package com.androidol.util.tiles.packager; import com.androidol.basetypes.Size; import com.androidol.util.Util; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; public class TilesUrlBuilder { /** * * @param maxExtent * @param tileExtent * @param tileSize * @param res * @param zoom * @return */ /* public String createTileUrl(Envelope maxExtent, Envelope tileExtent, Size tileSize, Coordinate tileOrigin, double res, int zoom) { //This is for OSM map tiles String baseUrl = ""; String mimeType = "png"; //double res =; int x = (int)Math.round((tileExtent.getMinX() - maxExtent.getMinX()) / (res * tileSize.getWidth())); int y = (int)Math.round((maxExtent.getMaxY() - tileExtent.getMaxY()) / (res * tileSize.getHeight())); int z = zoom; int limit = (int)Math.pow(2, z); if(y<0 || y>=limit) { return null; } else { x = ((x%limit) + limit)% limit; String url = baseUrl; String path = z + "/" + x + "/" + y + "." + mimeType; return url + path; } } */ public String createTileUrl(Envelope maxExtent, Envelope tileExtent, Size tileSize, Coordinate tileOrigin, double res, int zoom) { String baseUrl = "http://zeon/tms/o34117a5"; String mimeType = "png"; int x = (int)Math.round((tileExtent.getMinX() - tileOrigin.x)/(res * tileSize.getWidth())); int y = (int)Math.round(Math.abs(tileExtent.getMinY() - (tileOrigin.y)) / (res * tileSize.getHeight())); // to be overridden by subclass so commented // use name instead of layer name, String path = "/" + zoom + "/" + x + "/" + y + "." + mimeType; //Util.printDebugMessage(" ...tile url is: " + url + path + "..."); return baseUrl + path; } /** * */ /* public String createTileUrl(Envelope maxExtent, Envelope tileExtent, Size tileSize, Coordinate tileOrigin, double res, int zoom) { * This is for ArcGIS Online tiled map service String baseUrl = ""; String mimeType = "jpg"; if(maxExtent.intersects(tileExtent) == true) { int col; if(tileOrigin.x <= tileExtent.getMinX()) { col = (int)Math.round((tileExtent.getMinX() - tileOrigin.x) / (res * tileSize.getWidth())); } else if(tileOrigin.x >= tileExtent.getMaxX()) { col = (int)Math.round((tileOrigin.x - tileExtent.getMaxX()) / (res * tileSize.getWidth())); } else { return null; } int row; if(tileOrigin.y >= tileExtent.getMaxY()) { row = (int)Math.round((tileOrigin.y - tileExtent.getMaxY()) / (res * tileSize.getHeight())); } else if(tileOrigin.y <= tileExtent.getMinY()) { row = (int)Math.round((tileExtent.getMinY() - tileOrigin.y) / (res * tileSize.getHeight())); } else { return null; } String path = ""; if(mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("") == true) { path = zoom + "/" + row + "/" + col; } else { path = zoom + "/" + row + "/" + col + "." + mimeType; } return baseUrl + path; } else { // area outside of tiles' full extent return null; } } */ }