package com.github.anno4j.querying; import com.github.anno4j.model.Annotation; import com.github.anno4j.model.impl.ResourceObject; import com.github.anno4j.model.namespaces.*; import com.github.anno4j.querying.evaluation.EvalQuery; import com.github.anno4j.querying.evaluation.LDPathEvaluatorConfiguration; import com.github.anno4j.querying.extension.QueryEvaluator; import com.github.anno4j.querying.extension.QueryExtension; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query; import org.apache.marmotta.ldpath.api.functions.SelectorFunction; import org.apache.marmotta.ldpath.api.functions.TestFunction; import org.apache.marmotta.ldpath.backend.sesame.SesameValueBackend; import org.apache.marmotta.ldpath.model.Constants; import org.apache.marmotta.ldpath.parser.Configuration; import org.apache.marmotta.ldpath.parser.DefaultConfiguration; import org.apache.marmotta.ldpath.parser.ParseException; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.OWL; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDFS; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.SKOS; import org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException; import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException; import org.openrdf.repository.object.ObjectConnection; import org.openrdf.repository.object.ObjectQuery; import org.openrdf.repository.object.ObjectRepository; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * The QueryService allows to query triple stores by using criteria. Furthermore * this is provided by simple classes. This is why the user does not need to write SPARQL queries * by himself. * * @author Andreas Eisenkolb ( */ public class QueryService { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryService.class); private ObjectConnection connection; /** * Bundles the: * * <ul> * <li>prefixes</li> * <li>criteria</li> * <li>configuration</li> * </ul> * * into a single object, so it can be passed to the * EvalQuery object for further processing. */ private QueryServiceConfiguration queryServiceDTO; /** * Limit value of the query */ private Integer limit = null; /** * Offset value for the query */ private Integer offset = null; /** * Object to apply optimization strategies to SPARQL queries */ private QueryOptimizer queryOptimizer = null; public <T> QueryService(ObjectConnection connection, LDPathEvaluatorConfiguration evaluatorConfiguration) { this.connection = connection; this.queryServiceDTO = new QueryServiceConfiguration(); queryServiceDTO.setEvaluatorConfiguration(evaluatorConfiguration); queryServiceDTO.setConfiguration(createLDPathConfiguration()); this.queryOptimizer = QueryOptimizer.getInstance(); // Setting some common name spaces addPrefix(OADM.PREFIX, OADM.NS); addPrefix(CNT.PREFIX, CNT.NS); addPrefix(DC.PREFIX, DC.NS); addPrefix(DCTERMS.PREFIX, DCTERMS.NS); addPrefix(DCTYPES.PREFIX, DCTYPES.NS); addPrefix(FOAF.PREFIX, FOAF.NS); addPrefix(PROV.PREFIX, PROV.NS); addPrefix(RDF.PREFIX, RDF.NS); addPrefix(OWL.PREFIX, OWL.NAMESPACE); addPrefix(RDFS.PREFIX, RDFS.NAMESPACE); addPrefix(SKOS.PREFIX, SKOS.NAMESPACE); } private Configuration createLDPathConfiguration() { DefaultConfiguration config = new DefaultConfiguration(); for (Map.Entry<Class<? extends TestFunction>, Class<QueryEvaluator>> entry : queryServiceDTO.getEvaluatorConfiguration().getTestFunctionEvaluators().entrySet()) { try { TestFunction newInstance = entry.getKey().newInstance(); config.addTestFunction(Constants.NS_LMF_FUNCS + newInstance.getLocalName(), newInstance); logger.debug("Registering TestFunction " + entry.getKey().getCanonicalName()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not instantiate TestFunction: " + entry.getKey().getCanonicalName()); } } for (Map.Entry<Class<? extends SelectorFunction>, Class<QueryEvaluator>> entry : queryServiceDTO.getEvaluatorConfiguration().getFunctionEvaluators().entrySet()) { try { SelectorFunction newInstance = entry.getKey().newInstance(); config.addFunction(Constants.NS_LMF_FUNCS + newInstance.getPathExpression(new SesameValueBackend()), newInstance); logger.debug("Registering Function " + entry.getKey().getCanonicalName()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not instantiate Function: " + entry.getKey().getCanonicalName()); } } return config; } public Map<String, String> getPrefixes() { return queryServiceDTO.getPrefixes(); } public ArrayList<Criteria> getCriteria() { return queryServiceDTO.getCriteria(); } /** * Setting a criteria for filtering eu.mico.platform.persistence.impl.AnnotationImpl objects. * * @param ldpath Syntax similar to XPath. Beginning from the Annotation object * @param comparison The comparison mode, e.g. Comparison.EQ (=) * @param value The constraint value * @return itself to allow chaining. */ public QueryService addCriteria(String ldpath, String value, Comparison comparison) { queryServiceDTO.getCriteria().add(new Criteria(ldpath, value, comparison)); return this; } /** * Setting a criteria for filtering eu.mico.platform.persistence.impl.AnnotationImpl objects. * * @param ldpath Syntax similar to XPath. Beginning from the Annotation object * @param comparison The comparison mode, e.g. Comparison.EQ (=) * @param value The constraint value * @return itself to allow chaining. */ public QueryService addCriteria(String