the child wrapper at the specified position within the list. * * @param index The index of the child to return. * * @return The child wrapper at position <code>index</code> within the * list. */ synchronized RuntimeConfigurable getChild(int index) { return children.get(index); } /** * Returns an enumeration of all child wrappers. * @return an enumeration of the child wrappers. * @since Ant 1.6 */ public synchronized Enumeration<RuntimeConfigurable> getChildren() { return (children == null) ? Collections.emptyEnumeration() : Collections.enumeration(children); } /** * Adds characters from #PCDATA areas to the wrapped element. * * @param data Text to add to the wrapped element. * Should not be <code>null</code>. */ public synchronized void addText(String data) { if (data.length() == 0) { return; } characters = (characters == null) ? new StringBuffer(data) : characters.append(data); } /** * Adds characters from #PCDATA areas to the wrapped element. * * @param buf A character array of the text within the element. * Must not be <code>null</code>. * @param start The start element in the array. * @param count The number of characters to read from the array. * */ public synchronized void addText(char[] buf, int start, int count) { if (count == 0) { return; } characters = ((characters == null) ? new StringBuffer(count) : characters).append(buf, start, count); } /** * Get the text content of this element. Various text chunks are * concatenated, there is no way ( currently ) of keeping track of * multiple fragments. * * @return the text content of this element. * @since Ant 1.6 */ public synchronized StringBuffer getText() { return (characters == null) ? new StringBuffer(0) : characters; } /** * Set the element tag. * @param elementTag The tag name generating this element. */ public synchronized void setElementTag(String elementTag) { this.elementTag = elementTag; } /** * Returns the tag name of the wrapped element. * * @return The tag name of the wrapped element. This is unlikely * to be <code>null</code>, but may be. */ public synchronized String getElementTag() { return elementTag; } /** * Configures the wrapped element and all its children. * The attributes and text for the wrapped element are configured, * and then each child is configured and added. Each time the * wrapper is configured, the attributes and text for it are * reset. * * If the element has an <code>id</code> attribute, a reference * is added to the project as well. * * @param p The project containing the wrapped element. * Must not be <code>null</code>. * * @exception BuildException if the configuration fails, for instance due * to invalid attributes or children, or text being added to * an element which doesn't accept it. */ public void maybeConfigure(Project p) throws BuildException { maybeConfigure(p, true); } /** * Configures the wrapped element. The attributes and text for * the wrapped element are configured. Each time the wrapper is * configured, the attributes and text for it are reset. * * If the element has an <code>id</code> attribute, a reference * is added to the project as well. * * @param p The project containing the wrapped element. * Must not be <code>null</code>. * * @param configureChildren ignored. * * @exception BuildException if the configuration fails, for instance due * to invalid attributes , or text being added to * an element which doesn't accept it. */ public synchronized void maybeConfigure(Project p, boolean configureChildren) throws BuildException { if (proxyConfigured) { return; } // Configure the object Object target = (wrappedObject instanceof TypeAdapter) ? ((TypeAdapter) wrappedObject).getProxy() : wrappedObject; IntrospectionHelper ih = IntrospectionHelper.getHelper(p, target.getClass()); ComponentHelper componentHelper = ComponentHelper.getComponentHelper(p); if (attributeMap != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : attributeMap.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); // skip restricted attributes such as if:set AttributeComponentInformation attributeComponentInformation = isRestrictedAttribute(name, componentHelper); if (attributeComponentInformation.isRestricted()) { continue; } Object value = entry.getValue(); // reflect these into the target, defer for // MacroInstance where properties are expanded for the // nested sequential Object attrValue; if (value instanceof Evaluable<?>) { attrValue = ((Evaluable<?>) value).eval(); } else { attrValue = PropertyHelper.getPropertyHelper(p).parseProperties(value.toString()); } if (target instanceof MacroInstance) { for (Attribute attr : ((MacroInstance) target).getMacroDef().getAttributes()) { if (attr.getName().equals(name)) { if (!attr.isDoubleExpanding()) { attrValue = value; } break; } } } try { ih.setAttribute(p, target, name, attrValue); } catch (UnsupportedAttributeException be) { // id attribute must be set externally if ("id".equals(name)) { // Do nothing } else if (getElementTag() == null) { throw be; } else { throw new BuildException( getElementTag() + " doesn't support the \"" + be.getAttribute() + "\" attribute", be); } } catch (BuildException be) { if ("id".equals(name)) { // Assume that this is an not supported attribute type // thrown for example by a dymanic attribute task // Do nothing } else { throw be; } } } } if (characters != null) { ProjectHelper.addText(p, wrappedObject, characters.substring(0)); } if (id != null) { p.addReference(id, wrappedObject); } proxyConfigured = true; } /** * Reconfigure the element, even if it has already been configured. * * @param p the project instance for this configuration. */ public void reconfigure(Project p) { proxyConfigured = false; maybeConfigure(p); } /** * Apply presets, attributes and text are set if not currently set. * Nested elements are prepended. * * @param r a <code>RuntimeConfigurable</code> value. */ public void applyPreSet(RuntimeConfigurable r) { // Attributes if (r.attributeMap != null) { for (String name : r.attributeMap.keySet()) { if (attributeMap == null || attributeMap.get(name) == null) { setAttribute(name, (String) r.attributeMap.get(name)); } } } // poly type polyType = (polyType == null) ? r.polyType : polyType; // Children (this is a shadow of UnknownElement#children) if (r.children != null) { List<RuntimeConfigurable> newChildren = new ArrayList<>(); newChildren.addAll(r.children); if (children != null) { newChildren.addAll(children); } children = newChildren; } // Text if (r.characters != null) { if (characters == null || characters.toString().trim().isEmpty()) { characters = new StringBuffer(r.characters.toString()); } } } }