package com.github.anno4j.model.impl; import com.github.anno4j.Anno4j; import com.github.anno4j.example.TextAnnotationBody; import com.github.anno4j.model.Annotation; import com.github.anno4j.model.impl.agent.Person; import com.github.anno4j.model.impl.agent.Software; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.openrdf.idGenerator.IDGenerator; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException; import; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public class ResourceObjectTest { private Anno4j anno4j; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { this.anno4j = new Anno4j(); } @Test public void testSetResourceAsString() throws Exception { ResourceObject resourceObject = anno4j.createObject(ResourceObject.class); resourceObject.setResourceAsString(""); anno4j.persist(resourceObject); ResourceObject resourceObject1 = anno4j.findByID(ResourceObject.class, resourceObject.getResourceAsString()); assertEquals("", resourceObject1.getResourceAsString()); } @Test public void testAutomaticResourceNaming() throws RepositoryException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { ResourceObject resourceObject = anno4j.createObject(ResourceObject.class); assertNotEquals(IDGenerator.BLANK_RESOURCE, resourceObject.getResource()); ResourceObject resourceResult = anno4j.findByID(ResourceObject.class, resourceObject.getResourceAsString()); assertEquals(resourceObject.getResourceAsString(), resourceResult.getResourceAsString()); } @Test public void testGetNTriples() throws Exception { Annotation annotation = anno4j.createObject(Annotation.class); annotation.setCreated("2015-01-28T12:00:00Z"); annotation.setGenerated("2015-01-28T12:00:00Z"); Annotation an = anno4j.findByID(Annotation.class, annotation.getResourceAsString()); String output = an.getTriples(RDFFormat.NTRIPLES); System.out.println("output" + output); assertTrue(output.contains("<> <>")); assertTrue(output.contains(" <> ")); assertTrue(output.contains(" <> ")); } @Test public void testGetTriplesWithTurtle() throws RepositoryException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { // Create arbitrary annotation with some provenance information Annotation annotation = anno4j.createObject(Annotation.class); annotation.setCreated("2015-01-28T12:00:00Z"); // Create a (for test cases only) textual body TextAnnotationBody body = anno4j.createObject(TextAnnotationBody.class); String value = "someValue"; String format = "someFormat"; String language = "someLanguage"; body.setValue(value); body.setFormat(format); body.setLanguage(language); // Add the body to the annotation annotation.addBody(body); Annotation an = anno4j.findByID(Annotation.class, annotation.getResourceAsString()); String output = an.getTriples(RDFFormat.TURTLE); // Check for the specific annotation id assertTrue(output.contains("<" + an.getResourceAsString() + ">")); // Check annotation type assertTrue(output.contains("a <>")); // Check provenance assertTrue(output.contains("<> " + "\"" + "2015-01-28T12:00:00Z" + "\"")); // Check that the annotation has a body assertTrue(output.contains("<> <" + body.getResourceAsString() + ">")); // Check body values assertTrue(output.contains("<" + body.getResourceAsString() + "> ")); assertTrue(output.contains("a <>")); assertTrue(output.contains("<> \"" + format + "\"")); assertTrue(output.contains("<> \"" + language + "\"")); assertTrue(output.contains("<> \"" + value + "\"")); } @Test public void testGetTriplesWithJSONLD() throws RepositoryException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { // Create arbitrary annotation with some provenance information Annotation annotation = this.anno4j.createObject(Annotation.class); annotation.setCreated("2015-01-28T12:00:00Z"); // Create a (for test cases only) textual body TextAnnotationBody body = anno4j.createObject(TextAnnotationBody.class); String value = "someValue"; String format = "someFormat"; String language = "someLanguage"; body.setValue(value); body.setFormat(format); body.setLanguage(language); // Add the body to the annotation annotation.addBody(body); Annotation an = anno4j.findByID(Annotation.class, annotation.getResourceAsString()); String output = an.getTriples(RDFFormat.JSONLD); // Create Strings that need to be contained in the JSONLD output (at some place) String jsonldBody = " \"@id\" : \"" + body.getResourceAsString() + "\",\n" + " \"@type\" : [ \"\", \"\" ],\n" + " \"\" : [ {\n" + " \"@value\" : \"" + body.getFormat() + "\"\n" + " } ],\n" + " \"\" : [ {\n" + " \"@value\" : \"" + body.getLanguage() + "\"\n" + " } ],\n" + " \"\" : [ {\n" + " \"@value\" : \"" + body.getValue() + "\""; String jsondldAnnotation = " \"@id\" : \"" + an.getResourceAsString() + "\",\n" + " \"@type\" : [ \"\" ],\n" + " \"\" : [ {\n" + " \"@value\" : \"" + an.getCreated() + "\"\n" + " } ],\n" + " \"\" : [ {\n" + " \"@id\" : \"" + body.getResourceAsString() + "\""; // Test if the crucial annotation information is present assertTrue(output.contains(jsondldAnnotation)); // Test if the crucial body information is present assertTrue(output.contains(jsonldBody)); } @Test public void testGetTriplesOnAgent() throws RepositoryException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { Annotation annotation = anno4j.createObject(Annotation.class); annotation.setCreated("2015-01-28T12:00:00Z"); Software softwareAgent = anno4j.createObject(Software.class); softwareAgent.setHomepage(""); softwareAgent.setName("SoftwareAgentName"); Person personAgent = anno4j.createObject(Person.class); personAgent.setName("PersonAgentName"); personAgent.setNickname("PersonNick"); annotation.setCreator(softwareAgent); annotation.setGenerator(personAgent); Annotation an = anno4j.findByID(Annotation.class, annotation.getResourceAsString()); String output = an.getTriples(RDFFormat.JSONLD); String jsonldPersonType1 = ""; String jsonldPersonType2 = ""; String jsonldPerson = "\"\" : [ {\n" + " \"@value\" : \"PersonAgentName\"\n" + " } ],\n" + " \"\" : [ {\n" + " \"@value\" : \"PersonNick\"\n" + " } ]"; assertTrue(output.contains(jsonldPersonType1)); assertTrue(output.contains(jsonldPersonType2)); assertTrue(output.contains(jsonldPerson)); String jsonoldSoftwareType1 = ""; String jsonoldSoftwareType2 = ""; String jsondldSoftware = "\"\" : [ {\n" + " \"@value\" : \"\"\n" + " } ],\n" + " \"\" : [ {\n" + " \"@value\" : \"SoftwareAgentName\"\n" + " } ]"; assertTrue(output.contains(jsonoldSoftwareType1)); assertTrue(output.contains(jsonoldSoftwareType2)); assertTrue(output.contains(jsondldSoftware)); } }