ldpath, Number value, Comparison comparison) { queryServiceDTO.getCriteria().add(new Criteria(ldpath, value, comparison)); return this; } /** * Setting a criteria for filtering eu.mico.platform.persistence.impl.AnnotationImpl objects. Compared to the * other <i>addCriteria</i> function, this function does not need a Comparison statement. Hence, the * <b>Comparison.EQ</b> statement ("=") will be used automatically. * * @param ldpath Syntax similar to XPath. Beginning from the Annotation object * @param value The constraint value * @return itself to allow chaining. */ public QueryService addCriteria(String ldpath, String value) { return addCriteria(ldpath, value, Comparison.EQ); } /** * Setting a criteria for filtering eu.mico.platform.persistence.impl.AnnotationImpl objects. Compared to the * other <i>addCriteria</i> function, this function does not need a Comparison statement. Hence, the * <b>Comparison.EQ</b> statement ("=") will be used automatically. * * @param ldpath Syntax similar to XPath. Beginning from the Annotation object * @param value The constraint value * @return itself to allow chaining. */ public QueryService addCriteria(String ldpath, Number value) { return addCriteria(ldpath, value, Comparison.EQ); } /** * Setting a criteria for filtering eu.mico.platform.persistence.impl.AnnotationImpl objects. * * @param ldpath Syntax similar to XPath. Beginning from the Annotation object * @return itself to allow chaining. */ public QueryService addCriteria(String ldpath) { queryServiceDTO.getCriteria().add(new Criteria(ldpath, Comparison.EQ)); return this; } /** * Adding a criteria object to the QueryService * * @param criteria The criteria object * @return itself to allow chaining. */ public QueryService addCriteria(Criteria criteria) { queryServiceDTO.getCriteria().add(criteria); return this; } /** * Setting shortcut names for URI prefixes. * * @param label The label of the namespace, e.g. foaf * @param url The URL * @return itself to allow chaining. */ public QueryService addPrefix(String label, String url) { queryServiceDTO.getPrefixes().put(label, url); return this; } /** * Setting multiple names for URI prefixes. * * @param prefixes HashMap with multiple namespaces. * @return itself to allow chaining. */ public QueryService addPrefixes(HashMap<String, String> prefixes) { queryServiceDTO.getPrefixes().putAll(prefixes); return this; } /** * Setting the limit value. * * @param limit The limit value. * @return itself to allow chaining. */ public QueryService limit(Integer limit) { this.limit = limit; return this; } /** * Setting the offset value. * * @param offset The offset value. * @return itself to allow chaining. */ public QueryService offset(Integer offset) { this.offset = offset; return this; } /** * Creates and executes the SPARQL query according to the * criteria specified by the user. * * @return the result set of annotations */ public List<Annotation> execute() throws ParseException, RepositoryException, MalformedQueryException, QueryEvaluationException { return this.execute(Annotation.class); } /** * Creates and executes the SPARQL query according to the * criteria specified by the user. * * @param <T> type Type of the expected result. * @return the result set */ public <T extends ResourceObject> List<T> execute(Class<T> type) throws ParseException, RepositoryException, MalformedQueryException, QueryEvaluationException { URI rootType = connection.getObjectFactory().getNameOf(type); if (rootType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't query for: " + type + " not found in name map. Is @Iri annotation set?"); } Query sparql = EvalQuery.evaluate(queryServiceDTO, rootType); // LDPath allows distinct. May have bad performance. sparql.setDistinct(true); if (limit != null) { sparql.setLimit(limit); } if (offset != null) { sparql.setOffset(offset); } // Print with line numbers // sparql.serialize(new IndentedWriter(System.out, true)); // System.out.println(); String q = sparql.serialize(); logger.debug("Initial query:\n" + queryOptimizer.prettyPrint(q)); // Optimize the join order q = queryOptimizer.optimizeJoinOrder(q); logger.debug("Query after join order optimization:\n " + q); ObjectQuery query = connection.prepareObjectQuery(q); if (query.getDataset() != null) {"\nGRAPH CONTEXT = " + query.getDataset().getDefaultGraphs() + "\nFINAL QUERY :\n" + q); } else {"\nFINAL QUERY :\n" + q); } return (List<T>) query.evaluate().asList(); } public Configuration getConfiguration() { return queryServiceDTO.getConfiguration(); } public LDPathEvaluatorConfiguration getEvaluatorConfiguration() { return queryServiceDTO.getEvaluatorConfiguration(); } /** * Creating and returning an instance of the passed type. This allows the * user to invoke specific methods of the extension class without * loosing convenience of the fluid interface, Anno4j provides. * * @param type the type of the extension. * @param <S> generic, because the type of the extension class can differ. * @return an instance of the passed class * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException */ public <S extends QueryExtension> S useExtension(Class<S> type) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { QueryExtension q = type.newInstance(); q.setQueryService(this); return (S) q; } }