package com.androidol.util.tiles; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import com.androidol.R; import android.content.Context; import; import; import com.androidol.constants.UtilConstants; import; import; import com.androidol.exceptions.TileFileCorruptedException; //import; //import; import com.androidol.layer.Layer; import com.androidol.util.Util; import com.androidol.test.TestActivity; import com.androidol.tile.Tile; public class TileProvider implements UtilConstants { // =========================================================== // fields // =========================================================== protected Bitmap loadingTile; // static bitmap tile for loading protected Bitmap transparentTile; // static transparent bitmap tile public Bitmap missingTile; // static error bitmap tile protected Context context; protected Layer layer; protected TileCache tileCache; //protected TileHttpLoader httpLoader; protected TileHttpFutureLoader httpLoader; //protected TileFileSystemLoader fileSystemLoader; //protected TileFileSystemFutureLoader fileSystemLoader; protected TileSDCardFutureLoader fileSystemLoader; //protected TileZippedSDCardFutureLoader fileSystemLoader; public TileEvents events = new TileEvents(); protected ConcurrentHashMap<String, ArrayList<Future<?>>> fsLoaderThreadQueue = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ArrayList<Future<?>>>(); protected ConcurrentHashMap<String, ArrayList<Future<?>>> httpLoaderThreadQueue = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ArrayList<Future<?>>>(); protected boolean isOfflineMode = false; /** * Constructor TileProvider * * @param context * @param mapViewUpdateListener */ public TileProvider(final Context context) { this.loadingTile = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.loading); this.transparentTile = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.transparent); this.missingTile = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.missing); this.context = context; this.tileCache = new TileCache(); //this.fileSystemLoader = new TileFileSystemLoader(context, DISK_CACHE_SIZE, this.tileCache,; //this.fileSystemLoader = new TileFileSystemFutureLoader(context, DISK_CACHE_SIZE, this.tileCache,; this.fileSystemLoader = new TileSDCardFutureLoader(context, DISK_CACHE_SIZE, this.tileCache,; //this.fileSystemLoader = new TileZippedSDCardFutureLoader(context, DISK_CACHE_SIZE, this.tileCache,; // TODO: if it is TileZippedSDCardFutureLoader, always set isOfflineMode to true //this.httpLoader = new TileHttpLoader(context, this.fileSystemLoader,; this.httpLoader = new TileHttpFutureLoader(context, this.fileSystemLoader,; //this.pendingQueue = new LinkedList<String>(); //this.pendingMatrix = new LinkedHashMap<Layer, LinkedHashMap<String, String>>(); } /** * getTile() for getting tiles in synchronize mode * * @param url * @param loadingTile * @param tile * @return */ /* public Bitmap getTile(final String url, Bitmap loadingTile, Tile tile) { // return static tile image if(url.equalsIgnoreCase("R.drawable.transparent") == true) { return this.transparentTile; } else if(url.equalsIgnoreCase("R.drawable.missing") == true) { return this.missingTile; } Bitmap bitmap = null; try { bitmap = this.fileSystemLoader.loadTileToMemorySync(url); } catch(Exception e) { //Util.printDebugMessage("...tile " + url + " not found on disk...try loading from http...."); //Util.printErrorMessage("...error(" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ") loading tile from disk...", e);, new Event(TileEvents.FS_LOAD_FAILURE, null)); bitmap = loadingTile; this.httpLoader.getTileAsync(url, tile); } return bitmap; } */ /** * API Method: getTile * * @param url * @return */ public Bitmap getTile(final String url, Tile tile) { return getTile(url, this.loadingTile, tile); } /** * getTile * * @param url * @return */ public Bitmap getTile(final String url, final String signature, Tile tile) { return getTile(url, signature, this.loadingTile, tile); } /** * getTile() for getting tiles in asynchronize mode * * @param url * @param loadingTile * @return bitmap */ public Bitmap getTile(final String url, Bitmap loadingTile, Tile tile) { return getTile(url, null, this.loadingTile, tile); } /** * * @param url * @param signature * @param loadingTile * @param tile * @return */ public Bitmap getTile(final String url, final String signature, Bitmap loadingTile, Tile tile) { // return static tile image if(url.equalsIgnoreCase("R.drawable.transparent") == true) { return this.transparentTile; } else if(url.equalsIgnoreCase("R.drawable.missing") == true) { return this.missingTile; } Bitmap bitmap = this.tileCache.getTile(url); if(bitmap != null && bitmap.isRecycled()==false){ //Util.printDebugMessage("...tile found in cache: " + url + "..."); //, new Event(TileEvents.MEM_LOAD_SUCCESS, url)); } else{ //Util.printDebugMessage("...tile " + url + " not found in cache...try loading from disk...."); //, new Event(TileEvents.MEM_LOAD_FAILURE, url)); try { // TileFileSystemFutureLoader this.fileSystemLoader.loadTileToMemoryAsync(url, signature, tile); // TileFileSystemLoader //this.fileSystemLoader.loadTileToMemoryAsync(url, tile); // apply thread canceling for FS loading // there seems no need to to thread canceling for FS loading cuz it's too fast // uncomment out this to enable FS loading thread canceling /* Future<?