package com.github.anno4j.recommendation; import com.github.anno4j.Anno4j; import com.github.anno4j.model.Annotation; import com.github.anno4j.model.impl.targets.SpecificResource; import com.github.anno4j.recommendation.model.SimilarityStatement; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; /** * Class represents a suite to generate similarity annotations. Several algorithms can be registered and then used * according to two supported RDF objects, representing the subject and the object. */ public class RecommendationService { /** * A map of registered algorithms for this RecommendationService */ private Map<String, SimilarityAlgorithm> algorithms; private Anno4j anno4j; /** * Basic constructor. */ public RecommendationService(Anno4j anno4j) { this.algorithms = new HashMap<String, SimilarityAlgorithm>(); this.anno4j = anno4j; } /** * Constructor also setting the algorithms. * * @param algorithms The map of algorithms. */ public RecommendationService(HashMap<String, SimilarityAlgorithm> algorithms) { this.algorithms = algorithms; } public void generateSimilarity(Annotation subject, Annotation object, String algorithmName) { SimilarityAlgorithm algorithm = this.algorithms.get(algorithmName); double similarity = algorithm.calculateSimilarity(subject, object); try { Annotation anno = createSimilarityAnnotation(subject, object, similarity); this.anno4j.getObjectRepository().getConnection().addObject(anno); } catch (RepositoryException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void generateAllSimilarities(Annotation subject, Annotation object) { Iterator iterator = this.algorithms.entrySet().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry); generateSimilarity(subject, object, (String) pair.getKey()); } } private Annotation createSimilarityAnnotation(Annotation subject, Annotation object, double similarity) throws RepositoryException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { Annotation similarityAnnotation = anno4j.createObject(Annotation.class); SpecificResource specificResource = anno4j.createObject(SpecificResource.class); specificResource.setSource(subject); similarityAnnotation.addTarget(specificResource); SimilarityStatement statement = anno4j.createObject(SimilarityStatement.class); statement.setSubject(subject); statement.setObject(object); statement.setSimilarity(similarity); similarityAnnotation.addBody(statement); return similarityAnnotation; } /** * Method to register a new algorithm. * * @param key The key for the new algorithm. * @param algorithm The instance of the algorithm. */ public void addAlgorithm(String key, SimilarityAlgorithm algorithm) { this.algorithms.put(key, algorithm); } /** * Method to remove an algorithm from the registered map. * * @param key The key */ public void removeAlgorithm(String key) { this.algorithms.remove(key); } /** * Gets A map of registered algorithms for this RecommendationService. * * @return Value of A map of registered algorithms for this RecommendationService. */ public Map<String, SimilarityAlgorithm> getAlgorithms() { return algorithms; } /** * Sets new A map of registered algorithms for this RecommendationService. * * @param algorithms New value of A map of registered algorithms for this RecommendationService. */ public void setAlgorithms(Map<String, SimilarityAlgorithm> algorithms) { this.algorithms = algorithms; } }