> future = this.fileSystemLoader.loadTileToMemoryAsync(url, signature, tile); if(future != null) { if(signature!=null && "".equalsIgnoreCase(signature)==false) { if(this.fsLoaderThreadQueue.get(signature) == null) { ArrayList<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<?>>(); this.fsLoaderThreadQueue.put(signature, futures); } this.fsLoaderThreadQueue.get(signature).add(future); } } */ bitmap = loadingTile; } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { if(this.isOfflineMode == false) { //Util.printDebugMessage("...tile " + url + " not found on disk...try loading from http...."); //, new Event(TileEvents.FS_LOAD_FAILURE, null)); bitmap = loadingTile; Future<?> future = this.httpLoader.getTileAsync(url, signature, tile); if(future != null) { if(signature!=null && "".equalsIgnoreCase(signature)==false) { if(this.httpLoaderThreadQueue.get(signature) == null) { ArrayList<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<?>>(); this.httpLoaderThreadQueue.put(signature, futures); } this.httpLoaderThreadQueue.get(signature).add(future); } } } else { // offline mode, no need to load tile from internet just return missing tile if((this.layer.isBaseLayer()==true) && (this.layer.isVisible()==true)) { bitmap = missingTile; } else { bitmap = transparentTile; } } } catch(TileFileCorruptedException e) { if(this.isOfflineMode == false) { Util.printDebugMessage("...tile " + url + " corrupted on disk...try loading from http...."); //, new Event(TileEvents.FS_LOAD_FAILURE, null)); bitmap = loadingTile; Future<?> future = this.httpLoader.getTileAsync(url, signature, tile); if(future != null) { if(signature!=null && "".equalsIgnoreCase(signature)==false) { if(this.httpLoaderThreadQueue.get(signature) == null) { ArrayList<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<?>>(); this.httpLoaderThreadQueue.put(signature, futures); } this.httpLoaderThreadQueue.get(signature).add(future); } } } else { // offline mode, no need to load tile from internet just return missing tile // offline mode, no need to load tile from internet just return missing tile if((this.layer.isBaseLayer()==true) && (this.layer.isVisible()==true)) { bitmap = missingTile; } else { bitmap = transparentTile; } } } catch(Exception e) { Util.printDebugMessage("...tile can not be loaded for other reason...use transparent tile..."); if((this.layer.isBaseLayer()==true) && (this.layer.isVisible()==true)) { bitmap = missingTile; } else { bitmap = transparentTile; } Util.printErrorMessage(e.getMessage()); } } return bitmap; } /** * API Method: getLoadingTile */ public Bitmap getLoadingTile() { return this.loadingTile; } /** * API Method: getTransparentTile */ public Bitmap getTransparentTile() { return this.transparentTile; } /** * API Method: setLoadingTile */ public void setLoadingTile(Bitmap newLoadingTile) { if(newLoadingTile != null) { this.loadingTile = newLoadingTile; } } /** * API Method: setMissingTile */ public void setMissingTile(Bitmap newMissingTile) { if(newMissingTile != null) { this.missingTile = newMissingTile; } } /** * API Method: setTransparentTile */ public void setTransparentTile(Bitmap newTransparentTile) { if(newTransparentTile != null) { this.transparentTile = newTransparentTile; } } public void cleanupFSLoaderThreadQueue() { cleanupThreadQueue(null, this.fsLoaderThreadQueue); } /** * */ public void cleanupFSLoaderThreadQueue(String signature) { // uncomment out this to enable FS loading thread canceling //cleanupThreadQueue(signature, this.fsLoaderThreadQueue); } /** * */ public void cleanupHTTPLoaderThreadQueue(String signature) { cleanupThreadQueue(signature, this.httpLoaderThreadQueue); } /** * cleanupThreadQueue(String signature, ConcurrentHashMap<String, ArrayList<Future<?>>> queue) */ private void cleanupThreadQueue(String signature, ConcurrentHashMap<String, ArrayList<Future<?>>> queue) { Iterator<String> iterator = queue.keySet().iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { String key = (String); if(key!=null && key.equalsIgnoreCase(signature)==false) { ArrayList<Future<?>> threads = queue.get(key); if(threads != null) { for(int i=0; i<threads.size(); i++) { if(threads.get(i) != null) { if(threads.get(i).isDone() == false) { //Util.printDebugMessage("...cancel thread with signature: " + key); if(threads.get(i).cancel(true)) { // TODO: when canceled, must remove the url from pendingQueue //Util.printDebugMessage("...successfully canceled thread with signature: " + key); } else { //Util.printDebugMessage(" to cancel thread with signature: " + key); } } else { //Util.printDebugMessage("...thread is finished with signature: " + key); } } } } iterator.remove(); } } } /** * API Method: addToPendingQueue * @param url */ /* public synchronized void addToPendingQueue(String url) { //Util.printDebugMessage(" ...try to add tile " + url + "..."); if(this.pendingQueue.contains(url) == false) { //Util.printDebugMessage(" ...add tile " + url + "..."); this.pendingQueue.add(url); } } */ /** * API Method: addToPendingMatrix * @param url */ /* public synchronized void addToPendingMatrix(Tile tile) { if(this.pendingMatrix.containsKey(tile.getLayer()) == false) { this.pendingMatrix.put(tile.getLayer(), new LinkedHashMap<String, String>()); // TODO: this does not indicate if loading of a layer is just started, find something else } if(this.pendingMatrix.get(tile.getLayer()).containsKey(tile.getUrl()) == false) { this.pendingMatrix.get(tile.getLayer()).put(tile.getUrl(), tile.getUrl()); } } */ /** * API Method: removeFromPendingQueue * @param url */ /* public synchronized void removeFromPendingQueue(String url) { //Util.printDebugMessage(" ...try to remove tile " + url + "..."); if(this.pendingQueue.contains(url) == true) { this.pendingQueue.remove(url); //Util.printDebugMessage(" ...tile " + url + " removed..."); } } */ /** * API Method: removeFromPendingMatrix * @param tile */ /* public synchronized void removeFromPendingMatrix(Tile tile) { if(this.pendingMatrix.containsKey(tile.getLayer()) == true) { if(this.pendingMatrix.get(tile.getLayer()).containsKey(tile.getUrl()) == true) { this.pendingMatrix.get(tile.getLayer()).remove(tile.getUrl()); //tile.getLayer().events.triggerEvent(LayerEvents.TILE_LOADED, new Event()); } if(this.pendingMatrix.get(tile.getLayer()).size() == 0) { this.pendingMatrix.remove(tile.getLayer()); // TODO: this does not indicate if loading of a layer is finished, find something else } } } */ /** * API Method: isStillLoading * * @return * check whether tile provider is still loading some time from disk or Internet */ public boolean isStillLoading() { if(this.httpLoader.pendingQueue.size() == 0 && this.fileSystemLoader.pendingQueue.size() == 0 ) { return false; } return true; } public boolean isFSStillLoading() { if(this.fileSystemLoader.pendingQueue.size() == 0 ) { return false; } return true; } public boolean isHTTPStillLoading() { if(this.httpLoader.pendingQueue.size() == 0 ) { return false; } return true; } // ================================================================================================== // getters & setters // ================================================================================================== public boolean isOfflineMode() { return isOfflineMode; } public void setOfflineMode(boolean isOfflineMode) { this.isOfflineMode = isOfflineMode; } public Layer getLayer() { return layer; } public void setLayer(Layer layer) { this.layer = layer; // pass layer name or id to TileProvider as root output folder on SD card if(this.layer.getName()!=null && "".equalsIgnoreCase(this.layer.getName())==false) { this.fileSystemLoader.setRootOutputPath(this.layer.getName().replace(' ', '_')); } } // ================================================================================================== // private class // ================================================================================================== /* private class TileLoaderCallable implements Callable<Bitmap> { protected String url = ""; protected String signature = ""; protected Tile tile = null; public TileLoaderCallable(String url, String signature, Tile tile) { super(); this.url = url; this.signature = signature; this.tile = tile; } @Override public Bitmap call() throws TileFileCorruptedException { //Util.printDebugMessage("@...started a TileLoaderCallable thread...url: " + this.url); Bitmap bitmap = null; try { //Thread.sleep(1000); Future<Bitmap> future = TileProvider.this.fileSystemLoader.loadTileToMemoryAsync2(url, tile); if(TileProvider.this.fsLoaderThreadQueue.get(this.signature) == null) { ArrayList<Future<Bitmap>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Bitmap>>(); TileProvider.this.fsLoaderThreadQueue.put(this.signature, futures); } TileProvider.this.fsLoaderThreadQueue.get(this.signature).add(future); bitmap = future.get(); } catch(TileFileCorruptedException e) { throw e; } catch(ExecutionException e) { throw new TileFileCorruptedException(""); } catch(InterruptedException e) { throw new TileFileCorruptedException(""); } if(bitmap!=null && bitmap.isRecycled()==false) { return bitmap; } else { throw new TileFileCorruptedException(""); } //Util.printDebugMessage("@...finished a TileLoaderCallable thread...url: " + this.url); } } */ }